GreenDell144 ago

“..puberty gross...” -comment from that second photo. WTAH?! Pedo speak makes my stomach turn and raises a violent ire at the same time.

Good find shadow332... I imagine there is some kind of non disclosure agreement with a bait fat pay off to the mom. Now, the boy’s age at the time... didn’t see, but when he’s and adult, he can speak! If he is up to it. I think his life would be in danger fo sho... but maybe he’s mad enough and the social climate is right to convince him. Or he could take another fat payoff and stay silent. Time will tell. If we can get in touch with him...

GD_Ridefort ago

Is it reaching to say there's a significance to a company being named 'Bucks'?

Honestly, I'm thinking of the antler ritual motif from True Detective, wondering where that came from?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Yes...This is literally the type of shit that started Pgate. True Detective Is a fictionalized Version of True Events....

shadow332 ago

:-( Shit, I saw his picture too. I should have downloaded it. Should I delete this thread or do you think Carole Greenwood is still worth mentioning?

think- ago

OP, I will take a look at the links and get back to you in 15 minutes, until then, I'll let the post stay.

shadow332 ago

If not, then delete it. Cheers!

think- ago

Would you please be so kind and delete it yourself? This way it won't show in the 'removed submissions' thread, where people could still see it. Thank you very much! :-)

Also, thank you for being so considerate.

Edit: You'll find the delete button under the body of your post.

shadow332 ago

Sure thing, I deleted it. The last thing I want to do is spread misinfo. Thanks for taking the time to check it for me!