314159123456 ago

Sorry to hijack thread. I have no points to post a big boy thread myself.

Just saw a short movie. First image on the screen was the word Arcanum and the boy lover pedo symbol. The movie was about summoning demons, not my usual genre.

Check out their website. Pedo symbol on front page ffs.


3141592653 ago


314159123456 ago

Mathfag here. It’s Pi ish

3141592653 ago

I've been here from nearly day one and this doesn't seem a good thing

314159123456 ago

I picked my name, based on the first x digits of pi. How did you pick yours? I think this os just coincidence.

volunteerwork2020 ago



This was a sequel!!

#Oct 21, 2019

A Polk County man whose occupation is listed as a manager at Disney was arrested on suspicion of possessing child pornography, deputies said.


Oct. 7 2018

A cook at a Walt Disney World resort, an HIV positive man, and a former military police officer are among the suspects arrested in an Polk County Sheriff’s Office online sex predator sting

PCSO undercover detectives conducted a 6-day investigation called “Operation Cyber Guardian Fall Haul” from Oct. 2 through Oct. 7.



December 5, 2017

Police have uncovered a huge pedophile ring at Disney World, Florida, with over 35 employees arrested for alleged child rape offences.

The Disney employees include people from management, a concierge, a tour guide, and a ticket seller.


April 6, 2016

Fla. child sex sting nets suspects from Disney and SeaWorld, plus a Christian football coach

They called the operation “April’s Fools,” and not just because it took place during the first week of the month.

The Polk County Sheriff Office’s latest sting operation — in which undercover detectives lured suspected child predators to an undisclosed Florida location using fictitious online ads — was a not-so-subtle reference to the 18 men police netted.

They were young and old, ranging in age from 19 to 60. Some had lengthy criminal histories, and others were encountering the criminal justice system for the first time.

Five of the men told police they were married, and one had a newborn baby back home. Most were from the area, but one man who showed up at a Cracker Barrel to have sex with a 13-year-old boy — his wallet packed with cocaine and a hallucinogen — was in town from Alaska.

They included men who would otherwise blend in: A mechanic, an airline customer service manager, a hospital technician, a former firefighter, a football coach at a Christian academy, an employee at a Sea World theme park and another at Walt Disney World who allegedly told a detective posing as a 14-year-old girl that he wanted to do “everything” sexual to her.


EricKaliberhall ago

This was a sequel!!

Sheriff Grady Judd (Polk County) is on the case - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2167393


Seems like it. Lots of busts in Polk. Good eye @EricKaliberhall .

carmencita ago

Ugh I just made a comment in the Zaid post about how Disney does not do a good job screening their employees. This is vile. How many more of these treats do we have to hear about before they re told they have to clean things up?

UKD ago

I have to admit, this level of evil is so hard for me to grasp that it's drawing me to investigate the nature of good and evil, including rereading the bible.


I had the same experience. If it were not for the evil I have seen, I may not have been driven to discover the truth. I still struggle to believe what I am reading, the scale of this scourge, is simply mind blowing for someone with any sort of moral compass. For those of us who are not skewed by trauma or perversion, the natural reaction is to begin to question everything. I am glad there can be some faith found amidst the questions. This truly is spiritual warfare.

UKD ago

Rereading the new testament, it's amazing to me how pertinent Jesus was to the struggles we still face: harming children, pharisees perverting morality, and the money changers.

Vindicator ago


UKD ago

Oh, what I mean is that what he talked about 2,000 years ago is still going on. It's still relevant.

Vindicator ago

Indeed. Millennia to us. The other side of this battle is outside of time, so it's all one fight as far as they're concerned. Also, their playbook is limited and they're not very creative. :-)

Podge512 ago

A time honoured tradition with Disney.
