Bekallen86 ago

I knew he must have something like this in his past when he quickly withdrew support for the Vaxxed movie that was coming out.

GeorgeT ago

Why on earth would Deniro say 'F' Trump at the Tony Awards?!! Now we know!

chickyrogue ago

yup he likes them age 15 FUCK DE NIRO

Baichu ago

Ahh, Dirty Grandpa, flinging his rotten sludge at everyone who will listen. He's been in the "game" a long, long time. Everything about him reeks of the nasty, parasitic, degenerate hollywood slime club, which he was probably one of the first to join without batting an eye.

rickman ago

How interesting that De Niro's restaurant is where Harvey Weinstein conducted his groping sessions before taking actresses into his private office where they'd be alone for hours. The restaurant owned by De Niro where Weinstein was well known by the staff for being a disgusting, abusive, sexual assaulter.

Yes, nothing to see here. I mean why on earth would Hollywood star De Niro want such disgusting behaviour to occur in his restaurant and to his staff?

toutedesuite ago

Thanks for this and for material in comments — reposted to normies. This is the stuff we need to use to help awaken them all.

new4now ago

Robert De Niro And Billionaire James Packer Will Transform Barbuda With Luxury Resort

Robert de Niro plans to restore luxury beach resort once favoured by Princess Diana

K-Club, on the Caribbean island of Barbuda, could be redeveloped by Hollywood star if islanders vote in favour at meeting on Monday

Robert De Niro's plan for Caribbean mega-resort opposed by island residents

Opponents of $250m project on island Barbuda say the government is trampling on citizens’ rights by approving project under new celebrity-incentive law

Robert De Niro Accused of Exploiting Hurricane Irma to Build Resort in Barbuda

James Packer.......

Wonder what they mean by Luxury Resort?

DeNiro is on my list for a takedown, Just a matter of time to put it all together

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

De Niro has really humiliated himself. The price of selling out. I can think of few who have made a bigger ass of themselves than De Niro. Those anti Trump videos were cringe worthy. It's like he has to keep sucking cock for the industry. He is way blackmailed. He thought those parties were because he was important. He has no choice at this point than to do their bidding no matter how stupid it is. That's what happens to sellouts. He probably writes his dignity off as a loss.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Found with a member of the House of Saud too no less. No wonder Deniro doesnt like Trump, If Trump ends Human Trafficking hes got to go back to fucking his family, have you seen them??

kazza64 ago

i call him frank niro now with his munster shoes

sore_ass_losers ago

Here's another 1998 John Lichfield Independent article about the trial:

'Nadia M. was 20 years old when she fell into the silken trap extended by Bourgeois in 1996. A pathetically thin French girl of Moroccan origin, she told the court that she was a shop assistant, living in a welfare hostel, when spotted by one of the photographer's friends.'

'Nadia said she was "presented" soon afterwards to Robert De Niro but nothing happened'

'N'Guyen was also ticked off by the public prosecutor's office - with some justice - for his highly publicised "arrest" of Robert De Niro in Paris, early this year. De Niro, who was never more than a witness in the case, admitted having sex with girls presented by Bourgeois, but denied paying for their services.'

MolochHunter ago

nice find

hows that are_we_sure narrative holding up?

toutedesuite ago

AWS is my most fave troll, but provides such a wide, fat, soft target it takes all the fun out of shooting him/her down...

sore_ass_losers ago

"After gaining their confidence, the judge alleges, he persuaded them to pose for more revealing pictures. The girls were then convinced, if possible, that prostitution was the best way to get into modelling or movie careers. If they refused, they were blackmailed with the threat that the photographs would be sent to their families. In some cases, they were simply abducted. Several girls cited in the investigating judge's report accuse Mr Bourgeois of rape."

Wow, this could be another aspect to the likes of photographer Terry Richardson. I know for instance reports were he and his female assistant would do thinks like persuade the model to wank off Terry, 'everybody does it'. I thought it was just the perversion, or for his private collection, but photos of stuff like that could be used as NXIVM-style compromise material, to keep models in line and control them. Apparently even to coerce them into prostitution in this French example.

sore_ass_losers ago

Kind of a diversion, but for some reason my search for "jean-claude bourgeois epstein" turned this 2016 Daily Mail article about Jeffrey Epstein, which doesn't mention the other guy at all (probably it's just that some other story in the sidebar had 'jean', 'claude', or 'bourgeois' in it when the search engine spider hit it). He hangs out with a lot of models, not underage though.

