ASolo ago


For whatever reasons, Tyler Perry’s background is clearly veiled. This is some background information that can be pieced together from the public domain.

On September 13, 1969, Perry was born in New Orleans, Louisiana as Emmitt Perry, Jr., named after his father, a construction worker. His mother was Willie Maxine Perry born February 12, 1945.

He told Larry King an extremely odd story about his father being found at 2 years old in a drainage ditch by a white man and given to a 14 year old to raise. If Emmitt Sr. was about the same age as Maxine, then it had to have been sometime after the end of WWII that he was allegedly found in a ditch. There is no other information on Emmitt, Sr. other than he was an abuser. Perry’s mother was unable to protect him from his father’s physical and mental abuse.

The family consisted of three siblings. In regards to Perry’s siblings, little if anything is known or has been publicly released about them. Emmitt Jr. was either the youngest or oldest of the children. He had a sister in the middle.

In about 1979 at ten years old, Perry was sexually abused by a male church member(s) that he won’t talk about. His mother took him to church each week where she continued to be unable to protect him.

In 1985, at age 16, he had his first name legally changed from Emmitt to Tyler in an effort to distance himself from his father. Tyler is an unusual choice. Tyler is from an English surname meaning “tiler of roofs”. [7] He recalled attempting to commit suicide (self mutilation-waists) after being beaten by his father. He admitted that he had tried to commit suicide several times.[8]

School allowed Perry to create a make-believe world in which he was a comedic figure. He engaged in endless antics in class to escape the crushing weight of abuse. Perry found relief through drawing which brought his fantasies to life, releasing his pent up frustrations. Perry subsequently dropped out of high school.

Between 1985 and 1992, Perry was a carpenter apprentice. Emmitt Sr. was a carpenter. During this time, Perry went through some type of transformation. Perry recounts the transformation this way, “I was watching Oprah Winfrey one day when she said that writing down one’s experiences could be cathartic. After I found a dictionary and looked up cathartic, I realized what she was saying, so I started writing things down. ‘God’s little flashes of light,’ [9] he called them.

Unsure of how to approach the craft of writing, Perry converted people in his make-believe world into characters with pseudonyms. The character transformations of Perry’s cathartic musings were adapted to the musical stage production of I Know I’ve Been Changed. [10]

I Know I’ve Been Changed was based upon the voices of molested children subjected to what had to have been ritual sexual abuse; and the forgiveness (induced amnesia) of the sexual predators.

In 1998, after a telephone conversation with his parents, Emmitt and Maxine, Perry reportedly bared his soul to the people who had hurt him the most. He recalled: “I told them everything that I had wanted to say as a little boy. I talked about all of the things that they had done to me and told them that I knew that I was not responsible for it.” [11]

With T.D. Jakes, Perry collaborated in Woman Thou Art Loosed to cash in and profit from a new “genre” of entertainment productions centered on the self destructive behaviorism of Black folk based on a book by Jakes; again on the same theme, it was centered on the rape of a little girl.[12] Jakes’ new entertainment genre was bankrolled by Oprah, Danny Glover, Cedric the Entertainer and other high profile blacks.

After seeing the film Precious, Perry said it triggered accounts of being molested by a friend’s mother and by another friend’s father at age 10, and finding out that his own father was molesting a friend.

Like Norman Bates, Perry also has three distinct personalities. By his own admissions of early life experiences as set above, it quite reasonable to conclude that he has DID. As Madea, viewers see him dressed as his mother and talking in her voice. He has the personality of a molested little boy, Emmitt, Jr. (the original personality), Tyler (host personality), and his mother Maxine (an alter personality-Madea).

As previously mentioned above, alter personalities tend to emerge in adulthood when they are triggered. Perry’s memories of child abuse and the abused children alters was triggered by the Oprah Show that is involved in remote mass behavior modification experiments.

When Perry finds empowerment and finds strength, he starts to act and dresses like a mother figure. When he dressed up as a mother figure, she is loud, aggressive, vengeful, bodacious, and pistol packing. This was his way of creating the mother that he wanted, needed, and deserved to protect him.

In the first instance, it may seem rather ironic that the same mother that was powerless to protect her son from ritual sexual and physical abuse would be for most of her life a preschool teacher at the New Orleans Jewish Community Center powerless to protect the children under her care and watch.

