new4now ago

U.K. Child Abuse Probe

Operation Hydrant

Operation Hydrant was set up when it became apparent that Forces around the country were investigating a significant number of non-recent allegations of sexual abuse involving persons of public prominence or within institutions. There was a risk that investigators were looking at the same individuals and institutions and it was also clear that officers dealing with these complex cases required support and guidance.

Statistics as of December 2015:

•1,433 suspects have been identified, of which:

•216 are now dead

•261 are classified as people of public prominence with:

•135 coming from tv, film or radio.

•Of the remainder:

•76 suspects are politicians;

•43 are from the music industry;

•7 are from sport;

•666 claims relate to institutions;

•357 separate institutions have been identified. Of these:

•154 are schools;

•75 are children’s homes;

•40 are religious institutions;

•14 are medical establishments;

•11 are community institutions, including military groups and guest houses;

•17 are institutions classed as ‘unknown’.

Statistics as of December 2016:

In light of the disclosures late last year from a number of well-known footballers regarding abuse within youth football teams, Operation Hydrant’s figures have changed considerably.

•There were 819 referrals from police forces regarding football abuse.

•They identified 429 potential football victims, aged between 4 and 20;

•and 155 potential suspects.

•In total, under Operation Hydrant:

•3,469 suspects are now under investigation; of which

•366 are people of public prominence;

•162 are from tv, film and radio;

•97 are politicians;

•49 are from the music industry;

•21 are from the world of sport; and

•37 are classed as ‘others’.

•3,531 people have been classed as victims.

•555 schools are being investigated;

•364 children’s homes;

•146 religious institutions;

•74 are sports institutions;

•67 are medical;

•60 are scouts/cadets;

•30 are prisons/young offenders institutions;

•21 are community institutions; and

•108 are classed as ‘others’.

Political anonymity

So as of December 2016, 97 politicians are under investigation over allegations of child sexual abuse.

However, in February 2016, MPs (all apart from one – John Mann) voted to change the rules so that now they are entitled to remain anonymous unless charged with a crime),

then there should be special rules put in place to ensure that any MP being investigated must not be allowed to have any involvement in setting out recommendations when it comes to the law surrounding child sexual abuse and exploitation, and nor should they be allowed anywhere near schools, nurseries or children’s wards until such time as they are cleared of any wrongdoing.

If 211 suspects are in tv, radio, film and the music industry alone, what measures have institutions such as the terminally bewildered BBC put in place to protect children, particularly as many now have dedicated children’s channels?

Investigations? What has happened?

And where are the arrests? Where is the action? Yes, we get thrown the odd small-fry (albeit important that EVERYONE involved in such crimes are caught and punished), but it’s simply a case of placating the masses whilst still protecting the bigger fish.

The figures above are abhorrent, and no doubt a vast underestimate of the true figures of those involved in paedophilia.
There are probably many more who are still too frightened to come forward because the behaviour of a select few stokes their fear.

We are in January 2017 and 3,469 people are currently being investigated over allegations of child sexual abuse.

By December, when the next set of statistics are released, how many convictions will we have seen and how many of those will include the ‘prominent few’ who are seemingly still so untouchable?

They sure are investigating, but that's all they are doing I can imagine the count for 2017 we are just as bad

Victims are coming out, their stories need to be told, and their abuser/s need to be locked up

This is a big joke that makes me so sad

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this. It's agonizingly sad.

But it is a wake up call for people to get active and demand police, politicians, and anyone else involved be fired. This is about not accepting this carrying out of an agenda anymore. Call, write, demonstrate, and vote out anyone that goes along with this status quo. What are the politicians doing about this? If the answer is nothing, then rally and lobby for them to act.

We need to get organized. The side we fight is organized, so we have to be also. There's no relying on someone else, we ourselves need to become the change we seek.

new4now ago

Well put 👍

siegnagel ago

Ah our wonderful Asian community doing what they do best. Political correctness and community 'cohesion' are to blame. Even where I live in England 30 years ago you'd see them hanging about the school gates in flash cars trying to lure girls in.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, really?

Nice that it's out in the open and still nothing is done.

Markb63 ago

Muslims are pedofiles and scum.

MrrHandsome ago

I have to say good on the Mirror for reporting this, but its literally nowhere to be seen on other UK outlets. I knew England was a hotbed for this stuff just as much as the USA and this pretty much confirms it. What a shit hole i live in

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Nice to see another UKer here. Welcome!

migratorypatterns ago

I'm so sorry, but your eyes are wide open and that's good. It's the catalyst for change.

And other news outlets not covering this is another example of what I was talking about when I mentioned organization being our new frontier.

If we were unified, we could all hammer the other outlets and ask why this story is not being covered. Shame the journalist for not covering this. Also follow up and hammer the police in terms of what penalties the police covering up this case will face. This way, we can't do that. We're splintered. Yes, we all care about this story, but we're not a cohesive force. The police involved in this cover up should be charged with criminal offenses, and again, if we were a unit, we could pressure the authorities to do that.

