kazza64 ago

superbowl is used for child trafficking they were probably advertising her

millennial_vulcan ago

Not agreeing or disagreeing but all prepubescent pretty blond white girls all look alike, with the same snub nose and rosebud lips etc

How are we 100% sure its her, short of calling the casting company/ad agency/agent and confirming her name?

rooting4redpillers ago

all prepubescent pretty blond white girls all look alike, with the same snub nose and rosebud lips etc

You can’t be serious.

millennial_vulcan ago

I'm deadly serious.

rooting4redpillers ago

all prepubescent pretty blond white girls all look alike, with the same snub nose and rosebud lips etc

Who looks at an adolescent girl, pays attention to the shape of her nose, and sees “rosebud lips?” Is this a joke?

millennial_vulcan ago

PEDOS DO. F off with your tedious insinuations. If you can't handle the hard talk of how pedos think, see, feel, and live then go back to fking sheeple land.

Shizy ago

It looks a lot like her. The fact the ad is called "daughter" seemed a little creepy

Mstruthserum ago

Her mother confirms that it is her.

millennial_vulcan ago


TrishaUK ago

Hope this helps:- FF to 2 mins 22 seconds - Superbowl Audi Commercial, Pizzagate and the Hampstead Cover Up - https://youtu.be/JCOrLxzTrq4 @millennial_vulcan

Camulos ago

How the fuck does the exact same link in the OP "help" with a source to the fucking MOTHER claiming it's the same girl?

derram ago

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=JCOrLxzTrq4 :

Superbowl Audi Commercial, Pizzagate and the Hampstead Cover Up - YouTube

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