Babylon5 ago

Hampstead case is such a weird one. There's not as much evidence behind it when compared to PizzaGate - but just a load of weird things. The children described detailed tattoos on their teachers genitalia - as far as I know the police never checked. Surely that would have been one of the first things to do if you wanted to test the veracity of the kids.

Azamuku ago

Anyone here keeping tabs on the dildo hat wearing Ricky Dearman?

carmencita ago

The Super Bowl has become a Porno Freak Show that is no longer family fare. Why even feature Children? It’s not Child appropriate anymore. This year in the half time show they had pole dancing and the two women fondled each other AND they featured Children in this erotic performance.

Just Beyond Disgusting.

I wonder if there was some secret reason in using those very Children in the number. Now that you mention the sick joke of using the Hampstead Kids.

21yearsofdigging ago

Geez you are great!

carmencita ago

Just pouring out my heart is all. FYI the info I posted I got from a petition I signed. Just so everyone knows I DiD Not Watch The Super BowI. I said my Rosary.

I also signed a petition to keep an ad featuring drag queens. YES. That’s right. They showed the ad.

What filth they fished out this year.

Benkitchen105 ago

Hamstead cover up is linked to Rotherham scandal.

RG7_UK ago

Can you elaborate please

Azamuku ago

Wish I had saved the dox the chans did. Was a crap ton of information on the original case.

carmencita ago

Wow. It seems these areas never seem to get cleaned up. Def shows LE involvement. Are we surprised?Ni matter the country there is always LE help to keep things covered up and to help keep it going. Decades sometimes. Even longer.

Vindicator ago

Is this the 2017 Audi Superbowl ad in question?

21yearsofdigging ago

Could be wrong, but the voice over sounds like Clooney, which would make sense

MolochHunter ago

oh, and - that SGT report chat between shaun and the kids mother , she's saying she's certain its her daughter

MolochHunter ago

yes thats the one

will edit

Vindicator ago

Thanks :-)

Vindicator ago

Great summary, MH

3141592653 ago

Gabriel was in the ad, too?

MolochHunter ago

oh - right you are, its just Alias

HillBoulder ago

Super Bowl ad link, video is gone.

MolochHunter ago


EricKaliberhall ago

Pedophile George Takei did a Pizza Hut commercial for Superbowl in 2017

Ordering pizza and playing ping pong... Very subtle.

siegnagel ago

What evidence do you have of Takei being a pedo? I hate the guy, but is this allegation true?

volunteerwork2020 ago

He had a dude jerk him off on a radio show and he makes all sorts of creepy references.

i_scream_trucks ago

Naked little boys, oh my!

derram ago :

Papa kills babies - Secret UK Pedophile ring is being exposed - YouTube

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