DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Worlds most corrupt bank? That is a mighty bold statement my friend.

GreenDell144 ago

HSBC has branches in Mexico. Big companies multinational companies that operate in Mexico, like Laureate Unversities use them. They want every scrap of info about you when you open an account. I was starting to get worried that the would ask me for a lock of hair or maybe try for a colonoscopy or something.

I’m gonna close my account and ask them to delete my info.

neptunium1 ago

HSBC issues corporate sustainable development bond

HSBC has launched a new type of sustainable bond based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).

Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change, said: “A dramatic expansion in creative financing is going to be crucial for catalysing the transition to a low carbon, sustainable world. It is happening, but needs to happen with greater urgency, speed and scale. So, congratulations to HSBC for this innovation and its explicit support for the SDGs and the Paris Climate Change Agreement—we look forward to many more financial institutions following suit.”

Patricia Espinosa

Patricia Espinosa Cantellano (born October 21, 1958) is a Mexican politician and diplomat who is currently serving as the executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. She was Mexican Ambassador to Austria, Germany, Slovenia and Slovakia and served as Secretary of Foreign Affairs in the cabinet of President Felipe Calderón.

[No mention of her brother.]

Mexican photojournalist Ruben Espinosa found dead

A Mexican photojournalist has been found dead along with four other people in a flat in Mexico City.

Ruben Espinosa, who worked for the investigative magazine Proceso, had recently moved to the city from the eastern state of Veracruz where he said he had been threatened and harassed.

Rubén Espinosa

Siblings: Patricia Espinosa, Alma Espinosa

A group of four young women standing near me were embracing each other, and they couldn’t stop sobbing—the uncontrollable sobbing of deep grief and terror. As Rubén Espinosa’s sister addressed the crowd from the base of the statue, telling how her brother had been her angel and would remain so always, tears overflowed my eyes.

neptunium1 ago

Eric Gill, the Pedophile Founder of Distributism

Eric Gill (1882-1940) was born in Brighton, England, to a minister of a small Protestant sect. He eventually became an artist, well known for his sculptures, engravings, sketches, writings, and type fonts. He married in 1904 and joined the Fabian Socialist Society in 1905. As is noted in Distributist Perspectives, he is one of the founding members of the Distributist worker community at Ditchling, Sussex. It was there that he entered the Catholic Church in 1913. In his lifetime, he would found two more worker communities. He would receive many important and prestigious commissions, including works for Westminster Cathedral, the League of Nations, the BBC, and the London Transport before his death in 1940.

“Distributism is an economic and social theory based on Catholic social teaching, regarded as a ‘third way’ between Capitalism and Socialism. It is one of the ideological roots of the Catholic Worker Movement, and has had an indirect influence on the New Economics of E. F. Schumacher and through him on today's Green movement.”


If you watch HSBC's UK adverts with Richard Ayoade, they're all about the mass migration and in the latest one there's a skit on the destruction of London's black cabs and replacement by Uber. They're telling you their NWO agenda to your face.

neptunium1 ago

HSBC Bank: Secret Origins To Laundering The World's Drug Money


Contrary to popular opinion, it is not “demand” from the world’s population which creates the mind destroying drug trade. Rather, it is the world financial oligarchy, looking for massive profits and the destruction of the minds of the population it is determined to dominate, which organized the drug trade. The case of HSBC underscores that point. Serving as the central bank of this global apparatus, is HSBC.

As the opium and other trade with China expanded, Britain’s new territory of Hong Kong became a major imperial commercial center. The opium dealers gathered together to form a bank, the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, as the financial flagship of the British opium trade. Over time, the bank—now known as HSBC—would extend its reach into the drug fields of the Middle East and Ibero-America, as befitting its role as the financial kingpin of Dope, Inc.

Role of Secret Societies

In 1783 Lord Shelbourne launched the Chinese opium trade with Scottish merchants from the East India Company and members of the House of Windsor-allied Knights of St. John Jerusalem.