EXCLUSIVE: The busy life of Jeffrey Epstein: Group of gorgeous Manhattan 'it' girls in and out of the billionaire sex offender's mansion before Clinton pal flies off in private jet with comely brunette

Well Epstein has mansions, a private jet, and a private island (or two it is rumored, but I doubt it), so maybe the girls go for him. But I wonder if these models and socialites are essentially prostitutes.

DM says: "The women photographed at the house are a group of friends that mostly work as models, all of which are social scene regulars.

All of the ladies also appear to be in their early twenties."

MolochHunter ago

lol I can't get a read on your post ... its like Jeffrey Epstein is news to you and you're not sure if he's part of pizzagate?

sore_ass_losers ago

Yeah, well I said it was a diversion. Hadn't seen this story, looks like the DM was staked out at his mansion. I knew about the young girls who he corrupted to be his masseuses, his eastern european sex slave he claimed he purchased, his connection to model agent Marc Brunel, who seems likely to be the one who provided 2 or 3 12-year old French girls for his birthday, the story varies. I didn't know he's hanging out with all these models now, who as DM comments note, most likely are prostitutes. I guess the relevance is model/prostitutes, although these appear to be legal age. (I wonder who the sinister guy with the bodyguard is.) Just sharing a little tidbit for Epstein buffs.

sore_ass_losers ago

From the Independent article:

"At one point, according to the report of the investigating judge, the agency became a kind of approved dealer in girls, operating with the connivance, if not the blessing, of the French foreign ministry and French secret services. By steering Middle East arms clients towards girls from a known, and closely watched, agency, there was thought to be a reduced risk of blackmail, or the leaking of secret negotiations."

So French intelligence was using them, at least here it says with Middle Eastern arms clients.

I think of the CIA's 'Operation Midnight Climax', which is known to have involved dosing unsuspecting johns with LSD in San Francisco whorehouses. Most focus on the LSD dosing, which was deplorable, but I've often thought, hmm, so the CIA was running bordellos.

lamplight ago

DeNiro's outrage over Trump is loud and clear. Obviously DeNiro doesn't want to be caught for what he has been doing.

progressbin ago

The Night Roman Polanski Raped 13-Year-Old Samantha Gailey, He Met With Robert De Niro

YogSoggoth ago

You mean that guy who would have be pardoned by Hillary? I got some Polish friends. I will ask them.

MolochHunter ago

things that make u go hmmmmmm

Gothamgirl ago

Maybe this is what Trump's tweets are about. He plays a boxer, whi is a pedo in this movie.

In a brief scene in 1964, an aging, overweight Italian American, Jake LaMotta, practices a comedy routine. In 1941, LaMotta is in a major boxing match against Jimmy Reeves, where he received his first loss. Jake's brother, Joey LaMotta, discusses a potential shot for the middleweight title with one of his Mafia connections, Salvy Batts. Some time thereafter, Jake spots a fifteen-year-old girl named Vickie at an open-air swimming pool in his Bronx neighborhood. He eventually pursues a relationship with her, even though he is already married.

Sackajahweeda ago

He got a wee bit stalkery with Whitney Houston. In his defense she was an adult (though still young) he bought her gifts(DIAMONDS I think) and sent her flowers to which her mom was rumored to have said that old white man needs to leave you alone and sent the stuff back.

Podge512 ago

Something tells me De Niro is trying to be the biggest virtue signalling cuck he can be so that he doesn't get #Metoo'd.

Turn_Coat ago

And so the Trump Curse begins.

Gorillion ago

I-It's okay, bros. He's an Artist. Artists are allowed to engage in taboo like, totally helps them tune their artistic process and um...really...understand condition!

Blacksmith21 ago

And specially constructed subterranean rooms built for complicated art exhibits...

FalconFXR ago

If anything happens to Punchy like being tied to a Pizzagate situation he will claim that its the current administration trying to silence dissenters. I'm surprised that it hasn't been done before now.

Blacksmith21 ago

They are saving that card. De Niro may play it if he gets pinched. I think he's that powerful. Weinstein was too early. First to squeal lives.

Hydrocephalus ago

I would wager most if not all celebrities are involved with some fucked up sex trafficking shit. I would wager most if not all high-level politicians are too.

GeorgeT ago

They are all initiates of Kabbalah/Masonic orders.

MolochHunter ago

I think i understand what tempts them

your rich, powerful and in the public eye. ambitious people usually also have a high sex drive. But who can you fuck without seeing them 6 months later in some shitty tabloid magaine, taking $100 k to blab "I fucked so-and-so & he doesnt care about his wife"


so who are you going to fuck? Even an adult prostitute who decides she's going to retire from the game can blow her discretion for the big media money, right?

so these people, rather than have the integrity to zip their pants, they need prostitutes who are ESPECIALLY discreet. ones that have no sense of personal power. Ones that are terrified to think of telling anyone. Ones that have not the life skills & agency to put themselves into hiding

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

It's worse than that. They are deviants. Odd spin you just put on things.