In Nick Bryant’s The Franklin Scandal, there is a document related to the CIA inducing dissociation and MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder).[13] For those unfamiliar with the Franklin Scandal, basically it involves the CIA use of children as mind controlled sexual slaves to entrap politicians and subjects of interest in clandestine operations. The means of producing children sex slaves was by means of iatrogenic dissociation and multiple personality disorders. Iatrogenic means created by therapist or doctor. [14]

The CIA document stated that one of the means to inducing iatrogenic “dissociated states” was by qualitative stimuli “drawings and ideas with special associations.” [15]

Perry’s practice of drawings and cathartic (purging) writings to “disassociate” is consistent with CIA MPD methodology.

MPD: Dissociate States & Flashes of Light

-After I found a dictionary and looked up cathartic, I realized what she was saying, so I started writing things down. “God’s little flashes of light.” –Tyler Perry-

In CIA-type mind control (MK ULTRA), some mind-control victims have reported they were hit with flashing lights.. When the eyes cannot process the lights, the brain/mind tends to shut down its active thinking function.

In July 1972, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) released a study paper entitled Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) –Eurasian and Communist Countries, ST-CS-01-169-72. DIA,, July, 1972, pp. 77-86. Part VI of the study paper is written about “Light and Color as a Means of Altering Human Behavior.” [16]

This DIA also reported on an American symposium held at Tulane University in Covington, LA in 1957 concerning the effects of flickering light on the brain. The participants of the 1957 American symposium drew up a paper with 11 conclusions, which included a. flickering light interferes with the human nervous system, b. flickering light can put a person to sleep or into a trance, c. flickering light can interfere with the brains s alpha waves, and d. “photo driving of the EEG by periodic flicker is a well known phenomenon although many subjects do not show the effect…” [17]

In a Chicago Tribune (June 7, 1959) article, Dr. William Kroger wrote about a flashing light mind control device, “New Device To Induce Hypnosis Developed. Dr. Kroger had tested the use of flashing lights on 200 obstetric patients at the Edgewater hospital in Chicago. The article said, “The pulsing pattern in reality an electronic brain wave ‘achieves control’ of the brain’s alpha rhythm, thus inducing a drowsy state, according to Dr. Kroger.” “The apparatus…operates on the principal of subliminal and photic stimulation of brain waves…about 30 per cent of the subjects who had received no explanation or had no knowledge of what the brain wave synchronizer would do were hypnotized to various degrees.” [18]

By 1969, Tulane University of New Orleans was at least a decade ahead into producing trances and dissociated states with flashes of light.

ASolo ago


“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” -Josef Mengele, the Angel of Death-

MK DELTA was a special procedure designed by the CIA to oversee MK ULTRA research conducted abroad in the 1950s. It involved the use of drugs in interrogation, therefore physicians, most likely psychiatrists, were direct participants. MK DELTA also funded research on the use of biological materials for “harassment, discrediting, or disabling purposes.” [19]

According to the research of Edward T. Haslam in New Orleans, author of Mary, Ferrie & the Monkey Virus, The Story of an Underground Medical Laboratory, he speculates that Dr. O (Alton Ochsner) former head of Surgery of Tulane Medical School and director of the Ochsner Clinic of New Orleans secretly headed MK Delta.[20] Dr. O was heavily implicated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Haslam also speculates that MK DELTA is linked directly to clandestine research at Tulane’s Delta Regional Primate Center in Covington, LA. Tulane’s primate center was the site of the 1957 American symposium on the effects of flashing lights and human nervous center above. Tulane was involved in both NIH (National Institute of Health) and CIA-sponsored projects, especially research with psychoactive drugs. [21]

Oddly enough, the source of the work of MK DELTA has been linked to the secret experimental mind control research of Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele. Recently, a Member of the Norwegian journalist Union made an explosive discovery that U.S. Guantanamo Base Detention Center in Cuba is referred to as “Camp Delta.” Camp Delta is the center of tortures and of human programming after Josef Mengele’s CIA Projects. [22]

These details were taken from police undercover operations revolving around Norwegian Kjell Inge Røkke. Røkke was a Norwegian CIA asset that flew secretly kidnapped civilians across Europe to CIA torture centers around the world including Guantanamo. [23]

In 1995 at President Clinton’s Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments,Valerie Wolf, a New Orleans therapist, brought forth some remarkable revelations regarding MK ULTRA trauma based mind control experiments on children in New Orleans.

