fogdryer ago


think- ago

Gosh, so much information. Thanks, @ASolo. That's awesome!

ASolo ago

The “Prince of Darkness” is also alleged to be a senior member of a notorious secret British pedophile ring.[35] He is also in Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island Little Black Book with President-select Donald J. Drumpf.[36] Reportedly, the “Prince of Darkness” is also a good friend and buddy of Sir Richard Branson, and a regular on Branson’s Necker Island in the Caribbean Sea where Barry and Michelle Obama vacation.

ASolo ago

He was once a powerful, untouchable Hollywood mogul. He has now fallen from grace and was fired from the company bearing his name. What happened?

Harvey Weinstein is the archetype of the sleazebag Hollywood producer. He promised young and beautiful actresses roles in exchange for sexual favors. If things didn’t go his way, he would frown and say the typical Hollywood line: “You will never work in this town again”. If the subjects of his advances dared to turn on him, he would throw money at them until they shut up. Or worse, he would threaten to destroy their career through his mass media connections.

“Multiple sources said that Weinstein frequently bragged about planting items in media outlets about those who spoke against him; these sources feared that they might be similarly targeted.” – The New Yorker, From Aggressive Overtures to Assault: Harvey Weinstein’s Accusers Tell Their Stories

If you’ve read other articles on this site, you already know that the Hollywood elite is filled with evil, sleazy, perverted, manipulative, and unusually cruel individuals.

Harvey Weinstein was one of them. And it wasn’t even hidden.

An Open Secret

For years, Weinstein’s string of sexual assaults was an open secret. Even worse, it was a running gag. Here’s a clip from the 2013 Oscars where Seth McFarlane alludes to Weinstein’s abuse of actresses.

The crowd laughter is somewhat disturbing.

Here’s a clip from 30 Rock about the character Jenna turning down Weinstein.

Weinstein’s sphere of power was not limited to Hollywood. He made his way into the political elite by becoming an important financial supporter of all major Democratic candidates over the past two decades.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Weinstein has personally donated $1.4 million to the Democratic Party, its candidates, and its committees since 1990. In addition, his network raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Barack Obama in 2012 and Hillary Clinton in 2016, which allowed him to reach a higher level on the donors’ scale, and a higher level of access.

For instance, in August 2011, Weinstein invited New York VIPs (including stars such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Alicia Keys) to his New York home for a fundraising reception for President Barack Obama – who was in attendance. Yes, Obama was at his house.

Harvey Weinstein was also a regular at the White House. In 2011, he was at the table of honor at a State Department lunch with Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel. In 2012, he was at a State dinner in honor of the British Prime Minister David Cameron. Weinstein’s wife, Georgina Chapman, designed Michelle Obama’s gown for the occasion.

On June 20, 2016, Hillary Clinton attended a fundraiser at Weinstein’s New York home where about 60 attendees each paid $33,400 or more to attend. Yes, Clinton was at his house.

With the candidate there in person, a June 20, 2016 fundraiser at Weinstein’s Manhattan home snared $1.8 million for the Clinton campaign. The Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lopez, Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick attended event was one of many Weinstein was involved in last year in Clinton’s battle for the nomination and then against Donald Trump in her effort to become America’s first female President. Pushing others to write hefty checks, Weinstein himself gave thousands personally to Clinton campaign and $30,000 to the Clinton Victory Fund. – Deadline, Hillary Clinton Gets More Big Bucks Support From Harvey Weinstein, JLo & Sarah Jessica Parker

Weinstein was close with Hillary …

… and her husband …

… and her daughter.

Weinstein with Obama and Schumer.

Weinstein at Planned Parenthood’s 100th Anniversary Gala on May 2nd 2017 – with Hillary. Another tidbit: In 2004, Weinstein was appointed an honorary Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

Fall From Grace

For decades, Weinstein appeared to be untouchable, but something happened recently. The elite stopped protecting him. The omerta was over. Rumors turned into on-the-record accounts and, soon after, the floodgates were opened. Since then, a mind-boggling number of Hollywood actresses have come forward, accusing Weinstein of everything from “inappropriate behavior” to all-out r**e. Here’s the most recent list of accusations.