MolochHunter ago

some are, some notsomuch

in a nuanced appreaciation of pizzagate, you might hae 10% of congress/pedowood raping and slaying kids in occult rituals. you might have another 10% who just rape 12 yr olds and thats about their limit

and you might have another 10% who were invited to a party once, were hit on by an amazing looking 19 yr old girl who took them upstairs & then in the morning some Deep Stater shows them a photo and tells them she was really 15, now tow the party line

Blacksmith21 ago

Add narcissism to the mix and the fact that to be really successful, they have to join the club.

Baichu ago

Oh, the narcissism has reached levels beyond the beyond and it seems that these types think that they are above everyone else. Imagine people have exalted him, worshipped him, clapped for him, asked for his autograph and actually paid him by watching his recent really pathetic movies.

Blacksmith21 ago

I love his movies. That's what makes it particularly bittersweet. 3 of my 5 top movies have him in it.

Baichu ago

I mean his recent pathetic movies ie Dirty Grandpa, anything with Fockers in it....I don't know about the rest as I don't much care about hollywood anymore. Yah, it's gotta be tough if 3 top 5 have him in it. He was the "man" back in the day.

Blacksmith21 ago

Goodfellas, Ronin, Angel Heart and Brazil all in top 10-ish. Godfather and Casino as well.

truthdemon ago


carmencita ago

Six people are charged with the running of an international prostitution ring, whose call-girls entertained the actor Robert de Niro, the former tennis player, Wojtek Fibak, two senior (but unnamed) French politicians and several Gulf princes. The agency specialised in tricking, or trapping, star-struck teenage girls into selling their bodies with the promise of careers as models or actresses.

tricking or trapping star struck Teenage GIRLS!!!

millennial_vulcan ago

BLACK teenage girls at that, Carm. He has a very specific type..

carmencita ago

Yes, because to them they don't count. Use and abuse. Then call them tramps. That's how it goes.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Whos voices are the loudest?. Q.. I think your on to something MolochHunter. I think Deniro is throwing his sex toys out of the pram because of GEOTUS Trump, The first thing Trump did was disrupt Saudi Arabia, who just happend to have a member of the House of Saud involved in the same pedo scandal that Deniro was caught up in.. coincidence?

YogSoggoth ago

The The Heat Is On — Glenn Frey | "The Heat Is On" is a song written by Harold Faltermeyer and Keith Forsey, and recorded by Glenn Frey for the 1984 American film "Beverly Hills Cop". The song was published as a single and as the fourth track of the 1984 album "Beverly Hills Cop: Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack". Search domain www.last.fm Glen was the guitarist for Don Henly, who is a clintonite.Paint by numbers = someone knows something.

Simpleusername ago

He fucks animals think children are off the table?

sore_ass_losers ago

As @Are_we_sure says "by that you mean black women?" That's a bit over the top and out of place in this subverse.

BlueDrache ago


Most zoophiles I've had contact with are anti-pedophile. In fact, most are zoophiles because of sexual abuse while they were children and would rather die than abuse a human child.

Source: Former Animal Control Officer

realityisinsanity ago

Dumbass troll

goytoynamedtroy ago

>defending animal rapists


>most are zoophiles because of sexual abuse while they were children

Why am I not surprised?

BlueDrache ago

Not really defending them.

Separating them from pedophiles.

toutedesuite ago

Perverted f*cks, all of them.

Blacksmith21 ago

Yeah, like the MSU (Nassar) prof who was banging a Basset hound. Get the fuck out of here with sick beastiality normalization bullshit.

Are_we_sure ago

by that you mean black women?

As for this case, DeNiro had nothing to do with child prostitutes. His involvement was about adult models.

toutedesuite ago

Some people choose to judge others by the company they keep....

sore_ass_losers ago

No. The agency specialized in turning teenage models into prostitutes, some as young as 15, not adult. There is no fathomable reason for him to be involved other than abetting or partaking of this.

MolochHunter ago

that's his narrative of defence

of course it would be

how do you conclude he never partook ?

BlueDrache ago

That would require knowledge aforethought.

So ... that means you're arguing with a Jew.

ponyfriend ago

Can I get a quick rundown?

Mogumbo ago

Child molesting asshole cuck

derram ago :

The sex scandal that wouldn't lie down | The Independent

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