It appears that the CIA had funded a large scale ongoing children trauma based mind control operation in New Orleans revolving around Tulane University involving some of the most infamous CIA mind benders, Dr. Robert G. Heath of Tulane University, Dr. Stephen Aldrich, Morris “Morse” Allen, Dr. Ewen Cameron, Dr. Robert A. Cleghorn, Dr. John Gittinger, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton, Dr. Martin T. Orne, Dr Otto Menninger, Col. George White, and Jewish Dr. Luther Wilson Greene.[24]

ASolo ago

In a Chicago Tribune (June 7, 1959) article, Dr. William Kroger wrote about a flashing light mind control device, “New Device To Induce Hypnosis Developed. Dr. Kroger had tested the use of flashing lights on 200 obstetric patients at the Edgewater hospital in Chicago. The article said, “The pulsing pattern in reality an electronic brain wave ‘achieves control’ of the brain’s alpha rhythm, thus inducing a drowsy state, according to Dr. Kroger.” “The apparatus…operates on the principal of subliminal and photic stimulation of brain waves…about 30 per cent of the subjects who had received no explanation or had no knowledge of what the brain wave synchronizer would do were hypnotized to various degrees.” [18]

By 1969, Tulane University of New Orleans was at least a decade ahead into producing trances and dissociated states with flashes of light.

ASolo ago


“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” -Josef Mengele, the Angel of Death-

MK DELTA was a special procedure designed by the CIA to oversee MK ULTRA research conducted abroad in the 1950s. It involved the use of drugs in interrogation, therefore physicians, most likely psychiatrists, were direct participants. MK DELTA also funded research on the use of biological materials for “harassment, discrediting, or disabling purposes.” [19]

According to the research of Edward T. Haslam in New Orleans, author of Mary, Ferrie & the Monkey Virus, The Story of an Underground Medical Laboratory, he speculates that Dr. O (Alton Ochsner) former head of Surgery of Tulane Medical School and director of the Ochsner Clinic of New Orleans secretly headed MK Delta.[20] Dr. O was heavily implicated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Haslam also speculates that MK DELTA is linked directly to clandestine research at Tulane’s Delta Regional Primate Center in Covington, LA. Tulane’s primate center was the site of the 1957 American symposium on the effects of flashing lights and human nervous center above. Tulane was involved in both NIH (National Institute of Health) and CIA-sponsored projects, especially research with psychoactive drugs.

ASolo ago

This is probably a HUGE reason the REX KINGS and TULANE UNIVERSITY yield so much power and influence:

Nosey Parker said...

The Montgomery-Grace family history starts at the Charles St. house when it was purchased by Robert Downman in 1906. Downman was REX in 1907.

Entys post adds Tulane into the mix if our research is right, and I found something interesting that links to that year...

An academic honorary fraternity, “The Skull and Bones Society,” was established in secret at Tulane by Harry Everett Nelson and four of his classmates in October 1907, but the existence of the society was not made known until Mr. Nelson was in his senior year in the autumn of 1911. Nelson’s handwritten description of “The Skull and Bones Society” simply states that “one man from each class 1907-1908-1909-1910 had been selected, and their identity would be kept secret until the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the organization would take place.” As a matter of the record, the identity of the other members of The Skull and Bones Society has never been revealed and only that of Dr. Harry Nelson is known. Unfortunately, this website tells a different story about the start of Skull and Bones at Tulane, but the year still times to Downman buying the house and becoming REX... The Skull and Bones Society was established in secret at Tulane University in New Orleans in October 1907. Dr. Isadore Dyer was one of the founding members. Dr. Isadore Dyer was a graduate of Yale University and was a member of the Berzellus secret society at Yale. This Brezellus secret society is a sister Yale member of Chapter 322-Skull and Bones-the Brotherhood of Death.

ASolo ago

AbbyRock said...

Nosey Parker, funny you should mention that Dyer came from Yale. Many people think that Mardi Gras was started by the French in LA. While there was a French a French celebration, the bacchanalian Mardi Gras as we know it was started by a group of Américains from Uptown who founded The Mystic Krewe of Comus. The Creoles (white people of mixed French and Spanish ancestry) had little or nothing to do with it. In fact, the Creoles wanted nothing to do with the upstart Uptowners and vice versa. It was the Americains and their descendants who became the rulers of NOLA. The rest of the state hated them.

It's one of the reasons people loved Huey Long. He was not a member of that good old boy's club. It's also a reason that Long was assassinated. He took away some of their power and they were not going to stand for that.

septimasexta ago

VIDEO OF BURNED HOUSE ON ST. CHARLSES ST. with 2019 Rex King of Carnival paying tribute:


TULANE/ VACCINE RESEARCH "The Office of Biosafety at Tulane University was created in 2006 under the Office of the Vice President for Research to support the Tulane research community.

With an increased focus on vaccine development and infectious disease studies at the School of Medicine, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, and Tulane National Primate Research Center, as well as the expansion of the Cancer and Gene Therapy Centers, research with biological materials at Tulane is expanding rapidly. The Office of Biosafety strives to support this important and innovative research by addressing challenges associated with it.