Shelbourne’s chief propagandist was Adam Smith who worked for East India Company, which emerged from the slave-trading Levant Company and later became known as Chatham House, home to the powerful Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA). In 1776 the high seas pirate Adam Smith wrote Wealth of Nations, which became the bible of international capitalism....

YogSoggoth ago

I remember a kid in middle school who went to outward bound and came back messed up, and gay as hell. 'Dangerous Liaisons' - Frank Guistra, Quiyun Long, and Lions Gate Entertainment. Jan 17, 2018 ... Giustra started Fiore Music, and Westsonic Music, ... Search domain americandigitalnews.com Lions Gate is mostly slash/trash/horror, add rap when acceptable to consumers.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Yah it's all a pyramid scheme it's all RICO. It all makes sense now. The Mafia would be proud.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Post all the digging and dirt on British banks and financial institutions too they're all involved too and i think a lot of this goes back to Brexit, Rotherham sex abuse, Telford sex abuse, Westminster sex abuse, the great recession, the first tech bubble burst, and ImClone and the ImClone scandal, and 9/11/01, and Bernie Madoff, and all of the stuff with Halliburton and Cheney and the oil and defense companies, all of it, everything you can possibly post, all of it, It's all connected. This whole thing is connected and it involves basically the biggest pyramid scheme in history. Everything about about all of it is intertwined. All of it. And it all involves cheese pizza, pedophilia, human and sex trafficking, slave trafficking, racketeering, money laundering, extortion, coercion, fraud, bribery, embezzling. Financial and sexual crimes the likes of which you cant ever begin to even imagine. And drug and arms trafficking, and all of the false flags and terrorism and proxy wars and the stupid Afghanistan and Iraq wars too link to it too. And the other things that links to it all too are the shit show in Syria, Egypt, Libya, and maybe Vietnam war and Gulf war 1 and the Korean war and Ukraine war. And all the drug cartels too.

septimasexta ago


carmencita ago

This was a comment of mine from @kelstrel9 post about Hunter Biden's Coloboma

The pic sure looks like it, and do you think that Joe had to give up his wife and daughter in that accident, and then Beau to cancer and has a son with coloboma. Is there something about Beau's wife that would be an advantage to marry Hunter with the coloboma eye?

So does anyone have the proper background or learned info to let us know, is there an advantage that the widow could have by marrying Hunter? What if they had a child? What does the widow have that would create an advantage with Breeding.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Post everything you can about the Panama Papers and Paradise Papers. Some one post everything possible about the Panama Papers and Paradise Papers and post everything about he Vatican and/or Vatican city's connections and links to all of this racketeering, money laundering, extortion, coercion, fraud, bribery, embezzling. It's all connected and even MI5/MI6 and the royal British family is involved with all of this.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

"Think about the amount of public funding these organizations represent. Think about how much of that is going into their pockets. Now add the private funding and extortion proceeds they're all getting. I'm going to call it. This shit is all ultimately going to be provably prosecutable under RICO. This is an extortion, racketeering, money laundering, and embezzling ring. There's probably actionable drug trafficking and child abuse therein too. The mafia would be proud." "These SJWs are masterful at pulling in multiple streams of revenue through grant writing and employment in political groups. They all seem to have multiple board seats and non profit employers. I wonder what they're paying in taxes. How many of them are guilty of fraud and tax evasion? How many of these groups do anything but exist to funnel money and write more grants to start more groups so they can funnel more money? It's almost as if there's some sort of enormous publicly funded SJW pyramid scheme that is terrified that GG will uncover them. Hmm. That would explain a lot." I knew i was onto something i knew i missed something. Yes.

Sophrosyne42 ago

Why would a guy who is a racing driver donate millions to the Clinton Foundation?

This Michael Schumacher gave 5-10 million $ according to the CF donor list.

