InnocentAngels ago

Although it doesn't apply to this church I saw a comment on a Utube video about another church. The person said they were a victim of human trafficking. There was a pic, but couldn't tell if they were male or female. Looked to be Latino. This person was stating they were trafficked by Word of Life Christian Church Center and LVPD crips in Las Vegas. Talking about how their agent on their case was missing. I looked at what little I could find on this center and it didn't have the greatest reviews on Yelp. There is a big crip presence in LV. So certain cops are working with the crips it seems, along with the church if all this was for real. The comment seemed real. Anyways, just wanted to add on to your comment.

Bitchybadger ago

Thanks. It just hit me why these fuckers are inventing churches. If they get found out it makes churches look bad.

InnocentAngels ago

They think they can hide behind being a church, but we are on to them. I was shocked about the LVPD being involved with the crips. I guess I shouldn't be, so many evil and corrupt people out there.

The28th ago

Dream City Church in Az seems like it should warrant a thorough looking in to as it may well have links to a suspected child trafficking and organ harvesting ring. See 'Marie Holt' Google Map site that pins the church to a locked luxury motor yacht and some dark videos and photos.
14 Photos from the Marie Holt Album -

Link to Google Maps Site.,-112.0342334,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x872b7210ed7e0055:0x17dc1ac78c1810c1!8m2!3d33.6097665!4d-112.0320394?hl=en

Bitchybadger ago

Monsters in plain sight

Celticgirlonamission ago

I believe there was a Dream Center in New Orleans as well...actually the office was in Chalmette, La. Let me see if I can find some info on it...

jealoushe ago

This is definitely the lead that needs to be looked into the hardest, if we can out the RC, redpilling will follow easily.

Bitchybadger ago

Redpilling is difficult. You tell people the truth and they tell you that you are crazy. Too many MSM zombies.

Piscina ago

The Dream Center runs two trafficking centres, oh sorry, I meant 'homes for girls who've been sex trafficked'. What a great way to avail yourself of vulnerable girls with no one to look after their welfare and no one to know if anything untoward were to happen to them. The Dream Centre also have a home for trafficked girls in Romania, the Constanta Dream Center.

Dream Center also has a shelter in Short Creek. This is an article about the fundamentalist Mormons and the sister-wives left homeless and penniless in that area.

Warren Jeff's (fundamentalist Mormon, FLDS) 65th wife gave the Dream Center a three-acre property which contained three homes. That property is now called the Short Creek Dream Center..

CEO of the Phoenix Dream Center is Brian Steel, who is also a member of Governor Doug Ducey’s Human Trafficking Council. I think someone mentioned Ducey on CDAN.

In case anyone has forgotten who Warren Jeff is, he was found guilty of child sex abuse. He is in prison for life. He forced young girls into marriages with old men. He raped a 12 and a 15 year old girl. Two of his own children have accused him of sexual abuse. If a church member pissed him off, he 'reassigned' the wife and children to another man. At one point he expelled 20 men and gave their wives to other men. Jeffs anally raped his nephews.

ProfessionalCynic ago

If Im not mistaken Jim Bakker used to work at the Dream Center in Los Angeles after he got out of prison. He met his current wife there. I think they worked with homeless kids there as well. Yup just found it. Heres the link

ProfessionalCynic ago

Dream Center Matthew's father, Tommy Barnett, is pastor of the Phoenix First Assembly of God megachurch in Phoenix, Arizona. In September 1994 his church purchased the Queen of Angels Hospital, a Los Angeles landmark in the ramshackle Echo Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. The building was converted for use as a soup kitchen, a group home for runaways, prostitutes and gang members, and a shelter for the homeless. It also provided job training and religious services. By 1997 Matthew, then 23, was managing the day-to-day operations of what was to be called The Dream Center.[2] The Dream Center now reaches over 35,000 people each week in 273 ministries and outreaches.[3] The center is open 24/7. An important role is rehabilitating drug addicts, who account for about half its residents, including underage teens.

lamplight ago

The Red Cross has been used throughout the world to launder money. It was revealed on Twitter recently. Red Cross can move from one country to another with no inspection so they can use Red Cross boxes to transport cash. The Bengazi Embassy attack happened in 2012 in Libya.

HardCorps ago

Red Cross throws away material donations like shoes, jackets, food, except when they stage a photo op. They want federal reserve notes. Notice how they are embedded into all payment methods ( Donate $1 to Red Cross at this transaction?) And TV begging for donations at every disaster. So much money is laundered you have no idea. World wide.

jumpinJack ago

There's so much hidden in the closet with the Bengazi attacks, it would go on for century's.

