exposethecriminals ago

This is great information @letsdothis1. Thank you for all of your hard work.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Human TRACKING is fundamental to HUMAN TRAFFICKING.





polwarrior30 ago

Everyone’s moving the discussions of deleted posts here at voat to its happening.

Deleted posts: Gondwana children’s choir had the pedo symbol as their logo

Little red fox next door to comet has the pedi logo

Make a wish also has the spiral logo

The list goods on an on


carmencita ago

Please note that this post has had 29 upvotes but when you click on the link the page shows no upvotes or views. I don't know what has happened to the voat platform since it went down a couple of days ago. YEAH, a lot of us don't know what happened either.

Oh_Well_ian ago

any edited submission will FREEZE at the point where editing occurred

still no word from @vindicator and @crench


Vindicator ago

still no word from @vindicator and @crench

Chill, man. I put up a sticky addressing this issue first thing this morning. Voat is going through major software development changes right now. Plus we're probably being f'd with due to the sudden new discussion of Abramovich etc., which is hard on the servers. Be patient.

carmencita ago

I know. I pinged 3 of them the other day and not one answered. Not one.

think- ago

Carm, sometimes we don't get the pings. I guess I don't get about 20% of my pings - often I stumble upon them one or two days later when reading a thread, and feel embarrassed since I wasn't able to answer.

If it's urgent, please write a short PM, for these I get almost all pings. Thanks! :-) :-)

carmencita ago

Thanks for the tip. I did not realize this was happening :)

think- ago

Welcome. Yes, unfortunately it does. Really annoying. :-(

Oh_Well_ian ago

looks like the ol' Millennial Falcon excuse >> ' Hey, I gotta life.. I'm very busy... '

nevermind that Intel agencies and bad actors are all over this site,

it becomes an all new type of fucked up when Mods start moving goal posts and undermining CONSENT

carmencita ago

If it were not for the members on this site, voat would not even exist, yet we don't get any goal posts.

Oh_Well_ian ago

VOAT is a backwater for unpopular opinions, too messy for the controlled public square.

It allows people like us get things off our chest without it being heard by the masses, potentially spoiling their programming.

We say some shit. We feel better. The entire situation is under control.

You will know who runs this shit site whenever ( and if ever ) it blows up and goes mainstream.

carmencita ago

Yeah, votes are being held back. That's what makes Hot Posts more visible to Normies. That's what Wakes Them Up. Hmm.

Vindicator ago

Carmencita, did you see the sticky I put up first thing this morning? This constant harping on v/pizzagate being compromised really plays right into the hands of the disruptors. I didn't have time to respond to the 52 notifications I had yesterday because we had another major CP research blow up and are still trying to settle how this gets handled, striking a balance between safety and free speech. It's really a drag working in here every day with you guys for over a year and a mere 24 hours of Voat glitchiness causes y'all to completely lose faith. :-(

carmencita ago

Yes, I saw the Sticky. Sorry, but it's been pretty tough getting thrown off of reddit coming here and having the likes of members like donkey-arse pelting us everyday and ignoring the down voats. Pages telling us we can't enter for whatever reason, different every time. Many of us have been putting up with this for a whole year or more. To tell you the truth if MF was not gone, I would have left when my post about the SRA Survivor got deleted. That's why we are here, for them. Some of us lost faith a long time ago, but it's the Children and the Victims that still keep us here. No matter what.

Vindicator ago

Well, we are working really hard to use flairs and help people edit to keep from having to remove things. Hopefully that has restored some of your faith. :-)

carmencita ago

I got a 403 about the same time I sent you my comment. :)

Vindicator ago

That figures! I'm sure it will be fixed soon.

letsdothis1 ago

AMBER Alert Europe is proud to introduce its newest member, the Missing Persons’ Families Support Centre from Lithuania. https://www.amberalert.eu/missing-persons-families-support-centre-lithuania-joins-amber-alert-europe/

The Missing Persons’ Families Support Centre (MPFSC) is a non-governmental association established in 1996 by relatives and parents of missing people. MPFSC provides aid to missing persons’ families and women who were trafficked inside or outside Lithuania.

“We are delighted to welcome the Missing Persons’ Families Support Centre in the AMBER Alert Europe family”, says Frank Hoen, Chairman of AMBER Alert Europe. “With new members and partners joining, we become stronger in our fight for zero missing children in Europe.”

letsdothis1 ago

Amber Alert Europe Team https://www.amberalert.eu/team/

Charlie Hedges (UK) Missing Children Police Expert Group Coordinator WITH Queen Elizabeth II https://imgur.com/a/7Qba1

carmencita ago

Well, I hope to God that they don't have anyone like Laura Silsby training their new appointees. Beware of women and lawyers trying to spirit groups of children out of your countries. The purpose of the Amber Alert is to Alert the Abductors that the police are looking for them. That is another one of their False Friends. No, they are not our friends.

letsdothis1 ago

From the seemit post:

As we will see, both King Albert II and Baron Daniel Cardon de Lichtbuer are named in the Dutroux Scandal and cover-up. King Albert is identified by a witness as being present at a gathering described as a ‘hunt of children”. It's unclear if the witness was referring to King Albert I or King Albert II. The Baron however, is not named as being involved in the sexual abuse of children but he was involved in the cover-up.

This is intriguing, the wife of the King, Queen Poala, and a wealthy banker baron both emerging as champions of abused children, acquiring lead roles in the new international organization while at the same time being intimately linked to an accused in the Dutroux Scandal.

Not only that, but the Baron suddenly takes on a leading role in Belgium’s own child advocacy organization Child Focus (1998) and later with greater Europe’s equivalent; Missing Children Europe (2001). But that’s not all, he's also a board member at Italy’s children's foundation Foundazione Child who’s president and founder, Ernesto Caffo, also happens to be a member of the ICMEC board of directors. Furthermore, Cardon is also identified as being part of the support committee of several other children’s organizations: Kids’ Care and the Belgian Kid’s Fund

Tazzermalt ago

Belgium, the elites of Europe whole Soros refugee taxi invasion boats and the British Royal family and British State media are absolute weird dark rabbit holes, of rape, depravity, darkness and murder... I remember reading stuff a while back and if you put the plot into a horror movie or thriller people would say it was too ridiculous to be believed.

carmencita ago

That is the problem. PedoTown has made too many movies already hinting at this stuff and now people believe it is all One Big Movie. The masses can no longer tell what is a movie or reality. So many reality shows they no longer can see the forest through the trees.

letsdothis1 ago

The masses can no longer tell what is a movie or reality.

Funny you should say that. Someone recently posted this https://youtu.be/wcy8uLjRHPM

carmencita ago

Yes, we live in a constant state of confusion and uncertainty. Why? Because we no longer know what is real or fake. Thus the propaganda words, Fake News. We fell for it Hook Line and Sinker.