Cara Delevingne: The model turned actress said Weinstein tried to get her to engage in a threesome with him and another woman in a New York City hotel room

Gwyneth Paltrow: The star told the New York Times that Weinstein touched her and suggested having joint massages in the bedroom before she started shooting the 1996 film Emma. She said she told her then boyfriend Brad Pitt about the incident and he confronted the mogul.

Angelina Jolie: Jolie told the Times she had to turn down advances from Weinstein in 1998 and chose never to work with him again. She said she warned other women about him.

Louisette Geiss: Actress was called to a late night meeting with Weinstein in 2008. He allegedly emerged in a bathrobe and told her he would green light her script if she watched him mastUrbate. She left the meeting.

Judith Godreche: The French actress says Weinstein tried to massage her and pull off her sweater after asking her up to his Cannes suite to see the view in 1996.

Dawn Dunning: Aspiring actress says she was called to a meeting about future film projects in 2003. When she arrived Weinstein presented her with three scripts for his next three movies which he would let her star in, only if she had three-way with him. She fled the hotel.

Tomi-Ann Roberts: Weinstein met her when she was serving tables as a college junior in 1984 and told her to meet him at his home. When she arrived, she says, he was naked in the bath and told her she would give a better audition if she was nude. She says she refused and left.

Asia Argento: The Italian actress has accused Weinstein of forcibly performing oral on her when she was 21. ‘He terrified me, and he was big. It wouldn’t stop. It was a nightmare.’ She said she went on to have consensual relations with him over the years that followed. She documented the alleged attack in her 2000 film “Scarlet Diva”.

Katherine Kendall: The Swingers actress was told Weinstein had to stop off in his apartment to pick something up after a screening in 1993. He changed into a bathrobe and told her to massage him. When she resisted she said the mogul returned naked and chased her.

Lucia Evans: The actress, formerly known as Lucia Stoller, claims Weinstein forced her to perform oral on him in 2004. Speaking to the New Yorker, she said that she suffered years of trauma after the incident, which occurred in a ‘casting meeting’ in a Miramax office in Manhattan. He reportedly called her late at night after the incident.

Mira Sorvino: The “Mighty Aphrodite” actress told the New Yorker that Weinstein tried to massage her in a hotel room at the 1995 Toronto International Film Festival. He then went to her home in the middle of the night, but she called a male friend to protect her, she claimed. She said turning down the mogul adversely affected her career.

Rosanna Arquette: The actress also said her career suffered after she rebuffed Weinstein’s advances in the early 1990s. At a hotel meeting he tried to put her hand on his erect penis, she claims.

Rose McGowan: The actress, who made her breakthrough in 1996 in the Weinstein-produced slasher revival movie “Scream”, reportedly sued Weinstein after he assaulted her in 1997 at the Sundance Film Festival. She signed a non-disclosure agreement at the close of the suit and has only referred to him obliquely in social media since. On Sunday, she referred to being abused by a ‘monster’ and has previously referred to being raped by a studio head.

Ashley Judd: Judd’s film roles include the 1997 thriller “Kiss the Girls” – and says that during the filming of that movie, Weinstein repeatedly asked her to watch him shower. She was one of the women who spoke out to The New York Times this week, saying: ‘Women have been talking about Harvey amongst ourselves for a long time, and it’s simply beyond time to have the conversation publicly.’

ASolo ago

Emma De Caunes: French actress Emma de Caunes said that she met Weinstein in 2010, soon after he told her he had a script he was producing based on a book with a strong female character. Weinstein offered to show her the script, and asked her up to his hotel room, where he began to take a shower. He then emerged naked and with an erection, asking her to lay down with him on the bed and telling her that many had done so before. ‘I was very petrified,’ said de Caunes. ‘But I didn’t want to show him that I was petrified, because I could feel that the more I was freaking out, the more he was excited.’

Lauren O’Connor: A former employee of The Weinstein Company, she told executives there in the fall of 2015 that there was ‘a toxic environment for women at this company’ after one of her colleagues told her that Weinstein had pressured her into massaging him while he was naked, the NYT said.