Anyone got an idea? I understand why someone like Giustra would donate, but a racing driver?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Arpad Busson and Elle MacPherson are very close friends with Prince Pavlos of Greece and his wife Marie Chantal Miller who are super shady people. They visit one another’s private islands and functions.

neptunium1 ago

Thanks. PRINCESS Marie-Chantal of Greece says she deeply regrets that pictures of her daughter’s “ostentatious” birthday party were posted on Instagram in July and has moved her family to New York to keep a lower profile.

The European royal’s private life was raked over by the press this summer after photos of a lavish party - thrown for both her 21-year-old daughter, Princess Maria-Olympia and her dad Pavlos, Crown Prince of Greece- in Gloucestershire emerged on photo-sharing site Instagram.

High-profile guests from King Felipe of Spain, Prince Charles's goddaughter India Hicks, and Paris and Nicky Rothschild were told to “revolutionise black tie” and what followed was a host of pictures showing off the lavish bash.

Prince Charles's goddaughter India Hicks had a dress shirt painted on her naked body.

GreenDell144 ago

Greece is super poor, isn’t it?

carmencita ago

Dirty Dirty Dirty That's what Giustra is I found another of his Organizations

I am going to start off in a different mode because of a picture I saw that called out to me that is on his website Look at this picture. Who is that little girl between those two men BC and FG?

Giustra seems to get around with everyone Including the Dalai Lama also tied to NXIVM

21yearsofdigging ago

He is dirty dirty dirty

carmencita ago

You know, I had read about all the connections before, but I never knew about this one. They charities were piling up, one after one. But this time it was the last straw. I have lost count. There are a slew of them.

Are_we_sure ago

FBI Director Comey was board member of HSBC

Do you know anything about corporate governance? Do you know what board members do? Do you know how board members are different from executives? Do you know why it's important to have board member independent of executive leadership?

Clinton foundation received up to $81m from clients of controversial HSBC bank

So what? Do you really think a charity is involved in bank's activity because somebody who donates to them banks there?

Your boom is pretty much a fizzle.

neptunium1 ago

Lol. Your presence here says it all.

FBI’s Comey has a history as a political and corporate fixer

Comey was first appointed to the Justice Department by the Bush-Cheney administration. After they had launched the second Iraq war and committed billions to it, he was hired as consigliere and chief fixer by defense giant Lockheed Martin LMT, -1.90% . (Oh, and Lockheed has now deleted the web page announcing the appointment. How cute. Alas for them, the page has been archived.)

Why would a defense contractor in Washington give a top job to a hack with no knowledge of engineering or defense work, and no military experience? You got it.

For most of those years, Lockheed — and Comey — successfully hid how much he earned. But in 2009, due to some oversight, they had to disclose it in a public filing. His pay for that year alone? Try $6.1 million. No, really....

...In March, 2013, Comey was even hired as a board director by global investment bank HSBC. This was just three months after the bank had been whacked by the U.S. Justice Department for a staggering $1.3 billion for international money laundering, and faced criminal charges as well.

Yes, really. Just three months.

Why would a global investment bank, which desperately needed to launder its reputation in Washington, hire a political hack with no expertise in international banking? Yep. You got it.

And it's not my BOOM, it's Harry/Q.

septimasexta ago

You forgot to add that LORETTA LYNCH was one of the federal attorneys who gave HSBC a nice monetary fine SLAP ON THE WRIST (no jail time for Mexican drug cartel money laundering). She and Comey were rewarded with FBI Chief and Attorney General!

"“Today we announce the filing of criminal charges against HSBC, one of the largest financial institutions in the world,” said U.S. ATTORNEY LYNCH. “HSBC’s blatant failure to implement proper anti-money laundering controls facilitated the laundering of at least $881 million in drug proceeds through the U.S. financial system. HSBC’s willful flouting of U.S. sanctions laws and regulations resulted in the processing of hundreds of millions of dollars in OFAC-prohibited transactions. Today’s historic agreement, which imposes the largest penalty in any BSA prosecution to date, makes it clear that all corporate citizens, no matter how large, must be held accountable for their actions.” "

