Omnicopy ago

He ordered cheese pizza and chicken wings. Could the chicken wings be code for babies arms? Knowing these people I woukdn’t Put it past them! Gross

YogiPokes ago

Great investigation and very interesting. I believe you are onto something!

Baichu ago

Wow, that woman, Sarma co-wrote a raw food cookbook called Raw Food Real World (2005). Co-writer Matthew Kenney. She is on the cover and shown throughout the book as a partner to this Matthew Kenney (MK). I looked them up at one point and found it odd that they had split up shortly after publishing the book. Was this yet another person promoting the vegan craze currently at an all time high right now as well as other nefarious activities as you have mentioned?

The raw food push is part of the agenda IMO. Sorry to all you vegans out there, but raw and vegan diets only weaken you, among other things. Is it a coincidence that Impossible Foods, a maker of "plant based look alike meat and other food items," is across the street from Planned Parenthood (based in Silicon Valley)? Or that the UN has a website that is tackling the world's most urgent problem.....meat?!?!! Or that investors of Impossible Foods include Bill Gates and Google Ventures?!?

I know I'm may be off topic here but my suggestions is to stay away from anything called, Beyond Meat or made from Impossible Foods currently being sold in fast foods restaurants.

Vonderplanitz ago

Hey I made this account to say this and will probably make a post about it eventually but your comment triggered me so I must reply. Aajonus Vonderplanitz promotes the raw food diet and his work is groundbreaking. With the help of his work we will be the first modern humans to live to 125 years EASILY rather than inevitably require hospital and medical assistance someday. Veganism is a death cult which is promoted because there is no equivalent level of nutrition to be found in plants as there are in raw meats(some parents in Europe were tried in court for feeding their infants a vegan diet which is nutritionally devoid of what is most important for development. The ratio for health he recommends are Raw fats up to 50% of the daily intake from butter, cocount cream, advocados(very good fat even though its a vegetable you cant eat plenty of these if you require more fat), raw cream/milk and the rest proteins/fat from raw meat(cooked fat molecules pop like popcorn and grow to 10-15 times their original size and harden within the body). While I agree a raw food diet based on plants will weaken you and is basically a fast, raw meats and raw dairy/unsalted raw butter is necessary to ensure optimal longevity and health. That being said, plants can be juiced with a masticating juicer to supplement vitamins and enzymes and promotes healing combined with the raw diet. Vonderplanitz was most likely assassinated for exposing vaccines as well as being open about chemtrails/Rothschild agenda.

Basically when you cook food you cauterize the cells/kill the enzymes/bacteria/vitamins etc and your body must work overtime trying to digest and perform basic functions due to the "germ theory" we are told which is a lie. Everything they say is a lie, put ice on your wounds: Lie. Heat is better for healing. Use baths between 100-105 F for 45 minutes with raw milk, apple cider vinegar, clay(absorbed toxins you expel into the water are captured and the clay keeps it from reentering the body through the pores by absorbing them). Drink water: Lie. Water makes you dry similar to if you apply water on wood it will crack eventually and it leeches minerals from your body and denigrates things inside your intestine if you keep drinking it too much. If you feel thirst drink raw milk or vegetable juice or terramin clay(riverbed source volcanic sources contain heavy metals) in 2 ounces of mineral water(like Gerolsteiner) provides minerals.If you must drink water only drink 2-4 ounces of filtered water for example after working out or sports. What is being craved is not the water but in fact the minerals which water would normally have instead of the toxic chemicals from water purification(chemically treated water).

They say you need salt for minerals but we cant digest rock we aren't plants. Salt only works to kill individual cells which shrivel up and die when they contact the salt. One grain of salt kills up to a million red blood cells or 2 million cant remember.
They say that you need fiber, totally false unless you are on the SAD(Standard American Diet) where everything you eat putrefies inside you and must be expelled with fiber since it is basically indigestible the fiber acts as a plunger pushing everything in front of it out and cleans out the pipes so to speak but this is not loving for the body. They say Bacteria is bad, false. Bacteria is necessary for digestion and most people suffer from lack of bacteria and suffer from depression/adrenal exhaustion because their bodies are working overtime and without the necessary tools. We are told to take antibiotics when we get a virus but a virus is necessary to clean out toxic tissues, the antibiotics are literally poison that your body must detoxify from eventually and the body heals despite them.

I went on a bit of a health rant but I hope this information could help. Knowing all this it is amazing we are alive at all. I can email the PDFs to all his books if someone wants them.

You are 100 hundred percent correct about staying away from these new "meats".

Joe10jo ago

Please post more!

Baichu ago

I appreciate your rant. And I agree, except I'm misunderstanding something about Vonderplanitz (weird name). He promoted the raw food diet to include meat? If so, he's probably one of the few. That would horrify vegas. I completely agree with you about the lies and some of what you are saying makes complete sense regarding water etc.. One thing I am learning is that whatever "they" tell you or are pushing, do the opposite. And, right now the push is to veganism. I have a fabulous source of raw milk and filtered well water, but I never thought to add minerals. I will see if I can find his books online. Thanks!!!

Vonderplanitz ago

If you live that long on the raw diet your life will be worth living because you'll grow younger and not older! You are totally right though! He said this: "Whatever the medical industry tells you do the exact opposite 99% of the time and you'll be fine" haha!