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Kahlypso79 ago

Alan M Dershowitz... you are a rapist of children. "The motion requests to add two more alleged victims to the case, including the woman, identified as “Jane Doe No. 3,” who said she had sexual relations with Prince Andrew and Mr. Dershowitz when she was underage."

What does Andrew have to say???

Speaking at an event for entrepreneurs at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, he said:

"Firstly I think I must for the record refer to the events that have taken place over the last few weeks. "I wish to reiterate and reaffirm the statements already made on my behalf by Buckingham Palace. My focus is on my work." (which is selling weapons to dictators.. and enjoying underaged girl prostitutes.. like pretty much every single Royal since Queen Victoria's brood of perverts came of age..) (interesting points.....) The Duke arrived at his Pitch@Palace event, where budding businessmen are introduced to established entrepreneurs, five minutes early, looking relaxed and at ease as he joined around 200 guests.

They included Cherie Blair, Lord Mandelson, Bob Diamond, the ex Barclays boss; the Icap chief executive Michael Spencer and BBC News chief James Harding.

George Osborne, the Chancellor, arrived late and missed the Duke's speech, while Tony Blair stayed for five minutes to hear the start of the speech and left.

(Cherie Blair : “Hilary [sic] can you give me a telephone number the Qatar Crown Prince can ring you on and he will get in touch. Alternatively I can get his personal phone number for you. What is best for you?”) Tony Blair : quote : "Court documents show banker Jeffrey Epstein kept multiple phone numbers, email and home addresses for a host of VIPs, ranging from Bill Clinton, 68, to Sir Mick Jagger, 71. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair, 61, is recorded once, while his former cabinet minister Lord Peter Mandelson, also 61, has 10 phone numbers entered." Lord Mandelson : Bob Diamond.. Barclays boss Bob Diamond resigns amid Libor scandal - Micheal Spencer - ICAP - Libor: ICAP fined $87m and three traders charged with fraud - Quote : "In a statement, Michael Spencer, ICAP's chief executive, said: "We deeply regret and strongly condemn the inexcusable actions of the brokers who sought to assist certain bank traders in their efforts to manipulate YEN Libor." (Who believes him?? who believes for a second that he wasnt in it up to his neck.....)

think- ago

while his former cabinet minister Lord Peter Mandelson, also 61, has 10 phone numbers entered

Interesting. I knew that he is listed in the book, but I didn't recall that Epstein had so many of his numbers.


Kahlypso79 ago

Mandelson is a problem... 1980's... 1978-1983: Architects of PIE infiltrate Islington gay youth group to lobby MPs directly with Heath & Mandelson’s help

Quote : "In 1978 Peter Righton and PIE Manifesto author Micky Burbidge team up to exert control over grassroots gay youth groups, establishing the umbrella Joint Council for Gay Teenagers (‘JCGT’) Righton & Burbidge take control of the London Gay Teenage Group (‘LGTG’) liaising with the Greater London Council and ILEA for official recognition and relocating the LGTG to Islington, Manor Gardens Community Centre In 1980 Chair Edward Heath and his Youth Affairs Lobby (‘YAL’) meet with Burbidge and the LGTG With the assistance of YAL Liaison member the British Youth Council (‘BYC’) and its Chair Peter Mandelson, Burbidge gets to take a group of gay teenagers to lobby a group of cross-party MPs directly with Clement Freud MP (Lib), Charles Irving MP (Con) attending with 4 Labour MPs" April-July 1980: JCGT’s success Burbidge goes to Parliament with the help of Mandelson and Heath " Burbidge’s triumphant if little-reported arrival in the House of Commons with an entourage of teenagers was facilitated by the Youth Affairs lobby, an early version of the Youth Parliament, chaired by Edward Heath MP, with the help of a YAL Liaison Group Committee member – the British Youth Council, chaired by Peter Mandelson."