"According to court documents, from 2006 to 2010, HSBC Bank USA severely understaffed its AML compliance function and failed to implement an anti-money laundering program capable of adequately monitoring suspicious transactions and activities from HSBC Group Affilliates, particularly HSBC Mexico, one of HSBC Bank USA’s largest Mexican customers. This included a failure to monitor billions of dollars in purchases of physical U.S. dollars, or “banknotes,” from these affiliates. Despite evidence of serious money laundering risks associated with doing business in Mexico, from at least 2006 to 2009, HSBC Bank USA rated Mexico as “standard” risk, its lowest AML risk category. As a result, HSBC Bank USA failed to monitor over $670 billion in wire transfers and over $9.4 billion in purchases of physical U.S. dollars from HSBC Mexico during this period, when HSBC Mexico’s own lax AML controls caused it to be the preferred financial institution for drug cartels and money launderers.

A significant portion of the laundered drug trafficking proceeds were involved in the Black Market Peso Exchange (BMPE), a complex money laundering system that is designed to move the proceeds from the sale of illegal drugs in the United States to drug cartels outside of the United States, often in Colombia. According to court documents, beginning in 2008, an investigation conducted by ICE Homeland Security Investigation’s (HSI’s) El Dorado Task Force, in conjunction with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York, identified multiple HSBC Mexico accounts associated with BMPE activity and revealed that drug traffickers were depositing hundreds of thousands of dollars in bulk U.S. currency each day into HSBC Mexico accounts. Since 2009, the investigation has resulted in the arrest, extradition, and conviction of numerous individuals illegally using HSBC Mexico accounts in furtherance of BMPE activity.

As a result of HSBC Bank USA’s AML failures, at least $881 million in drug trafficking proceeds – including proceeds of drug trafficking by the Sinaloa Cartel in Mexico and the Norte del Valle Cartel in Colombia – were laundered through HSBC Bank USA. HSBC Group admitted it did not inform HSBC Bank USA of significant AML deficiencies at HSBC Mexico, despite knowing of these problems and their effect on the potential flow of illicit funds through HSBC Bank USA."

neptunium1 ago

Thank you for the link. Going to look into this. I've noticed Parsons coming up alot.

JesusRules ago

Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Corporation the preferred bank of the Committee of the 300 for drug operations, the center of Dope Inc.

neptunium1 ago

YogSoggoth ago

London, China. Must have been a deal made. Only American Chinese are still angry about the Opium Wars. They give/sell us Fentanyl to kill our children.

septimasexta ago

THANK YOU! I've posted about this before. HSBC was established by jewish Iraqi opium lord David Sassoon to bank all of their China opium trade money. The bank is incorporated in The City of London. NOTHING HAS CHANGED. The current descendant (his Rothschild ancestor married David Sassoon) is Baron Lord James Meyer Sassoon. He was previously the head of the British Exchequer, is on the Board for the East India Company replacement, Jardine Matheson, who was involved in the China Opium Wars and is involved with China-British trade. NOT MUCH HAS CHANGED SINCE Queen Elizabeth I chartered the first British East India Companies.

YogSoggoth ago

Sorry, I did not scroll down to see your comment. You named names. Is that the Sassoon on jeans like Vanderbilt? Both sold to chicks for more money, when I was young.

septimasexta ago

"Arguably the most famous Sassoon of all is not related to Sir David’s illustrious dynasty. Vidal Sassoon (1928-2012), the legendary hair stylist who revolutionized the women’s beauty salon business with his Los Angeles-based hair products empire, grew up in the Jewish slum of London’s East End. Evacuated to the countryside during the Blitz, in 1948 he volunteered to fight with Machal (Overseas Volunteers) in the fledgling Israel Defence Force where he saw service against the Egyptian army in the Negev Desert."

septimasexta ago

"Another descendant of Sassoon David Sassoon is the British banker and government minister James, Lord Sassoon."

"Sassoon David Sassoon was born in August 1832 in Bombay, India.[1][2] He was a member of the Sassoon family. His father was David Sassoon (1792–1864), a leading trader of cotton and opium who served as the treasurer of Baghdad between 1817 and 1829, and his mother, Farha Hayim of Baghdad."