We are focused on minimizing the health risk to those involved in research using biohazard materials including recombinant DNA, infectious agents, and biological toxins, and in turn to protect the greater Tulane community, the general public, and the environment. In order to accomplish this goal we maintain an interactive partnership between the Office of Biosafety, the principal investigators, and the laboratory support staff. In addition, the Office of Biosafety, in cooperation with the Institutional Biosafety Committee, is charged with oversight of regulatory compliance at the university with regard to the storage and use of hazardous biological materials. "

Labourmix ago

These blinds and the ones about the “Church” are frightening. You see how ahead of the curve CDAN was with Spacey, Epstein’s Island and Weinstein, you wonder if it’ll take another few years before the true regarding these stories will hit the MSM and we get more details.

Imnotshocked ago

I don’t know exactly what I’ve been reading but wth?! This is a jackpot here! These are stories of scams envolving judges, etc. I just read this one regarding, robbing our veterans.

ASolo ago

It's gets much freakier:

The New Orleans Jewish Community Center where Maxine Perry (Tyler Perry's Mom) worked was only blocks from Tulane University, Dr. Heath and Dr. Greene. They were all uptown on St. Charles Street. Perry recalls that he had to see a doctor every Tuesday for allergy shots. I can only speculate that he was being seen at Tulane, and it wasn’t for allergies.

Imnotshocked ago

Damn! Yea bet it wasn’t for allergies. This made me think of Katy groves and her dad being a dr. Using MK on his patients including his own daughter. These networks seem to be in every town and right under our nose. Frightening to say the least . All I know is you guys do amazing research and I hope we all live to see this exposed once and for all ..

pby1000 ago

They like to pay homage to Apollo, and I have read that Apollos is another name for Lord Marduk.

pby1000 ago

I don’t have time to research this because I am researching something else, but I am willing to bet that the judges and attorneys involved are Masons.

I also came across this video the other day. He discusses the true nature of our legal system. People do not understand it, and get confused. I need to research more about what he says, but it sounds plausible.

Your Soul is Owned by the Vatican- Santos Bonacci:

new4now ago

Andrew Breibart graduated from Tulane in '91'

Neil Bush '79'

a lot of names pop for me looking at Tulane's Alumni

carmencita ago

A big one for me was Lisa Jackson former head of the EPA under Obama. She was in the Podesta emails under the alias Richard Windsor. She is responsible for letting people die because she never did anything about the West Lake Landfill in St. Louis Mo. She is on the board of the CF now. What goes around comes around as they say.

ASolo ago

William Francis Grace Jr., who reigned as King Rex in 2002, holds the antique loving cup, from which every king of Carnival has drunk a champagne toast from since 1907. The cup belongs to his family.

Vindicator ago

Does horror writer Dean Koontz know something?

This reminded me that Dean Koontz, the blockbuster horror novelist, has an entire series set in New Orleans that might be based on some real insider knowledge. The series is called "Frankenstein" and is about a corrupt biotech puppetmaster genetically engineering super-clones identical to public figures, who are then replaced by their dopplegangers. He bills it as "a saga about the monsters that walk among us" in which "a wave of intruders who will invade other homes . . . offices . . . every local institution, assuming the identities and the lives of those they have been engineered to replace."

There are five books. Here are the Amazon summaries:

Book One: Prodigal Son

Every city has its secrets. But none as terrible as this. He is Deucalion, a tattooed man of mysterious origin, a sleight-of-reality artist who has traveled the centuries with a secret worse than death. He arrives in New Orleans as a serial killer stalks the streets, a killer who carefully selects his victims for the humanity that is missing in himself. Deucalion’s path will lead him to cool, tough police detective Carson O’Connor and her devoted partner, Michael Maddison, who are tracking the slayer but will soon discover signs of something far more terrifying: an entire race of killers who are much more–and less–than human and, deadliest of all, their deranged, near-immortal maker: Victor Helios–once known as Frankenstein.

Book Two: City of Night

They are stronger, heal better, and think faster than any humans ever created–and they must be destroyed. Not even Victor Helios–once Frankenstein–can stop the engineered killers he’s set loose on a reign of terror through modern-day New Orleans. Only the one-time “monster” Deucalion and his all-too-human partners, Detectives Carson O’Connor and Michael Maddison, stand in their way. But as the three race to uncover the true dimensions of an age-old conspiracy, they will discover that Victor’s new, improved models have infiltrated every level of the city’s society . . . and far beyond.

