9217 ago

@letsdothis1 - You need to look here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1610552

There is a connection to a currently active politician (Lamar Alexander).

Linda Mason^^ has hosted Obama and Clinton fundraisers in her home.

You need to look deeply into Mason's background, Lamar Alexander, and incredibly closely at Mercy Corp.

truthdemon ago

Can we atleast now..admit that the.civilisation we fund

..is a PEDO...EMPIRE

We fund this monstrosity by lending our credit to banks ..this is a direct result..not indirect...of the debt currency system.

Shillaxe ago

Daycare centers would hide pedo activities, no one would think twice about a man entering a building full of children, yikes.

carmencita ago

Bright Horizons is connected to SC Johnson, and also linked through programs such as Hope and Homes for Children in such places as US, UK, Ireland and Rwanda, and the USAA Child Development Center in Colorado Springs. @fogdryer @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt

fogdryer ago

what made you look at bright horizons? how did you know this. they are here in phx along with john McCain

carmencita ago

It''s in the 1st paragraph of this post. I copied it. What attracted me was the Johnson name.