YogSoggoth ago

Really stuck out to me because jeans are made of cotton, rabbinicist carpetbaggers destroyed the cotton industry in the South, and the Vanderbilt connection. The progenitor of the Vanderbilt family was Jan Aertszoon or Aertson (1620–1705). Aert means pea in Dutch. Gloria's son, Anderson Cooper, is a Peabody Award-winning journalist, author, and television producer and personality. In Rosemary's baby, by Roman Polanski, the devils mistress came back with a haircut from Vidal Sassoon, and the husband remarked" you paid for that?" Something along those lines. Worth a re-watch for signs.

Marked2476 ago

Sanela diana jenkins.. HSBC banker wife.. hollywood sex trafficker.. Hayden pantierra...

neptunium1 ago

Funny, she popped into my head a little while ago:

If Diana Jenkins had her way, you’d be able to have a NeuroGasm right now. In fact, Jenkins would be delighted if you had multiple NeuroGasms, or at least as many as you can safely handle.

The Bosnian refugee turned entrepreneur is the creator of a range of health drinks, including NeuroGasm, designed to promote fitness and wellbeing — and her own fortune.

The dissertation also examined a real case study. According to the precis: “It takes a number of HSBC Holding plc’s subsidiaries and develops an optimal corporate structure using those subsidiaries.

Increase your Stamina - Neuro Gasm

think- ago

There were several CDAN blinds were Diana Jenkins was discussed - as someone who presumely trafficks girls to Saudi Arabia and back IIRC.

neptunium1 ago

HSBC, Clinton Foundation, Panama Based Law firm Mossack Fonseca and money laundering? And does Hunter Biden have Coloboma?

HSBC Leadership

Ms Casey is a Senior Adviser to Patomak Global Partners. She is also a member of the Board of Trustees of Pennsylvania State University, the Trust Fund Board of the Library of Congress, the Advisory Council of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board and the Board of Trustees of the Financial Accounting Foundation. She is also a Trustee of the International Valuation Standards Council and previously held the position of Chairman of the Alternative Investment Management Association.

Vice President Joe Biden to lead the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement

University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann today announced that Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. has been named the Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where he will lead the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, a new center focused principally on diplomacy, foreign policy, and national security. The Center will be located in Washington, D.C. Biden will also have an office on the Penn campus in Philadelphia

carmencita ago

There's something really weird and strange about this. Really Strange.

Swimming in the nude. Skinny-dipping Joe Biden. Yeah, you heard me. Read the article. AND the article also says that Billy Graham went Skinny-dipping with LBJ. A bunch of Bleeping Weirdos.

Another Biden - Jill Will be Hosted by the Gender Equity Center at Penn State

Jill Biden is a mother and grandmother, a lifelong educator, a proud military mom, and an active member of her community. Penn State's Student Programming Association and the Gender Equity Center will host Biden at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 10, in Eisenhower Auditorium on the University Park campus. Jill Biden also is the wife of Joe Biden, former vice president of the United States.

Gender Equity Center (What does that even mean)

Penn State’s Gender Equity Center (GenEq) supports students who have been impacted by sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, harassment, and other campus climate issues. GenEq staff provide education, advocacy, referrals, and crisis intervention/support counseling. All services are free and confidential.

Somehow the Bidens being involved with Gender Anything gives me the Willies

YogSoggoth ago

This is just an extension of the Sandusky experiment, obviously.

carmencita ago

So now we will have 2 set ups.. JB is a perverted piece of garbage. Along with Z Emanuel I am afraid of they will accomplish.

YogSoggoth ago

Set up (3) is that if any of this goes down, Penn will drop them even if they are part of the cabal. Heck, they may have administration getting paid right now that are under understandable investigation. I would imagine that there are more than a few countries on the planet that would be willing to drop a dime on any information that could help.

carmencita ago

These morons (Joe and Zeke) need to be brought down off their high horse. They all think they can rule the world and everyone is falling for grooming tactics, which many are. But how long can this go on? Centuries ago, the Old Cabal was close to being brought done, but they rose up again. It's going to take a lot to get to that point again, to try to take them down.