Ambra Battilana: An Italian actress and model, she told the NYT that in March 2015 Weinstein invited her to his New York office. There, she said, he asked if her breasts were real before grabbing them and putting his hands up her skirt. She reported the alleged incident to police, but they did not press charges. According to the NYT, Weinstein later paid her off.

Jessica Barth: Weintein reportedly pressured Barth, an actress, to give him a naked massage in the Peninsula Hotel from 2011 onwards.

Laura Madden: An ex-employee, she told the NYT that Weinstein had asked her to give him massages from 1991 onwards, while they were both in London and Dublin. ‘It was so manipulative,’ she told the NYT. ‘You constantly question yourself – am I the one who is the problem?’ Weinstein denied knowledge.

Emily Nestor: Nestor had been a temporary employee of the Weinstein Company for just one day in 2014 when Weinstein approached her and offered to boost her career in exchange for relations, the NYT reported.

Zelda Perkins: An assistant of Weinstein’s, based in London in 1998; then 25, she reportedly confronted Weinstein after she and ‘several’ others were harassed and later settled out of court.

Elizabeth Karlsen: The Oscar-nominated producer of “Carol” and “The Crying Game”, among others, told The Hollywood Reporter on Sunday that almost 30 years ago, an unnamed young female executive who had worked at Miramax with Weinstein had found him naked in her bedroom one night. The exec was in a house rented by Miramax at the time to cut its overhead costs.

Liza Campbell: A freelance script reader, she told the UK’s Sunday Times that Weinstein had summoned her to his hotel room in London before telling her to get in the bath with him.

Lauren Sivan: The former Fox news host said that Weinstein trapped her in a closed restaurant and masturbated in front of her to completion in 2007. He took her to a closed restaurant beneath a club she had visited and attempted to kiss her, then when she refused, he cornered her and made her watch him touch himself, according to The Huffington Post.

Jessica Hynes: The British actress, best known for her roles in the Bridget Jones movies and for co-creating and co-writing the sitcom “Spaced”, said she was invited to audition for Weinstein when she was 19 – in a bikini. Hynes, formerly known as Jessica Stevenson, said she refused to wear the skimpy item – and lost the job.

Romola Garai: British actress Romola Garai said she felt ‘violated’ following a meeting with Harvey Weinstein in his London hotel room when she was 18 in which he was in a bathrobe. Garai, best known for her role in “Atonement”, said she had already been hired for a part but was told to audition privately with the Hollywood mogul because ‘you had to be personally approved by him’. ‘Like every other woman in the industry, I’ve had an ‘audition’ with Harvey Weinstein,’ she told The Guardian. ‘So I had to go to his hotel room in the Savoy and he answered the door in his bathrobe. I was only 18. I felt violated by it’.

Unnamed assistant: Weinstein allegedly behaved inappropriately toward a woman employed as his assistant in 1990. The case was settled out of court.

Another unnamed assistant: In 2015, Weinstein reportedly pressured another assistant into giving him a naked massage in the Peninsula Hotel, where he is also said to have pressured Barth.

Unnamed Miramax employee: At one point in the early 1990s, a young woman is alleged to have suddenly left the company after an encounter with Weinstein. She also settled out of court.

Unnamed woman: A woman who did not wish to be named because she feared Weinstein’s connections told The New York Times that the producer had summoned her to his hotel at an unknown date and raped her. – Daily Mail

More than 30 women have now gone forward and accused Weinstein of all kinds of misconducts. Some of these allegations date from over 20 years ago. Hillary Clinton went on record to claim that she was “sick, shocked, and appalled” – as if this was all ground-shaking news to her.

Why is this all unraveling now? Why did these stars come forward at the same time? When Weinstein was protected by the elite, the actresses who tried to tell their stories were told no one would believe them, to shut up, that it was no big deal, and, if they persisted, to take hush money.

Now, whether it was the result of too many well-known women being willing to go on record or some other un-reported reason, Weinstein has fallen from the grace of the Hollywood elite. The media wall that used to protect him–the same way it continues to protect countless other elite abusers–has fallen.

