Sebastian Kohn is acting unit manager for community health and criminal justice with the Public Health Program. His work focuses primarily on advancing sex workers’ health and human rights. Kohn joined the Open Society Foundations in 2007, initially concentrating on nondiscrimination and statelessness for the Open Society Justice Initiative. Prior to joining Open Society, he worked on issues related to minority rights and mental health in Egypt, Norway, and Sweden.
Kohn holds a master’s degree in conflict, security, and development from King’s College London and has a bachelor’s degree in international relations and history from the London School of Economics.
Rights, not rescue
That’s been the demand from sex workers around the world for decades—and yet a growing movement to abolish sex work is not listening.
Countries like Sweden, Norway, Canada, Northern Ireland, and France have made it a crime to purchase, but not sell, sexual services. This “partial” criminalization, which posits sex workers as victims and their clients as exploiters, still leads to complete harms. It forces sex work to take place underground, away from safety and services.
After just six months of partial criminalization in France, sex workers report having to work longer hours for less pay and accept clients they previously would have rejected. Now, Ireland is considering adopting a similar approach.
Thankfully, advocates like Kate McGrew, the coordinator at Sex Workers Alliance Ireland, are making sure sex workers are heard. She and her allies advocate for labor rights and health services, which cannot be fully realized under criminalization.
As she describes in the video, McGrew sees a future in which sex workers “live and work with dignity, free from stigma and violence.” (This video may be worth your time to watch)
Piscina ago
CRIN are as dodgy af. Any organisation that doesn't seek to protect children but talks about their rights to access sex education is abusive. Parents have the duty, responsibility and right to provide sex education to their children. They should not have that right taken from them by an organisation or the government. This is what CRIN says:
"... the worrying trend of restricting children’s access to information, violations of their right to bodily integrity, legal recognition, access to sex and relationships education and bullying"
Here is CRIN saying
"A disturbing trend among states to limit children's access to information is gaining force, with sex education, sexuality and drug use the main targets .... This argument denies children agency to make informed choices"
Children DON'T have agency; that's why we have laws to protect them.
bibigirl_ ago
fogdryer ago
of course he does !!!!!
Jem777 ago
Great Post. This has Soros money all over it. Disgusting maybe he should go visit Vladimir he put him on the terrorist list and issued a warrant. Hungary the country he was born are allowing citizens to vote specifically on what they want their government to do to exclude him from Hungary.
I say we have the American People get a vote. Is he a dual citizen. In some places that can cause revocation of citizenship. Hungary does not want him, the U.K. Does not want him. He broke the Bank of England betting against the country flipping markets destroying lives.
Are_we_sure ago
Soros only made money on the pound because the government of England made a terrible mistake in setting their exchange rate. And were putting off admitting it.
This mistake was real no matter what Soros did. He was not the only speculator to recognize this. Had he been wrong he would have lost money. Britain tried to throw money at the problem raising interest rates to 15%, by that point no one believed them.
After they devalued their currency, Britain had many years with low inflation and a growing economy.
Jem777 ago
Now you are actually supporting George Soros.....enough said paid shill. Get your check from the Feds or Soros?
Are_we_sure ago
Yeah I must be paid. Because I acknowledge that it was actually the English government that " destroyed lives."
derram ago | :
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