YogSoggoth ago

This has been going on for more than centuries. Remember that it it is worldwide, so when you take out 70%, the 30% quietly fills the void.

carmencita ago

30% of the world is very evil. That's hard to take. But probably true, especially now.

YogSoggoth ago

I personally believe that it is artificially created. Follow the money.

carmencita ago

I know what you mean. They make things the way the are for us, so they can have the power. I will never know what it's like to be rich. Not even close. But thank God I don't do what they do.

YogSoggoth ago

That's poor people talk. Got 40 USA $? Invest in Iraq.

carmencita ago

We're not poor. Have everything we need. Just not the Top Drawer Stuff.

YogSoggoth ago

Understanding what true value is, before the market realizes it, is the key to riches. The hard part is having the liquidity to wait that long, unless you really pay attention to market forces and act accordingly.

carmencita ago

I have all the riches I need. A roof over my head, good healthy food, and true friends.

YogSoggoth ago

Roof blows away, you will be asking Yog for stock market tips in the weather. You would not want your true friends to bake in nuclear heat, or turn into human popsicle's, would you?

realityisinsanity ago

People in PA love to ignore sexual abuse for their sports teams. It's literally breads and circuses.

carmencita ago

Yes, Hillary still Roots for Penn and also still donates. Sports guys get away with all kinds of things. We just worship them far too much. And I mean Worship.

realityisinsanity ago

It goes back to ancient Greco-Roman pederasty in the arenas. The ancient Greeks were known for having orgies involving many different types of people.

carmencita ago

We may just end up the same way if this worshiping continues. Worship of false idols, of actors, sports.

septimasexta ago

"University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann today announced that Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. has been named..."

There is the University of Pennsylvania and then there is Penn State (Pennsylvania State University). Trump's Alma Mater, Wharton B. School is at the UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Sandusky was at PENN STATE.

carmencita ago

Yikes! Those two always seem to get mixed up. I think that happened in another post and quite a few of us were confused. Thanks so much for clearing up.

septimasexta ago

You are quite welcome. I was confused when the Sandusky story broke and looked into it. I still remember.

carmencita ago

They don't help either. Sometimes they say Penn when it is Univ. of Pa. They should say UPenn or something similar. Smugness.

carmencita ago

Not to mention their Father who may still working as a Pediatrician in Chicago Benjamin M. Emanuel The Patriarch

Benjamin M. Emanuel (né Auerbach) is a Chicago pediatrician and former member of Irgun. He is the father of NIH bioethicist Ezekiel J. Emanuel, U.S. Congressman and White House Chief of Staff-designate Rahm Emanuel, talent agent Ari Emanuel, and adopted daughter Shoshana. Benjamin Auerbach was born in Jerusalem in 1927, the son of pharmacists who left Russia for Palestina. The family adopted the surname Emanuel in 1933, after Benjamin’s brother, Emanuel Auerbach, was killed in a skirmish with Arabs in Jerusalem. In the 1940s, Benjamin Emanuel interrupted his medical school training in Switzerland to take part in an unsuccessful scheme to smuggle guns from Czechoslovakia to the Israeli underground. He later served as a medic in the 1948 Israeli war of stealing Palestina from its righteous inhabitants.

In 1953, his medical training brought him to Chicago's Mount Sinai hospital, where he met X-ray technician Marsha Smulevitz, the daughter of a Moldavian immigrant and union organizer. The couple married and briefly lived in Israel before returning to Chicago. They had three sons within four years, and according to Benjamin Emanuel, named their second son in honor of Rahamim, a Lehi combatant who was killed. They later moved to Wilmette and adopted their daughter. Benjamin sent his sons to summer camp in Israel, and Marsha insisted they take ballet lessons and accompany her to civil rights protests, where she was arrested three times. Dr. Emanuel's pediatrics practice grew to one of the largest in Chicago.