Phenomenonanon ago

You you guys need to be more careful about what you post. Dream City church in Phoenix is not the church he's talking about.

Phenomenonanon ago

What does that post have to do with dream city church exactly?

Bitchybadger ago

Going off the guesses on the blinds comments. Many people say it is DCC. That is why I said appears. We need to research on it.

ASolo ago

Tell you what, with posts like this here at VOAT, Enty, and others this house of cards is BURNING FAST, hypocrites everywhere are on FULL BLAST, Kidman, Oprah, Witherspoon, Streep, Spielberg, Franco, DeNiro, Segal, Aziz, Rogan, YOU FUCKING NAME IT YOU ARE ALL GOING DOWN....

This battle has only just begun, soon everything will be revealed and the curtain pulled back to reveal the TINY MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN.

Thanks for posting this Bb, very important. Upvoated.

ProfessionalCynic ago

You need to include Geo. Clooney in that list of names. Add to that he seems to have gone into hiding as of late.

ASolo ago

Yep. Clooney is high on that list

vivalad ago

the way this blind includes reference to a relief organization with boxes full of ill gotten cash meshes with the red cross references by Q. So that's at least 2 people from different backgrounds aware of the shit going on, trying to get the word out through different mediums.

carmencita ago

There was a post on here about this and many offered very important information and research at the time of the Dream City Church:

ASolo ago

Thank you all for your hard work here and elsewhere. It is good to see this investigation proceed as it has and I believe there is some serious ass kickin going on here and at CDAN. I also happen to believe whoever is working on the Church blind is a personality from pizzagate due to the breadth of his knowledge. Whoever it is is destroying it and guaranteed it will get solved sooner than later. However, Enty DOES PLAN ON REVEALING THESE BLINDS SO REST ASSURED THERE ARE GOING TO BE SOME HUGE REVELATIONS THIS YEAR.

HugoWeaving ago

This may be related (from CNN): $43 million cash in Lagos Apartment

The commission said the funds are "suspected to be proceeds of unlawful activity" but no arrests have been made yet. Nigeria has struggled with corruption and looted funds for decades, but the watchdog unit has been on a lucky streak. Earlier in the week, the agency discovered around 250 million naira in cash ($817,000) in a Lagos market and a further 448 million naira cash ($1.5 million) at a shopping plaza.>

Blacksmith21 ago

Except the cash that I saw were American 100s with Franklin on the front. Roughly, that is about $11M per box. I rough counted about 70 boxes there. That would be about $770M dollars, assuming each pack was 10k of hundreds. I suspect it is.

Also, the tour guide was black. Indicating it was most likely not a European or Arab/Muslim country.

HugoWeaving ago

Share pics/video of what you saw? I've heard of this but haven't seen it for myself. Thanks.

Factfinder2 ago

If David Geffen is the Hollywood mogul funding the church as theorized by some, then HIV/AIDS is very likely the disease research he was funding when the new pathogen was created.

From a profile of the David Geffen Foundation:


The foundation has focused its giving in five major areas: populations affected by HIV/AIDS; civil liberties; the arts; issues of concern to the Jewish community, and health care."

dreamwarrior23 ago

It was already exposed to be Trinity, not Dream City. Nice try though, shill

Phenomenonanon ago

DC has also been around in some form since the 20s. It isn't new.

Gothamgirl ago

The gf really likes Julian.

Bitchybadger ago

Maybe she is trying to lure him into her trap

Factfinder2 ago

Video of cash in boxes marked with International Committee of the Red Cross logo:


hardrock ago

Here is a website with a remarkably simple and visual way to calculate how MUCH money is actually in those Red Cross boxes: . Hint: it's a lot more than you probably think. If the bill denomination is $100 U.S. then there is upwards of a BILLION dollars in the rooms shown on the video.

Factfinder2 ago

Wow. I'd like to know where the vid came from, though. There's no one claiming to be an anonymous leaker that I know of. It was just inserted into cyberspace so could be a hoax.

Bitchybadger ago

Good lord, that is amazing.

oftotc ago

Would you be willing to archive your CDAN links? Maybe grab the pertinent images and upload them to a voat friendly host?

Bitchybadger ago

I have difficulty with archives, I only have my phone and I admit I am not familiar with it. Willing to learn to do it.