This is a global problem. We have awful, disgusting, perverted monsters in power. They're driving this cart because they're all working towards their goal of a NWO where this will be the norm. If we don't want that kind of world, we have to use this glorious opportunity handed to us by the release of those emails. It's why I'll always feel indebted to Assange. He actually let me know the truth and that' the greatest gift anyone can give.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Hi guys almost 1am here so will read and reply properly in the morning. I know Tommy Robinson is pushing this hard. And the whole Islamic agenda.

To anyone in UK he claims there is also currently an active ring in Birkenhead.

siegnagel ago

Sadly Tommy is a state asset along with Anjem Choudary. Two sides of the same coin.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I disagree. Do you have the same opinion of Trump? And Alex Jones?

siegnagel ago

I'm 100% behind Trump, don't care about AJ. TR is a state asset. EDL (((division))). Come on. Wake up.

Reversible ago

EDL, Britain First etc were created by the MI5 Subversive Groups Division, to control and redivert emerging dissident groups. At best, they are Zionists.

Tommy Robinson even claims that Africans and eastern Europeans never commit crime in the UK, and only Muslims ever do anything wrong. What a joke. He's nothing close to actual British nationalism.

Sorry man but foreigners needs to stop their pathetic attitude towards Brits. I can't single-handedly stop anything bad happening anywhere on earth. Not to mention Americans, Canadians etc doing f*ck all when their countries are totally Satanic from top to bottom. I'm not a magician or Jesus.

truthdemon ago

Tommy that the best u got...there should be more thhan a million to lead this movement... Stop.depending on.messiahs ..

carmencita ago

Thanks for the Tip Off on Birkenhead.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Thanks for the pings @think- and @carmencita

think- ago

Welcome. :-)

truthdemon ago

Islam...a bloodsport of a pedo, for a pedo, run by pedos Order PedosRus...from Arab takeway...

That dumbfuck Aga khan has his brainwashed ismailis wandering around kensington...right next door to those royal pedos... Just another day at the office running the Pedoempire that is civilsation

Newmemba ago

England is a shitty country just like the USA, what can you expect when bizarre sexual obsessions are promoted ad nauseam by the zioPress?

migratorypatterns ago

No, both England the USA are great.

It's the Cannibal Elite that are shitty.

Vindicator ago

Yep. And shit washes off!!!

migratorypatterns ago


aileron_ron ago

Girls as Young as 10 you say, That explains why the Muslims love the UK.

Aasb ago

So thats the only thing you can add to a story about a UK Sex Ring Operating for 40 Years Victimizing Girls as Young as 10?

pixiesbitch ago

I doubt it is I think he’s just pointing out the filthy culture they bring to the U.K.

aileron_ron ago

Calm down, The UK has been ass fucked for years. They wanted this to happen and that's why they excepted so many turks,pak,s Muslims.

Reversible ago

Rubbish. Over 80% of the population is against mass Third World immigration and always has been. This is being done to the Brits by their owners. Simple as that.

Funny thing is, America is still FAR worse, in almost every metric.

aileron_ron ago

Yes America is still FAR worse, I saw it coming in the late 70's. My dad was forced to sell his home because mexicans were moving into homes all over the neighborhood. Back then the back yard was large but today looking at the area it's full of apartments.

CheeeseboogersGhost ago

actually Jews decided to open the floodgates to Pakistani immigrants as they do everywhere:

As the guardian of Britain’s border security, Blair chose as Lunior Immigration Minister a woman who seemed to retain an acute sense of her own Jewishness while having a great enthusiasm for eradicating White British identity. Roche, a staunch enthusiast for all things LGBT, is the daughter of a Polish-Russian Ashkenazi father and Sephardic Spanish-Portugese mother. She told The Independent “My being Jewish informs me totally, informs my politics. I understand the otherness of ethnic groups.”

prior to this Jewish entertainment conglomerates like MTV debased Britain's youth, without which they would never have been in a position to be "groomed" and prostituted.

Did you read the article? It says there were problems "outside of underage discos" -- a phrasing that indicates young girls going to drug and alcohol-fueled dance parties is accepted behavior.

It seems this situation could have come about even without the elite pizzagate cult, which is not implicated anywhere in this thread yet.

siegnagel ago

No, under-age discos are for teenagers where the venue only sells soft drinks. We've had them here for years.

Tazzermalt ago

This sounds like an 'alt-right' conspiracy

think- ago

NB: 'Asian' in the article refers to men from Pakistan. Police and MSM (like the BBC), and even MPs have accused those who tried to talk about the child trafficking gangs of being 'racist'.

In Rotherham, those who tried to address the issue and worked for the local council were even forced to take part in 'Racism awareness trainings'.

pixiesbitch ago

They use "Asian" instead of "Muslim" because they protect Muslims in this country and they also like to be careless with words to confuse the audience. E.g. when the media say a young child was a "child prostitute" or the child was "sexually abused/seduced by" instead of raped.

siegnagel ago

Yep. Asian in the US means Chinese. Here Pakistanis or Muslims in general.