Rahm Emanuel has Dual Citizenship. I bet they all do.

neptunium1 ago

I agree. There's more going on 'between the lines' of that article. Biden's relationship with Penn University has always been a red flag with me - don't know why.

Agree it needs to be looked into. I'll have a look tomorrow (if I remember). For now, other posts:

Joe Biden joins a child protection foundation and partners with BUCKS County Health System ..ahem..

EXPOSED - Is Arden Delaware USA Where Satanic Pedophiles are Groomed? - PEDO JOE BIDEN lived in Arden

carmencita ago

This from the BUCKS County thread is just plain disgusting. Joe Hiding in Plain Sight the way he talks about sexual abuse just makes me sick. Sick.

carmencita ago

Delaware is a Cesspool. I will look into this. His connection with Penn also sets off Alarm Bells for me. Especially since Ezekiel Emanuel is also there. Possibly creating some kind of NWO Grouping. There is Jill with the Gender thing, Joe with Global Sustainability and Ezekiel is a whole other problem. Zeke helped write the ACA for Obama. Gulp.

There is an Ice Cream Place that Biden goes to as well, that has been posted on here.

Hot sauce Hall of Famer Chip Hearn, who owns the Ice Cream Store in Rehoboth, expects the same. Biden is a noted ice cream fan. On the walls inside Hearn's ice cream shop are pictures of Biden from previous summers, smiling big with workers young and old.

The Ice Cream Store is located on The Boardwalk

Close proximity to Washington, D.C., Philadelphia and Baltimore: Only a short drive from several cities that have large gay communities, it’s easy to see why Gay Rehoboth Beach has become such a popular spot for gays and lesbians on the east coast.

Rehoboth Beach is located in Delaware, as popular for it tax shelter status as it is for its clean beaches and gay friendly status. There are hundreds of gay owned and operated businesses patronized by a population that swells in the summer months. The BOARDWALK is a great place to people watch at night and there are several nightlife options. Make sure to check-in to one of the many gay friendly B&B’s and check out the gay beaches to get that tan!

The BOARDWALK is a great place to people watch at night

carmencita ago

Does Hunter have Coloboma? Possibly. The whole mess with Beau dying of Brain Cancer and his brother Hunter marrying Beau's Widow sounds like some Mexican Novella. Could we even make that up? There has got to be more to that story.

Also, there is something fishy about Joe moving over to Penn campus. Of all people. Will he have any connection to the old Sandysky Charity Second Mile? Hmm. I will look.

derram ago :

Clinton foundation received up to $81m from clients of controversial HSBC bank | US news | The Guardian :

A rich man but a 'pretty poor playboy' - Telegraph :


This has been an automated message.

carmencita ago

UPVoat!!! Here comes the WHIZ POSTER with another Amazing Post!

YogSoggoth ago

Nep is following the money, well, technically it is fiat in most transactions, but poor people don't know that.

carmencita ago

If only people knew what they were up to. Actually sinful. Stealing money from the rich is alright with me, most of them are not doing any good, but the poor, especially Children, that is a Crime Against God.

YogSoggoth ago

They don't call it the golden rule for nothing.

carmencita ago

The have no intention of following The Golden Rule. They are TPTB. I am glad they are miserable. Imagine what it is like pretending constantly in front of your rich friends, how happy you are. What a life.

YogSoggoth ago

It is a bit more complex than that. when you are born into big bucks, others in the family will try to horn you out, or drain you. That is another form of the breakdown of the family unit. Psychologically damaging in that, who can you trust, if not your own family? The rich and the super-rich (1968 edition) | Open Library The rich and the super-rich by Ferdinand Lundberg, 1968, L. Stuart edition, in English - Book Club ed. Search domain openlibrary.org I think that is the book I read as a kid.

carmencita ago

Wow. It's really something when you have to constantly check your back, for the Back Stabbing. No Thanks.