2008 - Peter Mandelson profile: The Prince of Darkness returns

Quote : "He (Peter Mandelon) quit as Trade Secretary in December 1998 after it emerged that he had failed to declare an interest-free loan from Geoffrey Robinson, a millionaire Labour MP whose business dealings were being investigated by his department. And in January 2001 he was sacked by Mr Blair after it was suggested he had put pressure on a Home Office minister to give British citizenship to Srichand Hinduja, an Indian businessman who had sponsored the Millennium Dome. The allegations were later disproved. His time in Government also saw some less serious - yet embarrassing blunders. While Trade Secretary he was also the minister in charge of the much-criticised Millennium Dome project, which he promised would "blow your socks off". " Yet Mr Mandelson was born in 1953 into a Labour family - his grandfather was Herbert Morrison, a Labour Cabinet minister. He decided to join the Young Communist League after Labour supported the US war in Vietnam. "After moving through Oxford university, the TUC, a London council and London Weekend Television, Mr Mandelson became the Labour party's director of communications and was elected MP for Hartlepool in 1992" "However he returned to prominence in 2004, quitting as an MP to become Trade Commissioner at the creation of the post at the behest of Mr Blair. "

2008 - Q&A: Peter Mandelson, Oleg Deripaska and George Osborne Quote : "The row initially began shortly after Gordon Brown shocked the political world by reappointing Peter Mandelson, then the EU's trade commissioner and a sworn enemy of the prime minister, to the cabinet. Soon afterwards it was claimed that Mandelson had "dripped pure poison" about him during a meeting with George Osborne two months earlier at Taverna Agni on the Greek island of Corfu." "The encounter on the 238ft (73m) Queen K in Corfu this summer was said to be the latest in a series of social meetings between Mandelson and Oleg Deripaska - known as the "king of aluminium" - during Mandelson's term as trade commissioner." "One week later, the Sunday Times claimed Mandelson gave trade concessions worth up to £50m a year to Russia's richest man after being entertained by him on his "superyacht"."

Peter Mandelson is a great friend of Nat Rothschild, the son of JACOB ROTHSCHILD.

2008 - Use my Ferrari, Mandy told by Rothschild on Klosters holiday quote : "Lord Mandelson was in Klosters with his former spin doctor Benjamin Wegg-Prosser, now an aide to another Moscow tycoon, and Wegg-Prosser's Russian wife Yulia." "It is believed Mr Rothschild joined them at his family's retreat in Klosters."

2008 - Quote : The former Business Secretary is pictured in the passenger seat of a black open-top Ferrari Daytona Spider, worth at least £250,000. At the wheel is his friend, 38-year-old banking heir Nat Rothschild, who was offering hospitality to the Labour peer at one of his chalets in Klosters, in the Swiss Alps. The picture is proof, if it were needed, that Lord Mandelson has a taste for the kind of high life that would otherwise be beyond his purse."

2008 - Tell truth about oligarch links, Mandelson told Quote : "A Brussels pressure group has also accused Lord Mandelson of being too close to the Europe-wide lobby group BusinessEurope. The Corporate Europe Observatory has written to the Commission's president, Jose Manuel Barroso, claiming Lord Mandelson gave the group "privileged access" during his term as EU trade commissioner.

think- ago

Thanks for the info! There is a reason why Mandelson is called 'Prince of Darkness', but somehow he always seems to fly under our radar (more or less).

And Islington was (is?) a hot spot for pedos - they had infiltrated all care homes there. It only came to light thanks to an amazing group of whistleblowers. IIRC, the PIE had their headquarter in Islington.

Kahlypso79 ago

You're welcome, Yes, Relies on public's 'Goldfish' Memory, Yes, Yes. Yes, I'll do another Post.. PIE is too big to properly do in less than 200k words...I'll start compling, but may not get done today. PIE to NAMBLA.

think- ago

Thank you.

Kahlypso79 ago

Starting with this..

Network building and Churches / Banks..

