septimasexta ago

More info on Parkland shooting:

"Of the 17 confirmed deaths, the rabbis believe that at least six were Jewish, including an adult security guard. Several of those killed were participants at the Chabad centers in Parkland or nearby Coral Springs. Biston says that Chabad rabbis have been working closely with Broward County SHERIFF SCOTT ISRAEL (emphasis mine), who is a congregant at Chabad, to ensure that the bodies of the Jewish dead are released for burial as soon as possible in accordance with Jewish tradition.

Chabad has also enlisted the help of several therapists who have volunteered to counsel students. Observant Jews, they are uniquely positioned to provide both clinical and religious support."

"This morning, several teens who had survived the massacre came to Chabad to recite the Hagomel blessing of thanksgiving at the Torah. One of them had filmed the shooting."

migratorypatterns ago

One of them had filmed the shooting.

Hmmmmm .....

septimasexta ago

That's what I thought. Where is it?

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, where .... do the police have it?

septimasexta ago

Don't forget, Sheriff Israel was a member of that Chabad. Most likely it fell into his hands..... I also thought it was interesting to use the word "filmed". Sounds like he was prepared ahead of time. They didn't mention it was recorded with a cell phone. The Chabad "therapists" could also get info as to what the students saw, and pass it on to Israel.

migratorypatterns ago

Agree. It all sounds very sketchy.

septimasexta ago

"at least six were Jewish, including an adult security guard" The unarmed "security guard" was also the assistant athletic coach who was killed protecting the students with his body. I thought there were armed security guards who refused to enter.....

septimasexta ago

"Two Florida SWAT Officers Suspended for Heading to Parkland Massacre The Miramar officers did not have permission to respond to the shooting in Parkland on Feb. 14, when 17 people were killed."

"The SWAT officers who responded were Detective Jeffrey Gilbert and Detective Carl Schlosser. One of them told supervisors he was in the Coral Springs area when the gunfire happened; it’s not known where the other drove from, police spokeswoman Tania Rues said.

“They were both close by (the high school),” Rues said.

A third SWAT member, Officer Kevin Gonzalez, was accused of being linked to several social media posts that put the city and police in a negative light, and was suspended for violating the department’s social media policy and the code of conduct, Rues said."

"The afternoon of the shooting, Miramar police placed the SWAT team on stand-by in case a request came from the Broward Sheriff’s Office to assist. That call for the team trained in military tactics never came, Rues said.

The Broward Sheriff’s Office said Wednesday it could not confirm whether anyone spoke with Miramar that day, but said Miramar’s SWAT team was “not needed” during the incident."

COMMENT: This article was recently posted on March 8. A little late. Was this to explain sightings of multiple shooters and shooter described as wearing swat type gear?

"“Then I suddenly saw the shooter, about 20 feet from me, standing at the end of the hallway, actively shooting down the hallway – just a barrage of bullets. And I’m staring at him thinking, ‘Why is the police here? This is strange.’ He was in full metal garb – helmet, face mask, bulletproof armor, shooting this rifle that I’d never seen before.”"

"Strangely, there have been few if any reports that Nikolas Cruz was decked out in full body armor, or that he resembled a member of law enforcement."

snapplemoose ago

I thought this whole thing was sketchy too and started looking into this after it happened. In one of the articles I read it said they found a cigar box with pictures and documents inside Burgess's car. I remember getting frustrated by them not saying what the pictures and documents were. Will try to find the article.

TrishaUK ago

I just remember reading about this and the sentence tagged on the end of the article said something like this: 'This kind of incident outside the White House is not uncommon'. I remember thinking, they should have written 'nothing to see here....move along!' - SAME THING. lol

HennyPenny ago

Good catch!

Something odd about the picture of Burgess' room. 1) hard liquor bottles when you work for CPS and you've attended Baptist functions? and 2) leaving Florida to go to Wash DC without the gun case? if he got pulled over with a unsecured gun he'd have been arrested and apparently he wasn't a new gun owner.

Florida is so corrupt. Read about Rep. Alcee Hastings, Senior Democratic Whip representing Broward/Palm Beach Counties. He's a former Federal impeached judge (for taking kickbacks) who got elected after the scandal. Currently in the news for having the government pay out 200K for sexual harassment charges made from a former employee. Currently paying out approx. 480k/year for 3 senior staffers in his offices, one of whom is long term girlfriend.

carmencita ago

An open, empty handgun case sat on the unmade bed of Cameron Ross Burgess in the Gainesville apartment he shared with two others on a tree-lined street just a few blocks from the University of Florida campus, where he worked helping abused children. There were nine rounds still inside the gun case. Whoa. Empty Handgun Case on the Bed? I thought his roommate was worried. He was texting him for days and when he never answered he didn't go into his room? Strange. If he did, he would have seen the Empty Handgun Case. How long had they been roommates? Seems they would have known each other well enough to walk into a bedroom.

anotherdream ago

OMFG - this shit... you can't make this shit up. I mean WTF has to happen for people to put this shit together??!?!? Great post! WTF?!