Weinstein is now in the midst of a classical American “downfall”. In the span of a few days, accusations flew from everywhere, his marriage fell apart, and he was fired from his own company.

Despite all of this, many fear that Weinstein might “pull a Polanski” and avoid any kind of legal prosecution. (Roman Polanski was accused of the abuse of a 13-year-old girl, but avoided prosecution in the US by fleeing to Europe. He continues to be revered as a director.) While Weinstein’s Hollywood career is over, he might just be able to sit on his millions of dollars and avoid jail for the rest of his life. So far, no criminal charges have been brought against him.

Lindsay Lohan Doesn’t Agree

Going against this tidal wave of accusations is Lindsay Lohan. In a bizarre Instagram video, Lohan (with her new accent) stated:

“He’s never harmed me or did anything to me. We’ve done several movies together. I think everyone needs to stop; I think it’s wrong. So stand up.”

This video was rather unexpected because Lohan of the most obvious cases of Hollywood celebrity being “abused” by the elite. She even appears in photoshoots describing her status as Beta Kitten.

Lohan’s video was deleted after about an hour. Rose McGowan, one of the most vocal accusers of Weinstein tweeted:

“Please go easy on Lindsay Lohan. Being a child actor turned sex symbol twists the brain in ways you can’t comprehend.”

She is right. Child actors are repeatedly abused and traumatized to create MK slaves out of them. As explained in this article, Lohan’s sudden change in accent and speech pattern is a symptom of trauma-based mind control.

Tip of the Iceberg

Although the allegations against Weinstein are appalling and disgusting, they represent only the very tip of the iceberg of the sordid actions “rumored” about the Hollywood elite. What about child sex trafficking rings? Ritual abuse? MK slaves? Ordered assassinations? Of course, divulging this information would put at risk the scumbags that are still under elite protection. Right now, the allegations against Weinstein involve Weinstein only, and that’s how they want to keep it. It is a controlled demolition.

Actor James Van Der Beek published a few tweets in support of the actresses who spoke up and revealed that it happened to him as well.

I’ve had my ass grabbed by older, powerful men, I’ve had them corner me in inappropriate sexual conversations when I was much younger...

As you can see, he does not name these “old, powerful men”. Why? Because they are still protected.

Was Weinstein involved in more than sleazy Hollywood producer sexual assault? We probably won’t find out, but the last paragraph of the New Yorker article about Weinstein definitely makes one wonder.

“He’s been systematically doing this for a very long time,” the former employee who had been made to act as a “honeypot” told me. She said that she often thinks of something Weinstein whispered—to himself, as far as she could tell—after one of his many shouting sprees at the office. It so unnerved her that she pulled out her iPhone and tapped it into a memo, word for word: “There are things I’ve done that nobody knows.” – The New Yorker

ESOTERICshade ago

You just can't make this stuff up. Don't have too...., Daughter Of Lucifer.

United Kingdom’s Lord Peter Mandelson known as the “Prince of Darkness” yachting with DreamWorks co-founder, David Geffen, with whom he dined at the Rothschild family holiday estate in Corfu, Greece. It is the fortified villa and playground of Lord (knight) Jacob and Lady Serena Rothschild. Jacob Rothschild is a British powerful investment banker.

There are three daughters of Lucifer, who are the most powerful demons in time. The eldest, Gemory, is the most powerful. Clea is the second eldest and thus second most powerful. And then Sarine, who was destroyed, was the youngest who had a daughter with an unknown man, her name is Lilith. She then took her mother's place after Sarine's death.

ESOTERICshade ago

@Asolo you outdid yourself bro. Excellent.

jangles ago

Great work ya'll

DamnKeyhote ago

"The Bush Syndicate, which was, for all intent and purpose, an extension of the Nazi war machine."

Why sneak in the blackpill so haphazardly? There were Afro-German Nazis too. Big fucking shit. You're gonna dismiss the only 20th century success against the INTERNATIONAL CLIQUE because Miles Mathis ventured another typically sloppy guess ("all Nazis were crypto-Jews")? I personally like when he says people are CIA inventions because their official birthdate has multiples of eleven.

