jesspietre ago

The reality is that they're all sick sadistic perverts. Nobody will get to the level that they get in entertainment or politics, unless they are fellow "club members" as sick sadistic perverts. They will protect each other and make sure that the club is never really threatened.

volunteerwork2020 ago

Do have any more stories?

User7867 ago

I have indexed through my memory of hollyweird types, and remember hints from the past, whispers, etc.

Nothing, no one (particularly from hollyweird or gov) with pedo/deviant connections will shock me. I opened my mind long ago.

Remember Montgomery Cliff, Rock Hudson, J Edgar Hoover, Elton John... when it became fashionable to admit deviance (they called it 'gay', which, after (((their))) priming us with film, music, "Etv" culture propaganda, was A-OK). Reminds me of Spacey's declaration "I want to live my life as a gay man." Labeling sexual deviate behavior as gay conceals their really deviate behavior. They think.

Themooninthesky ago

Good story. I hope it’s not true tho.

21yearsofdigging ago

Yeah, as a sidenote, I had been, when I was pretty young, a male model in London England and met some guy, his last name is Foreman and he bragged he was best friends with Newman. He had invited me, after we had dinner(for some movie he said that he thought he might have a role for me in it) up to his hotel room where after some chit chat, he suddenly pulled off his belt and was moving towards me, slapping the belt in his hands, very menacing at the time. I relaxed then suddenly shoved him against a wall and made a dash for the door. I got out of there and never heard from that creep again. John Foreman, THAT was his name. Sure enough, he produced a few Newman movies, but what a slimebag. Never should have gone to his room but I was like 21 years old at the time and thought he was some macho big shot producer from Hollywood. I wonder how many other young men the guy raped. Since then, I met people that knew him and his children. My recounting of that story left them all slack jawed, guess they had no idea and thought he was a good family man. far from it

Themooninthesky ago

Interesting story. Do tell more of your Hollywood journey when you have time.

21yearsofdigging ago

I lived there almost 20 years and did over 30 films I know a lot, first hand but was kept out of the loop regarding child abuse and pedophilia because they probably did a profile on me and knew it was something I wouldn't tolerate or keep my mouth shut about. I wish more people would read this as I get a bit antsy and am anxious to take it down when I feel enough have seen it. It is no joke, I have lived through death threats extreme harassment over me trying to find out who beat up my ex and who threatened my 4 year old son(to be hurt if he talked to me). My ex was MKULTRA and the way and behind my back, back when I made very good money, she was working as a call girl and even a prostitute at a trailer next to a gas station 2 miles from where I owned a farm in Canada. I had left L.A. hoping to make a better environment for my children...what a joke in retrospect

Themooninthesky ago

The rabbit hole goes deeper.