Lord Peter Carrington : Peter Alexander Rupert Carington. was a British Conservative politician and hereditary peer who served as Defence Secretary from 1970 to 1974, Foreign Secretary from 1979 to 1982, chairman of British General Electric Company from 1983 to 1984, and Secretary General of NATO from 1984 to 1988. Before his death in 2018, he was the last surviving member of the 1951–55 government of Winston Churchill, the Eden government, and the Macmillan government, as well as of the cabinets of Alec Douglas-Home and Edward Heath. -->> DOPE INC. ( - full version : **Ties in the Bronfmanns (history of Bronfmans : - Rise to power) The Bronfmans made "Space Research" in 1968 (its the name of the company) - Who sold nuclear warhead morter launchers to Iran..) In his Nov. 9 speech at Cambridge, the Chief Lord Lane cited the fact that 84 percent of all the heroin now seized en route to Great Britain originates with Afghani rebels operating from Pakistan and the Indian subcontinent. This stream of heroin from the "Golden Crescent" is believed by security experts to reveal the footprints of a drugs-for-guns trafficking operation set up by Lord Carrington. In 1981 when· he was British Foreign Secretary, Lord Carrington had sought· to oust U.S. intelligence control over the Afghani rebel movement, to gain a bargaining chip with the Soviets. Such arrangements are not new to Lord Carrington. Before becoming Foreign Secretary he sat at the center of British involvement in Dope, Inc., the $500 billion international illegal narcotics cartel. Carrington joined the board of Barclay's Bank, exposed in the 1978 book Dope, Inc. -->> Linked via DOPE Inc to Henry Kissinger and Bronfman Family as the premier British bank involved in multi-billion dollar offshore laundering of dirty money from drug trafficking and other organized crime activities. Barclay's is part of a nexus that includes the Oppenheimer family interests which cartelized international gold and diamond markets, the main commodities used in illegal drug and gun deals. The Oppenheimer interests, including Anglo-American Gold Company and De Beers, have made similar cartel arrangements for Soviet production of these commodities. At the time he joined Barclay's, Lord Carrington was on the board of Hambros Bank, which was involved in joint ventures with the former Vatican banker Michele Sindona, now imprisoned in the United States. His position with Hambros brought Lord Carrington into the circles of the Propaganda-2 masonic lodge of Italy, pinpointed by Italian magistrates as responsible for every major coup attempt, assassination, and terrorist act since the late-1960s' NATO­linked "strategy of tension" in Italy.

Operation Gladio : In 1990, the Italian Prime Minister had confirmed that Italy’s “stay behind” army, termed “Gladio” (Sword), existed since 1958, with the approval of the Italian government. In the early 1970s, Italy’s communist support was growing, so the government turned to a “Strategy of Tension” using the Gladio network. At a top secret 1972 Gladio meeting, one official referred to making a “pre-emptive attack” on the Communists. As the Guardian reported, links between Gladio in Italy, all three Italian secret services and Italy’s P2 Masonic Lodge were well documented, as the head of each intelligence unit was a member of the P2 Lodge


NAZIS THE VATICAN THE CIA - Page 34 . "December 1969 an exclusive meeting was held in the Rome office of Count Umberto Ortolani, the Ambassador of the Order of Malta to Uruguay, who had been called "the brains' behind the fascist P-2 Masonic Lodge, which had been established in the mid-1960s. In addition to Ortalani, the meeting included only Licio Gelli, Roberto Calvi and Michele Sindona. "Gelli had fought for Franco... Calvi had fought on the Eastern front during the war and was decorated by the Nazis. "Sidona had set up business in 1943 with the help of Vito Genovese, whose Mafia contacts facilitated the American landing on Sicily"

Quote : "Since World War II, the CIA has:

subsidized a Catholic lay organization that served as the political slugging arm of the pope and the Vatican throughout the Cold War; penetrated the American section of one of the wealthiest and most powerful Vatican orders; passed money to a large number of priests and bishops — some of whom became witting agents in CIA covert operations; employed undercover operatives to lobby members of the Curia (the Vatican government) and spy on liberal churchmen on the pope’s staff who challenged the political assumptions of the United States; prepared intelligence briefings that accurately predicted the rise of liberation theology; and collaborated with right-wing Catholic groups to counter the actions of progressive clerics in Latin America." Links between Gladio, Italian secret service bosses and the notorious P2 masonic lodge are manifold. The chiefs of all three secret services - Generals Santovito (SISMI), Grassini (SISDE) and Cellosi (CESSIS) - were members of the lodge. In the year that Andreotti denied Gladio's existence, the P2 treasurer, General Siro Rosetti, gave a generous account of "a secret security structure made up of civilians, parallel to the armed forces"