SterlingJB ago

Aint that some shit. Nice post.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for checking this out and for the good words.

Shizy ago

Floridas child welfare system is about the worst in the country

13Buddha ago

It's all about CGI (Clinton Global Initiatives).

migratorypatterns ago

God! Can't wait for the day the Clintons are locked away.

Lock Them Up

watchseries1 ago

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think- ago

Police say Burgess fired multiple shots outside the White House on Saturday before turning the gun on himself

What are they trying to say? Anybody can just fire 'multiple shots' outside the WH, and they won't look into that, as long as the guy kills himself in the end? WTF?

migratorypatterns ago

I know ... they didn't even say where he was aiming.

Evidently, not a huge deal.

13Buddha ago

As mentioned in my prior post this morning, the Clinton Foundation and the Cliinton Global Initiative (CGI) are responsible for human trafficking being the #1 global crime committed. These organizations must be dissolved, and Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea must be arrested. It's a no-brainer, yet nothing is done.

migratorypatterns ago

Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea must be arrested.

This. A thousand times over ... this.

Sharipie ago

200k to rake it down?

Sharipie ago

They put Laura Silsby in at Amber Alert after she was caught trafficking kids so who should be surprised that CPS is in on too? all government is suspect now.

migratorypatterns ago


It all needs to be cleaned up.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Great find! I am wondering why the University would be hosting CPS. I've never heard of this department being on a college campus.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks and great point. Why indeed?

Students usually intern at a business, not have the business in the school ... and run by the school?

This is just squirrelly and asking for trouble.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Exactly! Something stinks big time.

Blacksmith21 ago

@migratorypatterns: How about this --->

Slightly different middle name. Coincidence?

migratorypatterns ago

Definitely not the same face. Cameron Ross Burgess is from AL, but does he have relatives in FL? Don't know.


Blacksmith21 ago

Ah...I missed that part on AL. I know he graduated from Auburn. Still digging. Plus the guy is older.

migratorypatterns ago

I'm wonder if there's a fraternity connection.

Blacksmith21 ago

Something tells me the other "Cameron Burgess" didn't go to Auburn....LOL.

migratorypatterns ago

Probably just tunneled on through.


Honeybee_ ago

Can you provide the sources for the first 3 quotes? Especially

Burgess worked as a clinical case manager at the University of Florida's Child Protection Team, a unit that responds to child abuse over a wide area of central Florida.

Thanks, great lead, if you can add those links I will flair as potential lead!

Honeybee_ ago

Flaired as a potential lead, this is quite compelling, i might actually do a vid on this soon, great post!

migratorypatterns ago

They're all from the same link that was included in the tweet. I just chose to break up the quotes to highlight what was being said. So it's this one:

I amended the post to include the link because it might be confusing ... no, is confusing.


Honeybee_ ago


Azzipdoe ago

I know isn’t it just awesome!! Honeybee!!! Child abuse, don’t YOU just love it?!

//burn in Hell. Judgement day is on its way and you mods sure as hell WILL be seen.

Honeybee_ ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAANAANANANANANANSHHXJAJAJAJA!!!! Oh boy! YOU, my friend, are just the funniest mother fucker I have LITERALLY EVER SEEN, UPVOAT FOR YOU! You are incredibly talented, I mean, you must have only made like, what, a $1.94 posting genius, snark gold like that? Waste of supreme shit posting abilities IMO. Please don't ever stop your amazing work, it's life-changing. I mean for a second I almost thought I was talking to a professional comedian! Bravo, just bravo!

migratorypatterns ago


Gothamgirl ago

It's so bad that in March 2017, someone took out an ad, on the front page of the Palm Beach newspaper to ask Trump what he is going to do about it.

Also there has been complaint ads on craigslist for years, concerning CPS.

migratorypatterns ago

Then it's curious that a guy from AL went to Auburn and then directly to FL? Since he was living with roommates, it wasn't like he had family there ... or it isn't proven he does.

Gothamgirl ago

You never know with the news, it could've been a Tavistock camp, that he came from, for all we know.

migratorypatterns ago

Well, there you go! It's entirely true.

Gothamgirl ago

Well I know for certain the CPS issues are true.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

former Scorpions bass player admits to going to snuff film parties.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, and then he retracked it.