Podge512 ago

Corbyn also did his best to cover up the Islington Children's Homes Abuse scandal in the 90s which took place within his constituency (Islington North), denouncing fellow MP Geoffrey Dickens for attempting to expose the abuse taking place and has consistently refused to answer questions on the subject. One of his staunchest supporters, Naz Shah (MP Bradford West) said that English girls (upwards of a million it is now estimated) who have been raped by Pakistani paedophile gangs should keep their mouths shut, "for the good of diversity". To the best of my knowledge, Shah has not been expelled from the British Labour Party nor deselected, so Corbyn's credentials as a paedo protector/cover-up artist cannot be impugned at this point.

think- ago

so Corbyn's credentials as a paedo protector/cover-up artist cannot be impugned at this point.


To the best of my knowledge, Shah has not been expelled from the British Labour Party

No. The only one who suffered from consequences was Sarah Champion, the MP from Rotherham, who had to step down for talking about Pakistani grooming gangs.

Go figure...

migratorypatterns ago


Nice way of keeping a lid on the pot boiling over with scum.

think- ago

from the article:

Her mum Torron Watson said she repeatedly told police that Becky was being abused – and even gave them a list of suspects.

She told the Sunday Mirror: “Girls like Becky were treated like criminals. I was crying out for help but it felt like I had nowhere to turn. If Becky’s abuse had been properly investigated by the authorities more girls could have been saved from going through this hell.”

migratorypatterns ago

Here is where getting organized and having a network would help.

We simply have to get organized. It's the biggest problem we have. Look at how the alt-left has networking down to a science. They never say, "Soros paid for this demonstration or boycott or whatever." Instead they say, "Some random housewife who never did anything in her entire life got fed up and started this boycott that has now burgeoned into millions of followers without any help from globalists with deep pockets." Or they have a usual suspect PedoWood alumni chosen to start the movement.

This mother would have been majorly aided if there'd been a network of activists ready to take to social media and hammer away at why nothing was being done. Organization is the next frontier.

Earthbalance2 ago

I agree. The 9/11 "truth" movement was fractured to prevent a meaningful outcome. There should be a "sanctity of childhood" party to develop a platform for protecting our most vulnerable from our most predatory. Use a better story to defeat a corrupting story.

migratorypatterns ago


think- ago

from the article:

Prof Kelly said: “We are acting as if we didn’t know about child sex abuse rings. We have an unfortunate capacity to choose to forget.”

Sheila Taylor, of the NWG Network, worked on the Rotherham Inquiry. She said the true scale of the Telford problem might never be known because many victims were unlikely to come forward.

She said: “There is probably a whole cohort of young people that are not identified.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, I'm loving Professor Kelly right about now.

Tazzermalt ago

the Moongod al Lah was a gay pedo death god? and the prophet of islam married a 6 yr old?

migratorypatterns ago

married a 6 yr old?

SIX?!!!! Why did he wait so long? It's like marrying your grandmother.

think- ago

In and around Newcastle, another British town, there have been 700 victims who were raped and forced into prostitution by grooming gangs - and these are only the ones we know of.

Grooming gangs abused more than 700 women and girls around Newcastle after police appeared to punish victims

'Sexual exploitation is happening in towns and cities across the country,' serious case review warns

Grooming gangs abused more than 700 women and girls around Newcastle with “arrogant persistence” after police appeared to punish victims while letting the perpetrators walk free, a case review has found.

The report into the response by authorities to child sexual exploitation found that before a large-scale police operation was launched in 2014, officers’ actions were sending an “unhelpful” message to perpetrators.

It warned that abusers are still preying on girls across the UK, and called for urgent action from the Government.

The Independent, 02/23/2018

siegnagel ago

That's the city closed to me.

migratorypatterns ago

Again, it really is a concerted effort that follows the same MO. People act randomly so when they all act in a coordinated fashion, it's because it is coordinated.

Yes, about these being the ones we know about. We need to follow the same reasoning in dealing with rodents, and that is, if you see two rodents, there are hundreds more.

GeorgeT ago

Jimmy Saville! Got knighted by the Queen in 1990! Do we need any more evidence?

EricKaliberhall ago

Left hand (path)almost hypnotized everyone... Reminds me of Jimmy Comet!

think- ago

Do you know who the guy on the left is?

EricKaliberhall ago

Sir Cliff Richard, but his real name is Harry Rodger Webb... Born and bred into the Global satanic pedophile cabal.

think- ago


.....have you seen this post by letsdothis1? Connects some interesting dots in Britain, too:

EricKaliberhall ago

I'll definitely have a look. Thank you my friend! :)

think- ago

Welcome! ;-)

Russianbots ago

UK MSM. Crickets....

letsdothis1 ago

Yes. I am beyond disgusted with people.

think- ago

Yes, and Maggie (Thatcher) spent Christmas with him.