IpointOutTrolls ago

Love me some Asolo!

ASolo ago

derram ago | :

Harvey Weinstein: ILLUMINATi-Zionists Hollywood "CASTING COUCH" Exposed!! - YouTube | :

Harvey Weinstein's HANDLERS/Zionist ILLUMINATi/Warner Music Group - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

ASolo ago

HollyWeird’s King David has been known in the industry for sometime as a homosexual that is allegedly a “chicken hawk” who prefers young men. He has been linked to a gang of notorious Hollywood pedophiles.

Mr. Geffen, was an investor in Digital Entertainment Network (DEN) and attended parties at a Los Angeles mansion known as the M&C Estate with Digital Entertain Network (DEN) co-investors and executives.[24

In 2014, former child actor, Michael Egan III, filed lawsuits against X-Men director Bryan Singer, TV executive Garth Ancier, Broadway producer Gary Goddard and ex Disney executive David Neuman in California and Hawaii alleging wide-scale ritual child sexual abuse. However, soon after, he dismissed the lawsuit for whatever reasons, but it was out there.[25]

In the suit, Egan alleges that Marc John Collins-Rector and Chad Shackley put him on the Digital Entertainment Network’s (DEN) payroll as an actor, giving him $1,500 a week for legitimate work. But he was given an additional $600 a week “from different accounts without any designation of job duties, title, or position,” money Egan believes was given to all the teenage males forced to have sex with older men at the M&C Estate. Major Hollywood players included Singer, David Geffen and Arianna Huffington’s gay ex-husband Michael invested $150 million into the company.

The M&C Estate ([Mark and Chad] Shackley) in Encino, CA was operated as an underground “pedophilic sex den” according to Egan, who was sixteen (16) years old when he says he and several other boys were groomed to submit to a life of sexual abuse (September 28, 2014, New York Magazine). Geffen socialized at the estate with other investors who, Egan was told, could be very helpful to his career.[27] The M&C Estate was home to the wild gay sex parties where HollyWeird bigwig executives gathered to allegedly prey on underage boys. It was also used to film a 1998 pilot for DEN’s “gay pedophile” version of “Silver Spoons” starring an as yet unknown Sean William Scott.

“An Open Secret”

As you can clearly see, all of these rampant sexual abuse allegations are shaping up to be some of the same names and faces we keep seeing popping up on both sides of the pond.

And so, it gets a little deeper.


"Lord Mandelson is one of the most universally recognized WICKED AND EVIL men in the United Kingdom. His title of the “Lord of Darkness” and “Prince of Darkness” didn’t come from small time virtual invisible bloggers like me or so-called “conspiracy theorists“. I never heard of him before. This man earned his EVIL titles from the people in Britain and globally that know him, worked or attempted to work with him. It is so troubling that former President of United States Barack Obama, the highest elected public official in America, is so closely aligned with people that are undoubtedly part of the inner controlling cabal of the British Dark/Black Satanic Circle. These people are not people that just sit at the feet of democracies and global power. These people are the controllers of banks, political leaders, governments, institutions and Satanic Cabals around the world."

Geffen & the British Prince of Darkness

United Kingdom’s Lord Peter Mandelson known as the “Prince of Darkness” yachting with DreamWorks co-founder, David Geffen, with whom he dined at the Rothschild family holiday estate in Corfu, Greece. It is the fortified villa and playground of Lord (knight) Jacob and Lady Serena Rothschild. Jacob Rothschild is a British powerful investment banker.

Mandelson earned a reputation as one of Britain’s most ruthless New Labour Party (left;democrat) members. He is a member of the Nazi-SS Bilderbergers global control group. He is also a powerful clandestine elite control operative of a British- CIA transatlantic security and defense network.[34]

Peter Mandelson

Incredibly Mandelson is Chief Trustee of the NSPCC National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

The Dark Lord, Peter Mandelson, is also openly gay. He is one of the highest Luciferian initiates in the United Kingdom. He was trained in the Hebdomadry System of Magick, the same system used by both the Masonic Alpha Lodges and the David Myatt’s Satanic Order of Nine Angles.[38],[39].

