hibiscusrouge ago

Hi there, Anyone to tell how to post here ? Definetely lost...

hibiscusrouge ago

Hi, I just found out this thread as I was surfing on a whistleblower I'm following. At first, I couldn't believe what the Anon guy from Bellinzona which ID is N°993383 said..but after a few checks, it's is incredibly well documented..everything, everyone is linked ! I beg you to continue to spread the word.. As I've read in the forum, I'm opening a pronto mail, installing Tails ( I'm a beginner) and I already use Tor ! Yesterday I was searching for some documents and found out some really interesting facts (ex police officer ...) wich is linked to pedostuff ( as I knew from his deceased spouse.....( I know for sure he is..very difficult to track. Funny HOW google provides you with articles relating to their police records ! I'm not native english, sorry if my english is not fluent as your, but I read both spanish and french.. I had summ up some info , a lot actually..difficult to link all what I've read..but at least it proves the Anon noble guy doesn't say bullshits; let me expose some of my search from information : As an Anon wrote, Switzerland is the Cabal Hotspot. When the Templers came back the 1. August 1291 after they robbed and killed thousands of inNocent People in Europe. Why are they so wealthy and divided?4 Languages for a small Country..? Like Belgium..remind me Antwoort, Diutroux, Verlinde, and so on..such a small country, so divided ! If you check for bellizona https://www.bellinzonese-altoticino.ch/fr/scopri/patrimonio-UNESCO/castelli.html Notice the castle and the escape room https://www.bellinzonese-altoticino.ch/fr/arricchimenti/common/144247.html the graphics are purely stanistic ! red and black ! Sponsorized by La mobiliare (swiss company) , partner of Babel Festival ! The Babel Festival..held in Bellizona ! see list of partners..Teri..waste recovery solution..very disturbing.. partners list below :

of course, Teris company in Switzerland go to a company event once a year in Paris. Have to check that ! As seen on VOAT, Teris waste management company with an address set up in France - https://www.bloomberg.com/profiles/companies/88283Z:FP-teris-sa website not found ! Waste management company called Teris LLC founded in ARKANSAS in 1992 https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=4318173 and yes the link to the Jpeg provided leads to recognize Pedo symbolism everywhere on their site. They have a Rates card that doesn't make sense until read like a pedo price tag.Redirect here: https://imgoat.com/uploads/2557a7b2e9/188965.jpg Thanks to " Piscina" (edited 5 days ago) who made a great job : here are some info gathered : Bellinzona has a serpent as its coat of arms https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellinzona. It also has a Black Castle with an escape room https://www.bellinzonese-altoticino.ch/it/arricchimenti/common/144247.html Ivan Ambrosini is the first person he mentions. Ivan is married with a son. He has an economics degree from Uni of Switzerland. He has been active in the Scouts (has access to children) and Assocazione Magno. http://www.ppd-bellinzona.ch/info-candidato/ Here are some articles in the local Ticino paper on Ambrosino https://www.ticinotoday.ch/tags/ivan-ambrosini-0 Babel Literature Festival partners https://www.babelfestival.com/partner/ are Bellinzona and Terris. When I look up Assoc Magno i find this. Look at all the little hands in big hands here. It teaches English to children of badante (which are eastern European women who are live-in housekeepers) and does after-school care to vulnerable children. http://www.onlussantidomenicoemagno.it Bellinzona is in Switzerland, near Lake Como where Clooney has his house. A while back someone said Switzerland was a big place for elite pedos...can't remember who it was. (said Piscina) ! Vanni Bianconi is the director of Babel Literary Festival. He lives in Ticino and London. He is an actor. http://www.sabirfest.it/ospiti-passati/459-vanni-bianconi.html?jjj=1548339088319 https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/court-confirms-guilt-of-immigrant-helping-politician/43554916. This article says that a Swiss court found Ticino politician guilty of trafficking.

After checking, it appears that Lisa Bosia Mirra Court confirms guilt of immigrant-helping politician with her advocate, type name Pascal Delprete who has his lawyer office situated in Lugano 31.4 km. About 35 mins far from Bellizona city ! and u'll find out this : L’ex-chef de la compliance de la banque PKB sera jugé à…https://gothamcity.ch/lex-chef-de-la-compliance-de-la-banque-pkb-sera-juge-a-bellinzone/ Selon un acte d’accusation que Gotham City a consulté, un ancien responsable de la conformité de la banque zurichoise est accusé d’avoir tardé à dénoncer une relation bancaire suspecte en 2011.