Go figure...

TrishaUK ago


migratorypatterns ago

No, we do not.

They're leading the perv parade.

Crisis_Actors_Matter ago

Two words: Freemasonry and European Royalty. Ok it's three words. This is planned. It is known as "The Kalergi Plan:

In 1922 he founded the “Pan-European” movement in Vienna, which aimed to create a New World Order, based on a federation of nations led by the United States. European integration would be the first step in creating a world government. Among the first supporters, including Czech politicians Tomáš Masaryk and Edvard Beneš and the banker Max Warburg, who invested the first 60,000 marks. The Austrian Chancellor Ignaz Seipel and the next president of Austria, Karl Renner, took the responsibility for leading the “Pan-European” movement. Later, French politicians, such as Léon Bloum, Aristide Briand, Alcide De Gasperi, etc will offer their help.

It was even written in book form: In his book Praktischer Idealismus, Kalergi indicates that the residents of the future “United States of Europe” will not be the People of the Old Continent, but a kind of sub-humans, products of miscegenation. He clearly states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and colored races, thus creating a multinational flock with no quality and easily controlled by the ruling elite. (notice as a Royal he was aware of the United States of Europe in 1922).

This is the 3rd City in England to have the identical horrific situation which has gone on for decades with the Police fully aware, but afraid they might be called racist. Racist for stepping in to prevent the serial rape and multiple murders of innocent children?! Yeah......right.

This is deliberate and planned. It gives another tiny glimpse of the horrific monstrosity that must be dismantled worldwide. And it gives a purely clear view of the power structure that actually fosters and encourages all of this.
It's just one more piece of the huge puzzle. And it shows what they count on being the untouchable status of those promoting it with such callous disregard of being discovered. The storm ahead is going to be a big one.

think- ago

This is the 3rd City in England to have the identical horrific situation

I'm afraid it isn't the 3rd city, but the 30th something city. And I'm only talking about those we are aware of due to trials. Rochdale and Rotherham are those that stuck in memory, but there have been numerous other cities with the same issues.

Plus: Even though trafficking in Rotherham has been discussed nationwide for several years, trafficking of girls there still continues. Perps are now targeting the daughters of their former victims.

And police and authorties still look the other way.

Rotherham Child Exploitation Scandal

The Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal has been described as the "biggest child protection scandal in UK history".[14] From the late 1980s until the 2010s, organised child sexual abuse continued almost unchallenged by legal authorities in the northern English town of Rotherham, South Yorkshire.

It was first documented in the early 1990s, when care-home managers investigated reports that children in their care were being picked up by taxi drivers.

From at least 2001, multiple reports passed names of alleged perpetrators, several from one family, to the police and Rotherham Council.

The first group conviction took place in 2010, when five British-Pakistani men were convicted of sexual offences against girls aged 12–16, but the ringleaders remained at large

Crisis_Actors_Matter ago

I accept that it is more than thirty. I'm not in the UK, and there have been three that have made a big enough splash in the media to make it onto my radar. I would not be surprised at the # of 300 or even more as it is clearly pandemic, planned, and supported by the power structure there.

migratorypatterns ago

UpVoat for your well-constructed summation.

The most important thing this has going for it is that it is documented. While the DNC emails are crucial lynchpins, there is wiggle room for conjecture as to what the purpose was of throwing children into water actually means. This article and story doesn't leave those types of openings.

It's why Bannon is on the warpath and telling right-minded citizens to not let the name-calling stop them. As decent people, we don't like the flinging of abhorrent names in our direction, but these are schoolyard bullies we're dealing with. Schoolyard bullies grown up and so much worse.

Yes, this is global. Yes, this was planned. Yes, this plan is being carried out.

Newyearsrevolutions ago

We need a British militia, fucking goverment took our guns using a known peado in what is likely the first school shooting false flag.

Also, Said Peado was known associate of Prince Charles & Jimmy Savillle

GeorgeT ago

Here in australia they did the same in 1996 mass shooting using a patsy Martin Bryant - a guy with an IQ of 67 who supposedly delivered 21 clean shots to the head of MOVING targerts, 35 overall. Just a week prior Bryant was meeting with Dr Cunningham Dacks of the Australian Branch of Tavistock!!!!!

Reversible ago

They don't use "patsies." The NATO false flag method has been exposed. A group of about 30 perps from the police, court system, forensic teams, masonic "eye-witnesses," army photographers, and Reuters/AP journalists, work together to effectively make the entire "event" up. They also have carefully-placed business owners to provide "CCTV footage" of the so-called villain. See the website cluesforum for more detailed information on how they do this.

Bryant/Hamilton/Ryan - all totally fictional characters. Pure fear-mongering. An illusion.

GeorgeT ago

Ole Damegard does an amazing job exposing false flags and hoaxes and he notes that at times they may manufacture hybrid events, part hoax and part real. Which one is which is anyone's guess.

