flyingcuttlefish ago

Pockets of the Future - Tom Hanks June 18 Tweet is picture of eyes wide shut masked child with "I'm Sorry" caption!

bayoubelle ago

Now it makes sense that BOH awarded this group.Title Here

bayoubelle ago

Watch the movie "Big"; it's so obvious. Movie made me sick.

Wrathfullyawakenedww ago

Jimmy Kimmel Show is filmed in a Masonic Lodge!!! Tom Hanks with little girl dancing on Masonic Alger singing “ Talk Dirty To Me”... the guy posted on BIN because the video kept getting removed. Overhead view of Illuminati building complete with eye of Horus .... It starts with the tweet you are referencing... made me sorry I was ever a fan of Hanks. Don’t know why video didn’t embed for me but it’s worth typing in by hand.

pete2016 ago

Yes a highly suspect photo given sara revelations. Also where did the hanks and oprah photo originate from?

Did someone leak it?

Matt_Helm ago

Oprah posted it on her instagram account she thinks it's funny it's Tom after he got his illuminati satanic black eye.

pete2016 ago

thanks for info

culofiesta ago

Oprah good friends with Weinstein

Oprah, Hanks, Bill's Wife...Theyallknew

and they are still doing it

SeeHear ago

I believe they are feeding off our anger at this point. There aren’t enough of us, and they seem to be having a laugh at our indignation. I gotta talk to Holy Spirit about how best to move forward, personally. That picture with him and the “gals” is really fucking me up

Shizy ago

With those kind of replies, why do these freaks even bother to remain active on twitter or social media? People are on to them!

taijitsu187 ago

whaaaaat are all those hot dogs and hamburgers arranged around the clock in the background?? SO WEIRD

SeeHear ago

Seriously. That picture, since my two years of pizzagate research, is the biggest smoking gun I’ve seen. I’ve gotta take a major break. I haven’t been scared in a while, but that photo made my stomach hurt.

Jamescrow117 ago


This right here is why 99% of the country considers propagate a joke.

They are hamburgers, obviously. You would know that if you weren't obsessed with pedophilia to the point you are seeing it everywhere.

SeeHear ago


Podge512 ago

First verse of the song:

A child with a nose like you and eyes like me/A house with the door unlocked so they'd be free/A bed with sheets so soft they'd never leave/Love so deep we never sleep

Make of that what you will!

Jamescrow117 ago

That sounds like a generic love song to anyone who has been invited to something by a non blood relative.....

If we want pizzagate to be taken seriously we need to call out people who clutch their pearls at things Reverend Lovejoy's wife on The Simpsons would get a laugh for being offended by

Podge512 ago

Nobody's clutching pearls. I presented the first verse of the song and invited the reader to make of it what they will. If you consider them to be innocent, that is your concern.

Jamescrow117 ago

Would the audience laugh at your action if a purposefully 2 dimensional character who only exists for the audience to laugh at did it?

Podge512 ago

How should I know what other people would or wouldn't do?

Jamescrow117 ago

Well most people interact with others on a daily basis and aren't shut ins.......

Podge512 ago

...and are therefore able to read the minds of complete strangers?

Jamescrow117 ago

And are therefore able to infer what others will think based on a sample size of hundreds of acquaintances instead of just the 3-4 voices in your head....

You can choose to be better and more righteous than American popular culture and abstain from it or you can choose to understand Americans and their popular culture.

You can not do both

Podge512 ago

Of what voices do you speak? Moreover, I don't know any Americans; everyone I know hails from my own country and, in fairness, none of them think child rape is ok. That I can quite legitimately infer.

Jamescrow117 ago

No one is saying child rape is ok only that delusional and/or religious fanatics have a hard time discerning reality from fantasy illustrated perfectly by how many believe in magic.....

Podge512 ago

To reiterate, if you don't have a problem with the lyrics in the context they were presented, that is your concern.

Jamescrow117 ago


Obviously I don't have a problem with them... No sane person possibly could. That is the issue... Anyone who is curious about pizzagate and checks out this site is just going to think "yep the MSM was right the only people dumb enough to believe in pizzagate are shut ins that never interact with other human beings"

If you don't want pizzagate to be seen as a joke stop doing this that are indistinguishable from parody

Podge512 ago

You are, of course, free to contribute what you deem to be "serious" research, or continue flinging snarky insults, if you think that's more productive.