“Mandelson while business minister showed his true metal while holidaying on Deripaskas yacht, now Deripaska is banned under organized crime regs in the USA, but according to the Daily Mail 23rd May 2010, Nat Rothschild, Deripaska and Mandelson shook hands on a £500 million aluminum deal that cost many Britons their jobs, much of this is said to be in chemtrail drops. These 3 were joked about in the MI5 canteen as ‘the axis of evil’ and ‘the 3 jewboys’ and when Mandelson was admitted into a French hospital recently with prostate problems, the French doctors report told of felching injuries, felching is the gay sport where a cardboard tube is pushed into the rectum and a small furry animal slid down inside, our Peter apparently was scratched internally rather badly.”[42]

Jan1998 ago

@ASolo Magnificent synopsis. Thank you so much.

ASolo ago

Peter Benjamin Mandelson (born 21 October 1953) or ‘Baron’ Mandelson of Foy PC, following the life peerage bestowed upon him by Gordon Brown, is a Jewish politician whose father was the advertising manager at The Jewish Chronicle. His private life is subject to several D-Notices no doubt due to his rampant homosexual and preference for Brazilian ‘natives’. He has strong Is new Labour a Rothschild invention?connections with the Rothschild’s and rents his house from Nat Rothschild who lives on the adjoining Stowell estate, which arguably explains his rebranding of the British Labour Party The Mandelson Gollumas “New Labour” completing the denigration of its traditional British working class voters in favor of foreign immigrants and self- proclaimed ‘victim’ groups. In keeping with this Mandelson sells passports to the highest bidder. Incredibly Mandelson is Chief Trustee of the NSPCC and has worryingly put his ‘people’ in key positions, including Peter Watt at the Mandelson and boyfriend NSPCC and Justin Forsyth head of Save the Children.

ASolo ago

[2012 Oct] THE PAEDOPHILE RING THAT ENCIRCLES BRITISH POLITICS BY S.C. (NAME PROTECTED) AND GIOVANNI DI STEFANO Although Labour Supremo Peter Mandelsons’ alleged role in the kidnapping of young girls and boys for the “pleasuring” of the European Union’s elite commissioners in Brussels was the subject of intense speculation long before the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, I can now bring to a close all speculation as to the name of Tony Blair’s most “highly placed and senior politician” who fell not only under the scrutiny of Scotland Yard for crimes against children, but was also identified by the FBI as an active member of the paedophile ring run by Thomas Hamilton.

Paedo politicians not to forget. Mandelson. Blair issued a D-notice to protect Peter Mandelson, when the latter was caught purchasing paedophile pornography in 2002 by Operation Ore.

[2012 June] "Sex Cult" Runs UK Government, says MI-6 Victim

[2011 Sept] The Wheel of Fortune By T Stokes Thus Peter Mandelson’s French Hospital records are alleged to contain details of injuries caused by small furry animals used in homosexual sex acts; according to Cherie Blair he is one of the most profoundly corrupt figures in politics and coming from Tony Blair’s wife that is saying something.

Tony Blair as 'Miranda ' HE WHO PAYS THE PIPER by T. Stokes Peter Mandelson and Cherie Blair hated each other, Mandelson as top Rothschild apparatchik for Britian was rumoured to boss and bully Blair, but after a row with the French the newspapers were tipped off anonymously that Frederic Mitterrand was paying young boys for sex, but a small security firm phone tapping for a newspaper, claimed the tip came from Mandelsons people. The NSA whistleblower David Murphy-Fawkes has said they listened in to all Tony Blairs calls, as the US senate saw him as a lightweight 'Pinocchio' figure. In march 2003 Peter Mandelson officially endorsed Leo Gillan as his political candidate, who then lost out to a man in a monkey suit, 'hangus' the monkey was offering a free banana to schoolchildren, 'hangus' was an in joke on the campaign to hang war criminals such as Saddam Hussein and Tony Blair. Mandelson while business minister showed his true metal while holidaying on Deripaskas yacht, now Deripaska is banned under organized crime regs in the USA, but according to the Daily Mail 23rd May 2010, Nat Rothschild, Deripaska and Mandelson shook hands on a £500 million aluminum deal that cost many Britons their jobs, much of this is said to be in chemtrail drops. These 3 were joked about in the MI5 canteen as 'the axis of evil' and 'the 3 jewboys' and when Mandelson was admitted into a French hospital recently with prostate problems, the French doctors report told of felching injuries, felching is the gay sport where a cardboard tube is pushed into the rectum and a small furry animal slid down inside, our Peter apparently was scratched internally rather badly. Peter Mandelson is controlling director of the NSPCC, and when Margaret Hodge ( Oppenheimer) was children’s minister she lived next door to Tony Blair, they also knew childline funders Sarah Caplin and Esther Rantzen, who are connected to TV mogul Michael Grade.