Newyearsrevolutions ago

When it works, it works

carmencita ago

@UnicornAndSparkles @TrishaUK @DerivaUK You are needed. How do we get the Brits to Rise Up and Take their country back from the pedos? What will it take?

Reversible ago

Why don't the Americans, French, Germans, Italians, Arabs etc. do it? Because it's not that easy, that's why. Duh.

I love how the worldwide population wants to outsource responsibility for anything negative, onto British men.

carmencita ago

It's not just the men, women must take responsibility too. No, it's not easy. But I remember a constable or police captain coming out and saying there are too many pedos and they can't lock them all up. When you have the police coming out with statements like that then what are the people to think? That the police are caught up in the cover up and many are guilty themselves. This calls for serious measures. Yes, here as well. But when you have schools such as Eton and others of the same ilk with men taking it upon themselves to believe they have the right to continuously abuse boys just because it must stop.I just said yesterday, that Americans have become wimps. We no longer have protests or get out into the streets. Please do not take the whole mess on your head alone. It has been going on for decades and decades here as well. We all own this.

siegnagel ago

You don't we're too cucked. FFS a paki blows up kids at a fucking pop concert and we make stupid FB flag filters and do NOTHING.

Reversible ago

We don't do anything, because it was blatantly a hoax/false flag. Nice try, troll.

siegnagel ago

Retard. Why is it a FF? Do you think Pakis don't just hate us? Why do conspiratards make everything into a FF.

carmencita ago

I agree. Asleep is what we all are. Hopefully someone this time will get them Fired Up. But it will take a pretty Big Bonfire.

TrishaUK ago

Thanks for the ping :) Its years of 'speak when you're spoken to' culture, people just do what they do to get by without sticking their heads up hoping not to be a target or be seen.

Reversible ago

Trisha, I'm afraid that's BS. As long as you don't slander anyone, you wouldn't be arrested for handing leaflets out in the UK. You just can't make baseless claims. You need be careful with the wording for legal reasons.

Anyway, considering the UK is "mind-bending" central (most of you guys don't even realise that murder stories are made up all the time in the UK, or the Manchester attack was a false flag etc), we still don't know the truth about this stuff. Not to mention, the idea that child predators are on every street corner in the UK is totally BULLSH*T and part of how this whole PSYOP works.

carmencita ago

Arrested for what? No names should be exposed or mentioned. This would just be a pamphlet stating obvious facts. Percentages in increase regarding the rape and abuse of children. Mentions of the chief that said there are too many to jail. Mentions of arrests things like that. No names unless they have been convicted. I don't think they would have a leg to stand on if these things have been made public. It calls for Smart Tactics.

TrishaUK ago

I have just been looking online to see if there is anything going on here regarding grooming protest etc., I can across this post, which I had not heard about or seen on the news, not that I watch the news much. But looks like this group is trying to make people aware, but looks rather like s oros. antifa type are opposing! Other person who was trying hard to bring it to the fore was TommyRobinson - (trying to disguise my words, don't want them to be picked on g.oglealgorithms!) Man arrested at Birmingham Britain First rally for taunting far-right group - these socialwarriors are annoying!

carmencita ago

The socialwarriors are there to make whoever they attack look like the insane crazies, not them. They just have to grow numbers. but remember to not get violent and crazy. They haveto put forward some really good programs, like signs attacking right now the Charities. Charities combined with abuse against children. Imagine some really good Meme Signs within a march. The events they have can have different subjects each time But always featuring the children. As soon as they sound too crazy they will lose their power and antifa stargs looking like the same ones.

GeorgeT ago

Informarion exposure! Alex had the title right - Info Wars (before he became a shill)

carmencita ago

Notice the Downvoats! The shills have been present for the whole week, They are on the march. We must be too. March for the Children Children of the Next Generation. They are killing them.

GeorgeT ago

David Brock's army is alive and well (but not for long)

carmencita ago

We really should ping people when we see a shill. An army of pings and every one must come. Come and down voat them. They quickly pull out when down voated.

GeorgeT ago

I did that to certain trolls.

carmencita ago

Yeah, if they come. I will never forget when I was attacked by about 4 or 5 Jew hater shills regarding a post and I pinged a bunch of people to help out and no one came. Not one. Really made me wonder what the true feelings of others on here really are.

GeorgeT ago

Many great folk, but some are here for the sake of morbid curiosity. Very few can actually grasp the scale of monstrosity that is taking place as we speek. And I bet if I were to show the horrors of Podesta's dungeon through magic mirror, these trolls would be first to faint. I doubt that 95% of the PG crowd are fully aware of what is taking place. Just look at the mug of that JA creep, does he look human to you (allegorically speaking), now remember Jacke Tapper's Wive's favorite dining place? Or how about Megyn Kelly interview. It's a club! Every Media personality I see, every Congressman, FBI agent, Police Chief....I picture them in Hostel type scenario and see if they fit in. Paranoid?! Sure, but Podesta emails are real, and not a peep fron CNN or FOX. And what is Muller (possibly part of it!) doing? Bigger question is, what is Sessions doing?! Going after medical marijuana.

carmencita ago

Paranoid? Not imo. Mueller is another hold off on progress and yes Sessions is another obvious procrastinator. This is becoming as plain as the nose on your face, actually. Everyday it screams louder and clearer. Some just will never see it. I am a former Hope-ium Believer so I have been there before. Eyes Wide Shut must be Opened.