Book Three: Dead and Alive

As a devastating hurricane approaches, as the benighted creations of Victor Helios begin to spin out of control, as New Orleans descends into chaos and the future of humanity hangs in the balance, the only hope rests with Victor’s first, failed attempt to build the perfect human. Deucalion’s centuries-old history began as the original manifestation of a soulless vision–and it is fated to end in the ultimate confrontation between a damned creature and his mad creator. But first they must face a monstrosity not even Victor’s malignant mind could have conceived–an indestructible entity that steps out of humankind’s collective nightmare with powers, and a purpose, beyond imagining.

Book Four: Lost Souls

The war against humanity has begun. In the dead hours of the night, a stranger enters the home of the mayor of Rainbow Falls, Montana. The stranger is in the vanguard of a wave of intruders who will invade other homes . . . offices . . . every local institution, assuming the identities and the lives of those they have been engineered to replace. Before the sun rises, the town will be under full assault, the opening objective in the new Victor Frankenstein’s trajectory of ultimate destruction. Deucalion—Victor’s first, haunted creation—saw his maker die in New Orleans two years earlier. Yet an unshakable intuition tells him that Victor lives—and is at work again. Within hours Deucalion will come together with his old allies, detectives Carson O’Connor and Michael Maddison, Victor’s engineered wife, Erika Five, and her companion Jocko to confront new peril. Others will gather around them. But this time Victor has a mysterious, powerful new backer, and he and his army are more formidable, their means and intentions infinitely more deadly, than ever before.

Book Six: The Dead Town

The war against humanity is raging. As the small town of Rainbow Falls, Montana, comes under siege, scattered survivors come together to weather the onslaught of the creatures set loose upon the world. As they ready for battle against overwhelming odds, they will learn the full scope of Victor Frankenstein’s nihilistic plan to remake the future—and the terrifying reach of his shadowy, powerful supporters.

Now the good will make their last, best stand. In a climax that will shatter every expectation, their destinies and the fate of humanity hang in the balance.

Dean Koontz’s enthralling Frankenstein series has redefined the classic legend of infernal ambition and harrowing retribution for a new century and a new age. Now the master of suspense delivers an unforgettable novel that is at once a thrilling adventure in itself and a mesmerizing conclusion to his saga of the modern monsters among us.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

City politics, yes.

As I hinted in that other thread (before moderator Eric downvoted it):

Meanwhile, half-way across town, someone briefly evacuates their colleagues from City Hall. He just needs a few minutes to do what he has to do.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Eric downvoated a legitimate post again. I humbly urge his fellow moderators to re-evaluate whose camp he’s really in...

ASolo ago

Those who think Mardi Gras is not primarily a political event should consider the 2004 report of Tulane President Scott Cowen:

“The Louisiana congressional delegation hosted its annual Mardi Gras celebration in Washington, D.C. this week, and I attended the reception honoring the Washington King of Carnival last night. This annual celebration is a great time to network with decision-makers whose actions can impact Tulane. I also had the chance to meet with several alumni, potential donors as well as legislators on the Hill.” [26]

ASolo ago

Angela said...

Funny that none of you have bothered to check what was behind Tulanelink. It just takes five minutes.

Tulanelink is a site set up by one Carl Bernofsky, a former professor of biochemistry at Tulane University. Bernofsky's contract was terminated in 1995, when he was 61. The university justified the decision by Bernofsky's inability to secure grant fundings, while evaluations claimed that there were issues with the quality and quantity of his research, his lack of teaching duties and participation with other professors in his department. Bernofsky sued them in 1997, implying race and age discrimination. He mentioned that the chairman of his department was biased specifically against older Jewish professors. His charges were dismissed, but Bernofsky filled a motion for a new trial, claiming the judges had connections with the University. And he's been basically asking for recuse of any judge who has dismissed his claims. In 2017, he even made a request to the U.S. Supreme Court to investigate a Federal Judge.

The Tulanelink website more or less asserts that the Tulane University, through its associates (like the guy who owned the house that burned) and alumni, is a very powerful organization in cahoots with the Louisiana justice system, and has basically spent most (I'll address it in the next paragraph) of the last 25 years trying to uncover prejudice against him or evidence Tulane is an horrible place filled with dirty secrets, most of the secrets being based on the radio interview in Canada of a woman who claimed to be a victim of a US government research program from he seventies, that resulted in her spending time as a shock therapy subject in Tulane among other places.

I wrote "most of the last 25 years", because Bernofsky is involved in at least one other major legal action, that has its own website, about the Road Home Program not giving him compensation after Katrina. He put up dozens of legal documents, and, once again, allegations of partiality from the judges that handled his case.