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BrennKommando ago

because the angel investor Putt announced last year "must" be the VPN provider that offered free trials to a few goats, PIA, despite zero evidence of that being true.

Scroll down to How can I contact you? and look up the email address that used to be [email protected] but is now [email protected]. Now scroll down to Technology and there you will find the link to the domain Then have a look around Here. Those are facts!

The part about Voat shutting down or rebranding to a Jew friendly version on the other hand is admittedly still just speculation on my part. Between Putt distancing himself from Voat, cynabuns also disappearing, Voat being overrun by spambots and actual shills no longer needing ccp to post and statements from another PIA related asset such as this, you have to admit something is terribly off with the state of Voat. Something that to me looks very much like by design.

I could be wrong of course, let's hope I am, but if I'm right there are people here on Voat that deserve a fair chance to set up a backup plan.

argosciv ago

You do realize that Voat has been using Edon assets/tech since before PIA made any offer to Voat users, right?

The "Voat" compromised agenda has been running under various auspices, from the same people who continue to use this site, for years. Nothing about the claim that Voat's free speech/privacy ideals are under threat has ever held any weight. Notice that people are still free to say whatever controversial shit they want, up to an including spreading fear-mongering bs.

Nobody is stopping anyone from making their backup plans and nobody is forcing anyone to stay on a site they do not trust.

BrennKommando ago

I know it's easy to get tunnel vision, but I'm not part of the fear mongering narrative. There are about 10 of us that have intentionally stayed quiet about this for 2 months precisely because we knew the outcome of bringing it out into the light. Had everything been fine in Voatland it would have remained that way, but we had time against us if things really are as we suspect.

As for the about link I refer to it because it was changed very recently despite not being on the main page.

And lets have a look at the oldest post mentioning Edon and Voat while we are at it.

argosciv ago

Should have responded to this in my previous comment, but:

And lets have a look at the oldest post mentioning Edon and Voat while we are at it.

Actually, I'm referring to the fact that edon has been in the site's scripts for ages. I've delved into the site's front-end code many times out of curiosity, long before the whole PIA thing, and edon has been present since before then if I recall correctly.

BrennKommando ago

Possibly. But it didn't become a separate entity till very recently. I would never have found the link if didn't suddenly have it's own domain. At any rate I think it's nitpicking over an irrelevant detail. There are some solid aspects of Voat's code so that would naturally be reused for a new platform. One I could fear us "vile Nazi's" might not be welcome on.

So you see my concern isn't about Voat being a honeypot or not. It's about having a platform altogether in a world that clearly would like to see us deplatformed from everywhere.

argosciv ago

irrelevant detail

Wrong. The page is unused. So who edited it and when is very relevant, given that it is being used as the basis for the claim about Voat being compromised over news of the PIA/KAPE merger.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @MadWorld @PuttItOut

BrennKommando ago

I assume Putt is still the only one with access so it would be him. I also don't think you are getting what I'm saying perhaps? So PIA despite Jewish relations had accepted Voat as a platform to support because they believed in free speech. When Kape got involved that was no longer acceptable because of the Jews/Nazi's contradiction. However they're not going to throw away technology that could easily be repurposed into something useful. There are a lot of aspects about Voat that is arguably superior to Reddit from a tech standpoint.

Putt being offered the choice of letting Voat die as funding ran out or continue working with it under a new name for a new audience would naturally accept the latter.

It's a theory. There are other of varying degrees of plausibility. I'm still not trying to convince you of anything I could be wrong about. But I am telling you because it could be worth taking some precautions even if you never end up using them. I'm mostly a shitposter I will have no issue finding a new home. The larger majority of Voat will not have it as easy if it comes to that.

argosciv ago

I assume Putt

Very broad assumption given that people are able to contribute code and given Putt's last comment.

[Muh free speech is under threat! How can Jews and Nazis share a free speech platform?!] |

MadWorld ago

Enjoy the downvotes :-)

BrennKommando ago

If we absolutely have to go there. Since 7/3/2015 I have via @Shumway, @C_Corax and @BrennKommando.

  • Upvoated 12,013 submissions to 2,339 downvoated.
  • Upvoated 11,962 comments to 2,865 downvoated.

I downvoat posts not people!

Anyway, I have stumbled upon your posts a couple of times and you seemed fairly levelheaded. What's your take on all of this? If you had time to read up on it since it is a bit all over the place.

argosciv ago

I downvoat posts not people!

That may be the case for you, but others more invested in the "VOAT COMPROMISED!" narrative and connected attacks against the v/pizzagate, v/QRV and v/GreatAwakening (including attacks/"comped" narratives against PG and GA mods) are downvote brigading like mad and have been for at least 72 hours straight.

People being brigaded include but are not limited to: myself, @Crensch, @Vindicator and @MadWorld.

BrennKommando ago

Chill Mr. 17k downvoat's given. I've given exactly 4 voats in this thread. 3 to @Vindicator for courtesy of polite conversation and 1 for @MadWorld in case we might have one. Zero downvoates, not even to you.

I'm sure you can say the same right?

Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi

argosciv ago

Chill Mr. 17k downvoat's given.

Significant majority in v/QRV, relax.

I'm sure you can say the same right?

Nope, not even gonna pretend otherwise, but I don't encourage nor condone brigading.

BrennKommando ago

I just pinged 2 people for the first time in this thread. You?

Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi

argosciv ago

Interested parties. Each of them knows better than to engage in brigading and knows where I stand on the matter.

Stark contrast to those who have a concerted agenda to push the notion that Voat is compromised.

argosciv ago

T'was expected that they would brigade to some extent, they surprised me a tad with just how obvious they made it though xD

argosciv ago

Yeah and if you look at when that about link was changed in the footer, it's 2 days after the last known archive of said unused about page.

The whole narrative stinks and you should be questioning the source of the narrative and who changed an unused page, when and why.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @MadWorld @PuttItOut

BrennKommando ago

Believe whatever you want. I've sourced some information that may be of value to you. Whatever if anything you chose to do with it is entirely up to you.

argosciv ago

Right back at ya. You say you're not part of the fear mongering? Well, you have enough to call your suspicions into question and most especially the reason for changing an unused page.

BrennKommando ago

I did propose it separately from what I knew as a fact. You have to make up your own mind if I'm onto something or not from there.

argosciv ago

Enough of your hand waving. Unless you have an answer to the very valid questions posed, there's nothing for us to discuss.

SirNiggssalot ago

Spoken like a true subversive