GeorgeT ago

I will give Trump another year but if at the end of 2018 there is still silence on Podestas emails ... that is it. We'll know that only William Coopers prediction of Civil War 2 can change things. Things have gotten so corrupt that it is a cesspool! Completely out of hand! Hillary's Campaign Manager openly meets with a satanist Abramovic and shows off occult symbolism (fish & 14) on his creepy bony palms Hillary voters are ok with this?!!!

carmencita ago

Podesta showing off his occult signs is like Fflashing Gang Signs. I am over all of them. My Hope-ium will be called Dope-ium if I fall for it again. Both Sides of the Aisle are laughing at us Behind Closed Doors.

GeorgeT ago

But they cannot stop the Zeitgeist! No one can stop ranger justice!

carmencita ago

Pamphlets Everywhere! Blanket The UK with Pamphlets. Everywhere. Volunteers should be gathered and they should run off these Pamphlets to Drop them from their windows spread them in Zoos, Colleges, Hospitals, Churches Parks, Everywhere and on the Trains Too! On this Pamphlet, a date must be given for a Huge Protest for Our Children. Show Up For Your Child!

think- ago

What would be needed are local support groups for survivors. People that would raise awareness and lobby the local councils to show that residents really care about these girls (and boys).

I think too many people still play it down and think when a girl has worked as a prostitute, she must have volunteered to do it. They don't realize that girls are threatened and in a downward spiral of shame and feeling helpless.

Also - many local men are johns, of course, and don't want these crimes to get exposed.

carmencita ago

Yes, and boys will be boys. This must stop. Also, even when not trafficked, some girls and women are so destitute or homeless or have to support children. They are then exploited or really have such low esteem that it is the first way (because of others in their family) they think of to make money. Homeless or Destitution is how they can be driven into prostitution. But now yes, trafficking has become a huge business for the greedy criminals. Cartels are also getting into this business. Yes, the most important thing these girls need is support. Support that is constant. Support that will take them through all the steps to recovery. We have AA for Alcoholics why not an 12 Step Program for Survivors as well.

LionElTrump ago

Guess Savile was just to please the public's appetite, never address the problem once and for all

migratorypatterns ago

Excellent point.

Yes, they wait until a pedo is dead to expose his crimes. It's their form of bragging, but it seduces the masses into thinking the fake news are actually reporting and that the authorities are on alert and will take action the next time around. No, they won't.

There have been numerous stories about the British police being infiltrated and run by the Freemasons. It's the global cabal that needs to be weeded out. And prospective officers need to be asked and investigated for involvement in this cabal.

It's time to get real. This cannot go on. This is our chance. It's a miracle that this was given to us, so let's make the most and shine a bright light on these crimes.

GeorgeT ago

Just a few months ago there was a MAINSTREAM article in the Herald how the Freemasons were against policy changes in the UK police force!!!!! Yeah .... it's a conspiracy right? We have to create an Ostrich meme. Anybody who utters the phrase conspiracy theorist will be bombarded with Ostrich memes .... perhaps invent a nice name that rivals Pepe the frog??? It's cognitive dissonance run amok.

migratorypatterns ago

Great idea.

It's good imagery and delivers the point. Simplicity is key. One of the best memes I've seen is one used in a Pedosta reply.

think- ago

It may not really fit, but I liked what a Redditor said some time ago (somebody posted it on a thread here):

'Pizzagate - this stuff is so real, you can't put your head in the sand anymore.'

TrishaUK ago

I) I love the ostrich meme with its head in the sand! I say to my husband all the time you have 'ostrich syndrome' .... If you can''t see it it does not exist! It is a very British thing....mind your own business type of thing', its in born..........I took my 2 year old grandson to the doctors last week. He sat on my lap while the doctor used the stethoscope on his chest and back. He literally flung his head back and closed his eyes the whole time, I laughed with the doctor and said, oh no he takes after his grandad, he has Ostrich Syndrome! ------ 2) I think now while this story has broken and the eyes are all on the royals etc, exposure of some high profile pedos would be the perfect time to red-pill the nation. (Prince Andrew connections to Epstein was quickly hidden). Honestly, people are too afraid to say anything, the politically correct thing is so rife here now, and you get attacked/ashamed verbally by the press etc., that people remain quiet. But believe me all us ordinary people are sick of this and have the potential of rising up. I thought it was going to happen once and for all when Operation Yewtree was implimented but they take so long to dribble out information that people get lethargic and it buried once again.

