3141592653 ago

much appreciated

Celticgirlonamission ago

Ok so I started watching that Kinsey video...and omg doesn't king Rex look identical to Podesta?!? https://onsizzle.com/i/isit-ordotes-dr-kinseysfamous1948-pedophile-mr-greenl-john-podesta-rexking-6207131

Apparently I'm not the only one that thought so!

3141592653 ago

i tried to find more pics of this Rex guy but didn't have any luck

spacewitch ago

Could they be related? I couldn't find a picture of Podesta's father to compare.

GokJamal ago

Pedophiles are horrible horrible people.

janet58 ago

I remember reading about what Kinsey's people did to children in the name of research. I was so shook up, I could barely sleep for days. Monsters.