Not that I blame him, but still ...

Blacksmith21 ago

FL has a very long history of horrific child abuses documented at least 100 years. He was probably abused. Got into the CPS business and helped perpetuated the crimes. The noose may have been tightening. Or someone threatened to go public. Sprinkle in some MK, SSRI, and drugs/alcohol (one article said there were empty bottles of liquor everywhere) and BINGO - It's Trump's fault.

He was manipulated somehow, to go off himself in front of the WH to send a "message". Whatever that message is I don't know. In fact I ENCOURAGE ALL PEDOS TO GO TO THE WH AND EAT A BULLET. That will show POTUS!

migratorypatterns ago

FL has a very long history of horrific child abuses documented at least 100 years. He was probably abused. Got into the CPS business and helped perpetuated the crimes. The noose may have been tightening.

It could be. I just don't want to throw this guy to the wolves yet. If he was abused, he could have been trying to help. It would help to know what his cases involved or if he reported anyone. Also how did this become political? Was he alt-left? Did he tweet anything to our POTUS?

TrishaUK ago

I thought that at the time of the report. Maybe he was being threatened and knew he was going to be killed anyway, so he thought shooting himself publicly outside the White House will definitely have to be looked!' - But after the nothing-burger report/response in the paper and on the news, this proves there is more to it? This was what I saw as a throwaway comment at the end of the article about him. **This kind of incident outside the White House is not uncommon'. I remember thinking, they should have written 'nothing to see here....move along!' - SAME THING. **

migratorypatterns ago

Excellent point.

It really is fake news now. Somebody shooting a gun on the White House grounds is always a big deal.

Now if I look at this from a different angle, the only reason this wouldn't get a thorough vetting is because the authorities ... meaning those controlled by the Cannibal Elite ... already knew who he was and why he did this. All that was left was to clean out his room and get whatever incriminating evidence was there. Don't want the police that aren't in on this cabal to stick their noses into something that would be difficult to explain.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

WH suicide guy works for Florida CPS. Wow.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, that's what I said.

Why aren't the indie journalists all over this? Come on, guys! Do your jobs! We're counting on you!

fogdryer ago

and that wasn't in the news...............hmm

migratorypatterns ago

Well, you gotta understand that the news is concentrating on some pretty important stuff like how many scoops of ice cream and diet sodas our POTUS consumes per day. Then there's flying to Thailand to interview skanks. They don't have time to actually cover news stories.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

This has links to the school shooting and the corrupt Broward police i mean think about it but what? Find the links.

migratorypatterns ago

It may well be connected. The thing is have his accounts been scrubbed?

It's why it's so crucial to get all over these things when it happens.

carmencita ago

Maybe that's what they were doing. Why they were so quiet. Mopping and Scrubbing. May be wrong. I had an odd feeling the day this came over the news. Husband thought I lost my marbles.

migratorypatterns ago

I'm sure whatever was in there was spirited out.

It'd be a shame if that guy left evidence for our POTUS to find. Maybe it was his way of making good. And really, wouldn't anyone figure they'd send a cop or two to your residence so they would find what you left? Wonder if it was o his laptop .... or maybe a video .... reports ... something's there.

carmencita ago

Another missing laptop? Hmm. I am sure that if they searched that apt. that the others got the impression they better keep their mouths shut. You know they had to be there, only if to take everything out and keep it from being released. I wonder if his friend in the apt. looked through his stuff and laptop.

migratorypatterns ago

Well, it's not stated that it's missing. It's what I'm asking. Was the laptop there?

carmencita ago

This Stinks. Just like the Parkland Shooting and now the CDC Missing Man.

migratorypatterns ago

I know.

How it all fits in is crazy. These scumsuckers are out of control.

carmencita ago

I don't know but don't they all have one? If he worked for CPS I am sure he must have had one. Very strange. I think that is the first thing police or fbi would check for.

Shizy ago

Not necessarily. Gloria's child welfare system is crap and not well managed. I worked in an agency that was well managed however they still couldn't afford to have laptops for everyone

carmencita ago

Wow that is ridiculous. All the money that is thrown at those agencies, no laptop. I still think he had to have one of his own. Possibly entered what he knew in there. He would have used encryption if he had any kind of brain.

Shizy ago

I'm sure he had one of his own at the very least. But for no law enforcement to even check out his house seems incredibly sloppy at the very least

carmencita ago

Definitely. Will we ever find out the whole story of any of these late False Flags.

Shizy ago

Our kids might since this stuff gets "declassified" so long after it happens when they think no one is around to care about it anymore. They are known manipulators and liars!

carmencita ago

God I hope the younger ones hook on to this stuff and are red pilled. All we can hope for. They really don't question things like others did. They are being slowly brainwashed and it is killing me.