GeorgeT ago

Ostrich meme ..... I like it...

think- ago

@migratorypatterns: Thank you for sharing this.

This confirms Pizzagate is real, doesn't it? Nobody who has read this article can claim that it is a mere conspiracy theory.

I will flair the post 'New Evidence'.

adhdferret ago

Confirmation of the existence of pizzagate?

No because of what is located within the start of this "investigation" has zero ties to this event. What it does show is that there are bad people and they are being brought to justice. Well what we consider justice, but personally I would rather they be brought to a firing squad and all of the shot until dead.

Can you list one time in which the civilian investigation has been publicly recognized by law enforcement or even the courts in prosecution? I mean there has to be at least one time where a cop admitted they got help from all of this work right?

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

I’m surprised the elite puts up with “disgusting takeaways and filthy houses”, though... not what I had imagined.

migratorypatterns ago

This confirms Pizzagate is real, doesn't it?

Absolutely. If it had been a sex ring operating under the radar without the authorities being fully apprised, it wouldn't be.

But this article documents and demonstrates a willful cooperation and collusion with authorities that included the police covering up known crimes. Even the media was involved in not reporting the facts.

And this is where the Royals come in. William enlists the aid of the astonishingly beautiful Kate Middleton to distract us from the evidence and keep up the facade of England being a jolly good place to visit. Now there's the beast Harry enlisted failing to do her job, and so we're paying attention to all the attacks, the unlawful imprisonment of Assange, the unlawful imprisonment of Pettibone, and these types of organized heinous crimes against children.

There is something going on ... it's global and real. The sooner people wake up to this fact, the sooner we can deal with it.


SebuttYopick ago

Did Q Just Confirm Pizzagate is Real? @Hypercyberpastelgoth @Bluetoothache @PeacefulAssassin

PeacefulAssassin ago

I don't need Q to confirm that's pedos run the country, the existence of the Owl Society and the Franklin Coverups

migratorypatterns ago

He's always confirmed it as far as I know.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

And this happens state side and this is world wide. We are in grave danger. We are in trouble.

migratorypatterns ago

Hence pizzagate and the members of this forum and other concerned citizens doing what they can to bring this story to light.

We can't allow our children to be used as fodder for monsters to reap fortunes. It's putting money in the hands of the beasts behind the tyranny.


TrishaUK ago

@Hypercyberpastelgoth - your statement on voat about you is confusing - “ I am a Hyper Violent Sinner. My Violent Lust. I Love Pleasure & Pain. My Gemini Vampire Valkyries. ” - why on earth would you have this sentence to represent you? Are you really on voat because of your concern for the children?

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

This should be Britain's wake up call. Do something now this is urgent.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

How can we fan the fires of anger in Briton's and make them riot and take back Britain?

migratorypatterns ago

By not using this type of terminology.

Language is important and legitimacy is gained by not using such inciteful words. By suggesting violence is the way, you only worsen the problem and give these monstrous authorities the right to clamp down on everyone.

The real answer is networking and being organized. It's all these monsters have done. They're not smarter, braver, or stronger. They're only organized. Think bee colony. You attack one member, they all go after the intruder. The same with this. If a mother or father reports their daughter was raped and groomed, and the police fail to act, there should be a network that tweets, demands, demonstrates, and publicizes the cover up. Name names and turn a spotlight on the darkness.

It's the only thing they have over us. We're just not organized. We haven't sworn an oath to some heinous God that demand the blood of children. We're doing this because we're individually moved to try to help. But no calls for violence ... ever.

Reversible ago

After a long absence from Voat, I'm noticing more shills on here. Their technique are:

1) Inciting violence or rioting, or "taking your country back" 2) Blaming everything on Brits 3) Ignoring the relevance of NATO, UN, Vatican, freemasonry and pushing shills like Britain First

siegnagel ago

You sound like the shill here. Heath was noted for being a cottager in the '60s, Private Eye and Scallywag printed numerous satirical pieces with regards to his fondness of young boys. Next you'll be saying Leon Brittain wasn't a paedophilic, old Jewish bastard.

migratorypatterns ago

They want you to be hysterically paranoid about child predators everywhere (which they are NOT)

Yeah, there are. It's what we went through with Presidio Day Care and McMartin. That was the peek behind the curtain, but no one wants to believe this is really happening so it was easy to get the genie back in the bottle. With the advent of those emails, no more. We're awake and not going back to sleep.

You can label us anything you like. Labels like quote CRAZY unquote are not going to do it anymore. Been there and done that.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Vindicator ago

If a mother or father reports their daughter was raped and groomed, and the police fail to act, there should be a network that tweets, demands, demonstrates, and publicizes the cover up. Name names and turn a spotlight on the darkness.

This networking is already happening on Twitter with pedo account reporting and banning of conservatives. I wonder if we could start something here with a specific name -- make a thread outlining the plan with the how-to that we can share, with links to the stats and evidence people can use to support their personal stories, resources on how to report, rules like no calls for violence to avoid falling into the hands of the manipulators. Voat is great for this, because TPTB have not managed to censor us effectively.

