shadow332 ago

Thanks so much for crossposting this here! It's a lot of info but it shows what a sham the trans thing is and how children especially will become innocent victims.

This is not directly pizzagate related but it will certainly interest you and others who want to expose the "trans/non-binary" farce:

I posted this story on mothers of transkids exchanging advice on how to medically abuse their kids. It's a real advice board, be warned, it's pretty disturbing but it shows you how these idiots operate. At the bottom I linked another post I made about the first official recognized "nonbinary" guy who now says the whole thing is one huge scam by the medical industry and others to entrap confused people. He tries to shed light on why it needs to be stopped. Note that he says: "I was sexually abused by a man as a child" in this story. Perpetuating the abuse - he was strong enough to try and get out of it.

This has to do with pizzagate in the sense, once it has been established (as if we didn't know this already) that the whole trans thing is one big lie, it becomes clear that when children are involved, this is nothing but a form of abuse. These people are getting off on sexually mutilating their own kids, grooming them to be used by adults.

I can imagine that the heads of the pharma industries and people who do the surgeries may not necessarily be pedos themselves, it's the fucked up tools at the lower end of the chain who are - the men dressing up as women, reading kids stories, dressing them up and bringing them to trans parties and all this crap. The organizers of these parties, these "trans rights" groups, are the people who need to be investigated.

kestrel9 ago

You're welcome! The evidence of the scam gets more transparent over time, still, it's not fast enough because the truth is hamstrung by censorship and lunatic ideologue activists . The trans movement is targeting kids and babies ('for research"). No doubt the Alfred Kinsey Institute is keeping tabs on all that important research on how to convince a kid (who has 85% chance of changing from confused to 'not confused' after puberty) to cut their lifespan in half, be maimed over that shortened lifespan, while spending that life undergoing surgeries and hormone therapy and whatever side effects happen to come with it, some of which are too disgusting to mention. So yes, it's little wonder the suicide rate shoots up even higher once life with SRS sets in.

And the parents on that link, unbelievable. Chances are they'll run up against a chatty pedo waiting to swap funny quips about children's genitalia. "Trans kids say the darndest things dontcha know". It's unbelievable the bizarre distorted and destructive never never land the progressive left has conjured up and profited off of.

Vindicator ago

Wow. Fantastic find, kestrel9. I'll give it the Share! flair. :-)

kestrel9 ago

...lot of money comes through the Tides Foundation, which has been accused of being ‘charity money laundering’.

Effectively, what Tides Foundation does is receive funding from corporations, people of largesse, or philanthropic foundations, and then donates that funding for those groups or individuals, but in the name of The Tides Foundation. This effectively anonymizes those donations. If you see ‘Tides Foundation’ on a charity return, that money could have come from the Aliens of Epsilon Beta — and you’d have no idea. When you can’t find out who is funding your supposed community organizations, that should be a cause for concern. With that said, let’s dive into the names we can know.

Col. Jennifer Natalya Pritzker, a trans lesbian, who transitioned in August 2013.

Heir to the Hyatt Hotel fortune, Pritzker funds both transgender and far-right causes through their Tawani Foundation. Notably, Pritzker donated millions of dollars to the Gender And Sex Development Program, a transgender youth clinic in Chicago launched in 2013, by providing the money used to start the program. The Gender And Sex Development Program is run by one Robert Garofalo, who will be mentioned later on. Pritzker also provides funding to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), and has also donated to GLAAD, among other large LGBTQI+

Other than trans issues, Pritzker is extremely right-wing.

The Open Society Foundations (OSF) "Self-identification has been criticized by feminists for essentially making legal sex meaningless, as well as by transgender people themselves. What the OSF is advocating is that someone should be able to obtain official legal documents declaring them the other sex, without any form of medical treatment, based on self-declaration of ‘trans’ status. That’s clearly nonsense."

Jon Stryker.. heir to Stryker Corp, the medical supplies company. He is the gay founder and president of the Arcus Foundation, which has given millions of dollars to the transgender cause over the past few years. His fingerprints are all over organizations like GATE, the NCTE, and The Transgender Law Center, all of which advocate for the same pro-trans policies in unison. Arcus has faced complaints from Catholic organizations that it used it’s grants to the Religion Newswriters Foundation, accusing it of using its money to manipulate the news and content produced by organizations it donates to. It also opens and runs centers to train ‘thought leaders’ in Arcus-approved policies and research.


Tides Foundation Links to the Laybournes

"Human Rights First"