[2011] Insider Exposes Famous Satanists

ASolo ago KavKaz Center - 13 March 2010 SCANDAL. British PM Gordon Brown accused of being a pedophile

According to the testimony of a British journalist, Mike James, who now lives in Germany, the present British prime minister, Gordon Brown, is an arrant old pedophile.

The journalist says that, as a pedophile, Brown is known to the police for a long time, but the previous prime minister, Tony Blair, ordered to cover up the scandal due to the British aggression against Iraq on the basis of false information about Saddam possessing weapons of mass destruction.

According to the testimony of the British journalist, Brown is member of a ring of senior British pedophiles, consisting of general prosecutor Goldsmitdt, a former chieftain of the NATO lord Robertson and lord Mandelson. All of them are major members of masonic lodges.

The British journalist said that a group of senior pedophiles organized a massacre of children in Dunblane Primary School in Scotland on 13 (!) March 1996, killing 16 small children and a teacher. The children were killed because they knew too much about the crimes committed by British pedophile politicians .

The murder was committed by a freemason, Thomas Hamilton. But the gun with explosive bullets, as the investigation established, had been given to him by lord Cullen (Cullen on the photo with Hamilton), a member of the Labor "Scottish mafia", which includes Gordon Brown, lord Robertson, Tony Blair and John Reid.

Lord Mandelson is constantly accused in Europe in the kidnapping young girls and boys for European Union's elite pedophile commissioners in Brussels.

ASolo ago

ASolo ago's+fellow-scouter,+who+asked+not+to+be+identified%22&dq=%22Mandelson+'s+fellow-scouter,+who+asked+not+to+be+identified%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=33hgU8H7BIjNsQSdhYGwDw&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAA Mandy: the unauthorised biography of Peter Mandelson Simon & Schuster, 1999

a gawky figure in shorts, long woolly socks and a woggle. He went on camps, and later recalled that he was always sad when the week under canvas came to an end. Always one to be out in front, he graduated to be leader of his 'six' in leafy Hampstead Garden Suburb.

But there was something nasty going on in his cub scout troop. Many of the boys, then aged around 10, were subject to sexual abuse by a scoutmaster, who was twice their age. One fellow cub scout, who knew Mandelson from the age of 5, said the scoutmaster used to sit them on his knee while he masturbated. The boys talked about it among themselves, and one finally plucked up the courage to tell his parents. They in turn informed other parents. These were different, less abuse-conscious days. The parents decided not to call in the police, but to report the abusive group leader to the scouting authorities. They investigated, and removed the abuser; there was no prosecution.

Mandelson 's fellow-scouter, who asked not to be identified, was abused over a period of months in this way. He believes that Mandelson was drawn into the web of abuse. 'We were both victims of the same perpetrator of sexual abuse,' he told me. 'It happened to me, and it happened to him.'2 However, Mandelson himself has never made any reference to such an experience, which is not surprising, given his blanket refusal to discuss the sexual side of his life.

The first real political scandal in which Mandelson was involved, played out in the mid 1970s, still reverberates today. Mandy joined the Young Communist League - and possibly the parent Communist Party of Great Britain - in his late teens, and took part in a Soviet-dominated World Festival of Youth in Havana, Cuba, in 1978. His role has been variously...