Maybe "Operation Unashamed"?

@Honeybee_ what do you think?

@think- @Eric_Kalliberhall

migratorypatterns ago

It would be a start at organization. That's the buzzword.

You could even have twitter accounts post their accounts so people will know who to RT and network with. List other accounts of YouTubers who can interview and/or get the story out.

We have to start getting smart and using tactics that work.

think- ago

make a thread outlining the plan with the how-to that we can share, with links to the stats and evidence

Yes, that's a good idea. We'd have to find out whether there are already networks of parents in some towns (or nationwide - but then I haven't heard of any).

I think providing a network for parents is essential. Although a certain proportion of the targeted victims have been living in child care homes. The question would be how to establish local help groups of residents.

Maybe @TrishaUk, @DerivaUk and @UnicornAndSparkles have some ideas, too?

@Honeybee_ @EricKaliberhall

YogSoggoth ago

My Ma took in a woman and her kids who had a dad in prison. He got out and went straight for our house. The lady was trying to leave with the kids screaming in her car. He grabbed her hair and was trying to drag her out the window. Ma ran into my room and grabbed my bat. She hit him in head and dislocated his jaw. Problem solved, and she is 5' 2" tall. He was lucky my stepdad pawned all our guns. We don't normally wait for the police in Florida.

migratorypatterns ago

Understood. But the game changer is the authorities. They are obeying the directive and will put the good people defending themselves in prison, and let the molesters and violent predators out.

YogSoggoth ago

Oh, I understand that. The part I don't understand is why anyone would allow themselves as a society to be so helpless. I went to elementary School in Texas. Everyone was packing. Every truck that did not have full display in the gun rack had them behind the seat. You were allowed to drink a tall boy and drive with no insurance. People were still very respectful of others, and stealing only happened in the city. These people are being terrorized by their own government just like certain places in America. If someone was to take advantage of my child, there would be an unfortunate accident for someone, or more, even if I could not legally carry a firearm. Were I a cripple all I would have to do is tell a family member or a friend. It seems to me that they have successfully broken the family unit over there.

migratorypatterns ago

I guess you're not getting it.

What do you think this whole agenda has been about? They've been actively and willfully producing snowflakes. And it's not just kids. II mean, what the hell adult stands there and screams at the sky. Think about it. What would it take for you to participate in that? These people are incapable of thought let alone handling a problem. It's why they're throwing conservatives out of coffee shops on the rationale, "This is my safe space. You have to leave."

Oh, yeah, right! Suuuurrrreeee I'll leave! Because you can't handle or tolerate someone holding another opinion, I'm not supposed to use commercial space open to the public? If anyone wants to know if fascism combined with propaganda works, just look at this curent scenario. It's the clash of the walking wounded, little birds who BELIEVE their wing is broken but actually isn't, and able-bodied people who think that you can do anything if you try. The alt-left has CRIPPLED their followers. I mean, CRIPPLED. And there's nothing wrong with being physically crippled. If that's what you are, that's what you are. But these are people who are not physically crippled but need a crutch, and safe spaces, and screaming at the sky, and actually believe there are more than two genders! And they consider themselves smart!

YogSoggoth ago

I thought that is what I said. My only inference was that a timely interference says a lot right quick. We drop pallets of artillery in known terrorist countries every year since current Potus, and I have read that certain three letter groups have done so after, but that may be recent hearsay. My point is, if you think you can narrow it down as such, is that there is no limit set to protect our children from harm. In my family it mostly means beating them severely, so they know what awaits them in the real world when they mess up.

migratorypatterns ago

My point is, if you think you can narrow it down as such, is that there is no limit set to protect our children from harm.

I'm not sure what you're saying. Not a criticism, I just don't know.

If you're implying violence will work, no, it won't. This is a nation of laws. Laws are on the books protecting our children. We need to elect and make sure authorities in power respect those laws and are on board with keeping them safe. Where it breaks down is when those authorities are themselves corrupt. Like CPS is now. It means a complete overhaul.

If that's what you're saying, I agree. If you're saying that we should get violent, then I don't agree.

YogSoggoth ago

Vindicater said we should not look at the FBI symbols even though they basically were the start of this whole thing. You are saying to rule out violence against pedos. Yog? Lynyrd Skynyrd Gimme Back My Bullets - YouTube

TrishaUK ago

This is the best way to explain I have read. I think the strongest is for the 'bees not just a single bee' to be exposed and there are good papers here that will report it. Forget BBC they are our version of CNN.

think- ago

Language is important and legitimacy is gained by not using such inciteful words. By suggesting violence is the way, you only worsen the problem

Agree. Vigilantism is not an option.

GeorgeT ago

Hit the nail on the head. They are organized! We need to form our own organizations that cannot be infiltrated and wage information warefare.

migratorypatterns ago


We're light years away from where we started, but organization is crucial to completely the goal.