Other article of interest , Feel free to google translate the following article apparently only in french on the site a bit disturbing ! https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/rapport-d-intersos_pour-les-migrants-mineurs--c-est-le-jeu-de-l-oie/43867134 "The Noble Anon" said they're particing in small cities..."Always small wealthy towns never big cities (that I am aware of)"I know of these: • Bellinzona (my old home) • Deauville ( As I m concerned, I know Deauville and actually searching for some undergrounds at least city hosts every year the American Movie festival ..(and it is a jews' nest) • Ingolstatd • Schagen • Brighton he added : "Also there are some towns in Russia, Israel, Morocco, and many many in Ukraine but I dont know the towns I have only heard they do the same thing. Local police protect it that I saw in Bellinzona but I do not know how it is operating elsewhere sorry". I have posted names, and I am thinking of dates that politicians were at parties but I have to check family facebook posts for dates (I will do that now) but also the Teris company, and the babel literature tour, they are the businesses that do it. Oh and theres a bank I forget the name of that moves the money, they help organize the festival. I will find the name " By the way he said he knew Macron flew to Bellizona on June 26th of 2018, which is accurate as this Rotschild' son of the beast (known to be a sexual pervert) was in Vatican at that time. ( I can provide with some disturbing pics about Macron ). please, read : June 26 last year Macron flew in to Bellinzona on the Italian PM helicopter (dont know if Italian PM was there) and he didn't go to a party, but had a private villa and pedo party. August 10th last year Adam Sandler and the chick from friends was at a 'before' party in the city's ballroom. The pedo party happens after, because the ballroom has a basement that is linked to the city waste tunnels. Theresa may was there last month, I will find a date, asking my cousin if he can find out the exact date but for now it is just a rumor sorry Have to check whenever DJ Trump visits Europe and these fucky politicians fly to Asia..

Asia is probably a destination. As widely known, an ex french minister used to go To Thailand to get kids. (this is not a secret, he wrote it on book on this, got TVinterviews ! Check!, Paris is free Masonic city also ! crowded with perverts ! Marocco is also a famous destination ( more likely Marrakhech) I think.. Try a search on Bernard Henri Levy..( like "Jacques Attali" who influenced each and every french president, or his wife "Arielle Dombasle"' who just released a movie called Alien Crystal Palace, satanic erotic movie ! https://www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr/Alien-Crystal-Palace-le-film-erotico-sataniste-tragi-comique-d-Arielle-Dombasle-52090.html He is also known for having as a mistress the Guiness beers famous family descendant, Daphné Guiness !

other disturbing fact , Sandler and Aniston were indeed in Italy last August filming a new film for Netflix, filming was at Lake Como, a mere 39 miles from Bellinzona. Apparently a french famous actor, film maker, producer called Dany Boon, involved with some tax problem solving, friend of Macron appears to hbe linked with both above named persons !

other site related http://www.ernst-goehner-stiftung.ch/index.php/fr/Philanthropie/%C5%92uvres-sociales

Do not know if my post is correct, I'm really lost on this site.

Piscina ago

The first photo in the Reddit post is of the President of Swiss Confederation who here is attending the Locarno Film Festival.

kazza64 ago

he also outed sean penn adam sandler and one of the chicks on friends and i'm pretty sure that would be jennifer aniston who has made films with sandler

Piscina ago

The Locarno International Film Festival hosts a lot of Hollywood actors each year. Locarno is in the same area as Bellinzona. Here is Judd Apatow's films being featured at Locarno: https://www.locarnofestival.ch/pardo/pardo-live/today-at-festival/2017/day-9/5-apatow-films.html

Here is Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler staying with the Clooneys at Lake Como, a stone's throw from Bellinzano and Locarno. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:S6G6FjY9KaYJ:https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/celebrity/jennifer-aniston-enjoys-weekend-at-george-and-amal-clooneys-lake-como-villa-with-adam-sandler/ar-BBLAgrc+&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=au

carmencita ago

Upvoat for bringing this to our attention.

carmencita ago

Is this a version of Rainbow 🌈Cultural Garden? RCG has NXVM connections and at one point Barbara Bush was involved with it’s British location. One description of the language training of the Children was they sounded like Babel. They were being taught many languages each day with hardly any time spent with parents. The outcome was total confusion. One world language of Babel. This scares me.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Good question Carmencita!

I'll be in the Bellinzona area next week and I'm tempted to drive through!

assistance1010 ago

Please film it. Be careful and God bless you.

carmencita ago

Yes As your name I hope you find The Real Truth. This place could also be dangerous so be very careful when asking questions. This could be the Italian version of NXVM

Vindicator ago

Good call, Carmencita! I remember that. Very creepy. Here are all of our previous research posts. Pinging folks who looked into it who may not be aware a Euro anon claiming noble descent from a pedo family leaked stuff yesterday that led to this post:

@letsdothis3 @argosciv @kestrel9 @benkitchen105 @MrsOgynist01

argosciv ago


*/coughs loudly*

letsdothis3 ago

I'm going to play devil's advocate. Apart from that unfortunate hand position in that one photo I haven't seen anything (apart from someone's hearsay on another forum) that points to what we are researching on this forum.