Shizy ago

Well I teach my kids about what goes on in this world,to question everything, and to think for themselves. I was so upset when I learned how everything I had known or been taught was basically a lie and although it isn't sunshine and rainbows, I am teaching my kids the truth so they can be prepared for the ugly way this world is heading. All parents have a duty to protect, and educate their kids so that when we are gone, the work we have done isn't undone by more and more lies

carmencita ago

Amen. How true. Wish all parents thought that way. That is why we have the Sheeple MSM watching public. Thank you.

Shizy ago

I know, it scares me because they are raising the people who my kids will be living amongst in the future! It's only gonna get worse with the dumbed down mindset of wanting to be told what to do and how to think. It's hard to know what to help prepare my kids for because I don't think I can even imagine how bad it's gonna suck!

carmencita ago

I know. I know people that don't even watch their local news. They look at the same sites on their phones but don't know what is going on in their own town. I had to tell the next door neighbor about some attempts at grabbing children in our area. The two kids kicked the guy and ran, so they are safe. He did not know. I said watch the news. Oh, yeah he said. He is now more aware. All we can do is warn them.

migratorypatterns ago

They definitely would have a laptop. But if he did have something, would he have transferred it to his personal computer?

carmencita ago

Possibly. But who knows how long he was out of it. They surely are perfecting this MK stuff. They have been doing this for ages. I think the quiet after he shot himself, they were quickly getting rid of info, the plan was to release stuff in a few days. They scrubbed but remember they have been making mistakes. There could still be something out there. They are not as smart as they think. Look at all the stuff about Hogg and Kasky that's still out there and Israel the Sheriff. Sloppy.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, very sloppy, but then they weren't expecting this,, were they?

They weren't expecting to stage false flags or program suiciders to the WH because they beleved they'd win! HRC should be defiling The Oval Office with her cankles and despotic views, but she's in her bedroom, drowning her sorrows in a boozy delirium. Every once in a while, one of her minions comes in to wipe her ass clean.

Then there's that video ... Dear God in Heaven, I pray that the rumor is true ...

carmencita ago

I have a sneaky suspicion she may no longer be with us. Have not heard anything about or from her. Checked today, most of it is videos or articles. Nothing current.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, she's here all right. Traveling to New Zealand ... land of child sex trafficking according to a Voat member. The timing is curious. Just about to post another tidbit about that video.

carmencita ago

Please do. Can't wait.

migratorypatterns ago

Just did. Evidently, someone tweeted and said the HRC video would be in the next Assange Wikileaks drop!

I'm keeping champagne on hand just in case.

migratorypatterns ago

Okay, finding more. Here's an April 2017 bust on Child Sex charges that included students at the University of Florida:

Here's a professor arrested in 2006. He was part of a child sex/abuse trafficking ring:

John Patrick Shannon, a 44 year old Dean of the Levin College of Law University of Florida, was arrested, in 2006, on child sex abuse related charges. Local media reported his arrest was part of a child sex abuse/trafficking ring.

This one is not specifically about the University of Florida, but it shows how scummy CPS system n Florida is:

They were stalkers, sexters and rapists — and worked safeguarding Florida delinquents

Mad_As_Hell ago

That's two people from Levin College of Law arrested for child abuse, something's rotten

migratorypatterns ago

It really seems so.

EricKaliberhall ago

Q's drop on Saturday mentioned the suicide in front of the White House.

migratorypatterns ago

Not surprising that Chapman posted this then. He's a YUGE Q follower/fan.

runningbear ago

maybe q is real?

migratorypatterns ago

He could be. I'm not anti-Q.

runningbear ago

a friend of mine told me to check this site out. I never really was much into the way of pizzagate and stuff, just saw it in the all section. very interesting, dont know if I have the stomach for this type of stuff tho...

migratorypatterns ago

We all feel that way.

This stuff is disgusting, but reading about it and learning the truth makes your eyes stay open and prevents you from falling back to sleep. But really, there are a billion more pleasurable things that I'd rather be doing than this. Nonetheless ... here I am.

derram ago :

Bill Chapman TRUTH - WHAT IS TRUTH? JESUS. on Twitter: "Very weird. A guy shoots himself in front of the White House and the police do not search his home? #HRCVideo @potus" :

Mike Tokes on Twitter: "WOW: An old video has recently surfaced from one of David Hogg's classmates saying David "shouldn't even be in our school, he's 25 from California" with the annotation "My debate partner is a crisis actor""

This has been an automated message.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks, derram!