MichaelClayton ago

Bruising the eye is a freemason ritual. Tom has was born into freemasonry.

think- ago

Hi @Matt_Helm, please add a sentence or two why you think the left bruised eye might be relevant for our investigation.

You might want to refer to this article:


Please note that at this point, the significance of the black left eye is merely speculation (though an interesting one... ;-) ), and should be labeled as such.

Thank you.

PedoStomperReturns ago

I would imagine that the left eye signifies the "Left Hand Path" of magick and sorcery.

think- ago

Thanks for editing, @Matt_Helm. I will remove the flair.

Oh_Well_ian ago

The black eye thing is far from 'mere speculation'.

Looks more like confirmation reaching 100%, when it comes to Hollywood and Washington DC.

notagame ago

Great catch.

Very disturbing.

Adminstrater ago

Is that ophra? either of them?

kazza64 ago

theres a cdan post where reese witherspoon put off the black eye thing because she was scared of the pain and then after she had it done she was the go to person for everybody because she breezed through it

Pizzalawyer ago

How I wish I was tech savvy. Someone should create an Instagram account that features all the accumulated black eyes that can be found...let the sheer number of photos raise an eyebrow or two.

Blacksmith21 ago

@matheasysolutions has the most comprehensive collection of them. Maybe Matt has a few minutes to publish his collection.

matheasysolutions ago

ahhh yes. THE most comprehensive indeed: https://mes.fm/eyes. And yes publishing it a Textbook style is going to be life goal of mine! #TheBIGBookOfEyes

Blacksmith21 ago

How about a coffee table book?

matheasysolutions ago

hahaha a coffee table book about eyes... that flips over into a coffee table ;)

Shizy ago

I have seen something similar floating around twitter

Podge512 ago

Fellowship of the Minds had a compilation of those in what they call the 'Black Eye Club':


Pizzalawyer ago

many thanks

EatThePizzaEaters ago

Curious.. What about creating an Instagram account would require someone to be tech savvy?

Pizzalawyer ago

im approaching 70yo and still learning how to use a cell phone. Alot of professionals, some very smart and very successful, relied on staff for decades to handle the everchanging world of computers and now find ourselves hopelessly behind. I rely on younger family members to help me with even cell phone functions, like getting on board with Craigslist or Uber. It must sound silly to the rest of you. On the otherhand, I asked my son to check the oil in my car before taking a trip and after much avoidant behavior he admitted he didnt know how to do that. Im certain I taught him that task decades ago when he was in high school. One of us forgot! I really do admire the computer skills of Pizzagaters and hope to see them change the world while Im still alive.

Truthseeker3000 ago

@Pizzalawyer Do not fret, you are not alone as there are many just like you. Your posts are always very informative and I enjoy reading them. Nice grammar and sentence composition too!!!! hahaha

ps: you are only near 70 and that is still young, much time left for you. Keep active body and mind and stay with us fighting the cause :)

Blacksmith21 ago

Stay in the fight @pizzalawyer

Pizzalawyer ago

thank you. I fought the foster care system in the 1970s with class action lawsuits in federal court while Hillary was doing nothing with the Childrens Defense Fund inasmuch as she flunked the bar exam. Ha! So my interest in childrens rights has never waivered. Oddly enough, sex abuse was never an issue either because our heads were buried in the sand or because it wasnt as prevalent.

InnocentAngels ago

I believe someone did a You tube video about all celebs. and people in powerful positions with the left black/bruised eye.

3141592653 ago

Any idea when the picture was taken?

notagame ago

Yeah, I'm curious about that, too.

derram ago

https://files.catbox.moe/747xac.jpg :

https://snew.github.io/r/greatawakening/comments/92gz4m/on_the_heels_of_sarah_ashcrafts_post_about_tom/ :

On the heels of Sarah Ashcraft’s post about Tom Hanks here is a disgusting photo of him and Oprah THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK 🤬 : greatawakening

This has been an automated message.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

dailymail - https://archive.fo/T3nuy

fellowshipoftheminds - https://archive.fo/PAABz

Matt_Helm ago

I think he went through a satanic ritual with Oprah as the Satanic Priestess and her lesbian lover Gayle King and others assembled to initiate Tom into a satanic cult and if he is exposed as a pedophile it will be a nuclear bomb on Hollywood.