In 1972, Michele Sindona, a banker with close ties to the Mafia, the pseudo-masonic lodge P2, and the Nixon administration, purchased controlling interest in Long Island's Franklin National Bank. As a result of his acquisition of a controlling stake in Franklin, Sindona finally had a money laundering operation to aid his ties to Vatican Bank and the Sicilian drug cartel. Franklin's assets were later purchased (after the suicide of Sindona in Prison) by European American Bank, itself later acquired by Citigroup. In 1974, the Holy See lost an estimated $30 million upon the collapse of the Franklin National Bank.. Roberto Calvi was the chairman of Italy's second largest private bank, Banco Ambrosiano, when it collapsed in 1982 In 1978, the Bank of Italy produced a report on Banco Ambrosiano which found that several billion lire had been exported illegally, leading to criminal investigation On 10 June 1982, Calvi went missing from his Rome apartment, having fled the country on a false passport in the name of Gian Roberto Calvini, fleeing initially to Venice. From there, he apparently hired a private plane to London via Zurich. At 7:30 am on Friday, 18 June 1982, a postal clerk was crossing Blackfriars Bridge and noticed Calvi's body hanging from the scaffolding beneath. Calvi's clothing was stuffed with bricks, and he was carrying around $15,000 worth of cash in three different currencies. Calvi was a member of Licio Gelli's illegal masonic lodge, Propaganda Due (P2), who referred to themselves as frati neri or "black friars". He was found hanging from the Blackfriars Bridge in London. Masons like their Theatre. And Sidona??

22 MARCH, 1986 "Michele Sindona, the jailed Sicilian financier who fell into an irreversible coma on Thursday, is the victim of cyanide poisoning, the Justice Minister said today." "Mr. Sindona, who was near the center of many of Italy's most important recent financial and political scandals, had been under constant guard at a specially constructed wing of the Voghera women's prison. The prison is considered one of the most secure in Italy. The Justice Minister told his incredulous colleagues that a guard at the Vorghera prison had heard Mr. Sindona say just before passing out, ''They have poisoned me.'' Suicide Attempt Not Ruled Out" "Radical Party members of Parliament attributed the death to the ''sottogoverno,'' a popular reference to the ''underground government'' that many Italians believe really runs their country."

(special mention ) : David Yallop: David Yallop's 1984 book In God's Name proposed the theory that the pope had been in "potential danger" because of corruption in the Vatican Bank (known officially as the Institute for Works of Religion or Istituto per le Opere di Religione), the Vatican's most powerful financial institution which owned many shares in Banco Ambrosiano Yallop specifically summarized his conspiracy theory in his book: Three archbishops—Marcinkus, Villot and Cody—conspired with three Mafia types—Calvi, Sindona and Gelli—in the murder of John Paul I. “It was clear that these six men—Marcinkus, Villot, Cody, Calvi, Sindona and Gelli—had a great deal to fear if the papacy of John Paul I should continue… all of them stood to gain in a variety of ways if John Paul I should suddenly die

think- ago

Thank you for digging this up. I feel the megathread MolochHunter about the British Royals did some time ago would maybe be a good place for dropping this info?

Kahlypso79 ago

Banks - > Vatican - Follow the money - it smells like pedophiles.... : 21 September 2010 - Vatican Bank 'investigated over money-laundering'

19 December 2010 - Vatican Bank hit by financial scandal... again

6 December 2013 : The scandal at the Vatican bank

26 Febuary 2014 : Following the money

12 February 2015 - Sex abuse inquiry finds George Pell put church finances before victim

29 June 2017 : Pope's chief financial adviser Cardinal George Pell vows to fight historical sex offence charges