Jamescrow117 ago

I have shared the map of native tribes found to have no taboo against pedophilia drawn by sir Richard Francis Burton as well as discovered the Krupp scandal as the latest and closest instance of propagate being revealed almost 100 years ago.

Back when sane people frequently Ted this site I also floated a theory about how after the Roman emperor Tiberius appointed so many of his molestation victims to high office this whole monstrosity just came about on accident as a self perpetuating series of abuse......

Those are the things we used to discuss before the nutters took over.....

Podge512 ago

To reiterate, if you think concern trolling, snarky insults and proposing absurd hypothetical situations far removed from the original context are worthwhile endeavours to PG research/investigation, please continue in the same vein in which you have begun. You have already contributed so much in the 3 weeks you've been here and no doubt everyone here is immensely appreciative of your efforts.

Jamescrow117 ago

This is not my only account there have been several (thus the 117).

Fyi: what you consider concern trolling is simply the perspective of every sane American citizen that actively participates in our culture and society.

What you and the other Nutters are trying to do is eat your cake and have it too.

You can either be above and holier than American popular culture or you can try and understand it.

You can't do both. Even the Christian scientists are sane enough to admit they aren't medical experts and can't comment on current medical practices.

Podge512 ago

Good point well made. Keep up the good work!

Joe10jo ago

The song lyrics!! Wow!

Cc1914 ago


lopus ago

here is the song

Joseph Luca "I'm Sorry"

Unfortunately the video does not play on my computer at the moment.


Tom Hanks was in the hood looking for his grandbaby

pmichel ago

the mask is creepy and that baby boy looks like someone put lipstick on him to me. Also what is up with all the tweets Tom has about finding one kid's shoe?

Matt_Helm ago

He did that movie long ago The Man With One Red Shoe a remake of a foreign film same title.

Zorrilla ago

Remember The Man With One Red Shoe?

ninjajunkie ago

A shoe can mean a still-closeted gay person.

pmichel ago



Go to the Smoking Ostrich siie on Twitter and look at the media. Read the comment under the Oprah and Hanks pic. WTF is going on? Oprah is a nasty, satanic bitch. You know how she goes on and on about being molested as a child? Maybe she lied about it and none of it is true. She probably just said that so she would seem relatable to her viewers. Lies. Lies. Lies. If you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it.


Look at the pic of the little boy and notice what is beside his face on the right side. I kow what it looks like to me.

carmencita ago

His Handlers

What does IM SORRY mean at the bottom of the pic of the little boy?

Cc1914 ago

Whoa good catch !

carmencita ago

Which one did you mean was a good catch. I am still wondering about IM SORRY. Who is that meant for? And what is the Music he is talking about. He just Reeks Pedo.

carmencita ago

Could be or someone fixed the #. No longer able to post it for the other keeps coming up instead. Sneaky is what they are.

think- ago

I tend to believe the allegations against Hanks since I saw the really strange pic with Oprah. And now this?

Judgejewdy ago

And the pedo stache.

Blacksmith21 ago

If I were a mega wealthy, super star actor and someone accused me of raping them as a child, I can assure you there would be a team of K St attorneys all over their ass like white on rice. Nothing from Hank to Sara.

Matt_Helm ago

No you would ignore it totally to avoid calling the news media's attention to the allegation.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's true. It is counter intuitive, and with the full on backing of the MSM, who needs crisis management? FTW!

pmichel ago

yeah, me too. I would spare NO Expense to clear my name, I would be so angry and demand the truth.

realityisinsanity ago

Those masks are some kind of weird fetish.

muffalettadiver ago

Great post.

exposethecriminals ago

Oh my gosh. Thank you for posting

derram ago :

Tom Hanks on Twitter: "Music from Joseph Luca Solari. Peter’s (“Henry” to my “Kip”) son. Bosom Buddies 4 ever! Hanx…" :

Smoking Ostrich on Twitter: "But know who his handlers are.… "

This has been an automated message.