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think- ago

From the Sun article @Vindicator linked (NSFW):

In arrest documents seen by Sun Online, Keith Raniere is accused of raping girls as young as 12

Remember when we discussed the 'Rainbow Cultural Gardens' run by Raniere some months ago and suspected he was also involved in pedophilia? Bingo.... :-(

Raniere is also alleged to have forced women attending one of his classes to wear fake cow udders over their breasts while people called them "derogatory names", put women in cages as punishments... accused of having a "decades' long history of abusing women and girls" - including "repeated sexual encounters with multiple teenage girls" as young as 12, according to the document.

"I would estimate that more than a thousand people have deeply hurt by him - and about 200 women have been abused physically, sexually, coerced, black mailed, hypnotized and brainwashed on a basis that was so severe it affected adversely the rest of their lives.

"The authorities are asking that bail be denied and Raniere could face his whole life behind bars - he may never see freedom again and in my opinion this is absolutely deserved."

Raniere is due to appear at court in Texas on Tuesday on charges of sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy and conspiracy to commit forced labour. Authorities have requested that bail be denied as he is considered a flight risk and a danger to the community.

@LightlyToasted @darkknight111

migratorypatterns ago

Remember when we discussed the 'Rainbow Cultural Gardens' run by Raniere some months ago and suspected he was also involved in pedophilia? Bingo.... :-(

Yeah, but remember pizzagate has been debunked and all this speculation is nonsense except when it turns out to be right.

think- ago

LOL. Remember that the Dalai Lama received $ 1,000,000 for speaking at a NXIUM event?

migratorypatterns ago



think- ago

[Sara Bronfman] was also Lama Tenzin Dhonden's lover, the "Dalai Lama's gatekeeper," which came to light amidst a corruption scandal involving the latter's taking money for access to the Dalai Lama.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, jeez!

Pay-to-play Buddhism?

think- ago

Pay-to-play Buddhism?


migratorypatterns ago

Oh, and I see Andrew Hauptman, a HUGE Obama donor, is married to a Bronfman:

Andrew Hauptman's name emerged in emails hacked from the Democratic National Committee, with one email referring to his intent to "meet with the folks from the Obama Foundation."

He is chairman of Andell Inc., a Los Angeles-based private investment firm and family office he controls with his wife, Ellen Bronfman Hauptman. She is from the Bronfman family, whose fortune was built through the Seagram Co.

I do remember that name from the emails, but don't remember what they were in connection with. I'll have to do a search.