pizzagate3456 ago

When I read "global witness" , I thought it would be an actual witness and got really excited. Still good lead though

Commoner ago

That is why they used language like that. It could mean anything and everything. Gobbleygook

11-11 ago

All in all - as you have seen - these people do not care about legal or illegal

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

They have to control the investigative and resource-based agencies to keep any legitimate investigators on the sidelines, exactly as they are doing with The Fight to End Exploitation in Racine County that is directly linked to those involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Moreover they partner with religious and governmental groups to fraudulently claim immunity and use public resources for legal protection.

They know the judicial system is rigged and corrupt, so they abuse the law under the color of law and hide behind a system that has enabled and condoned criminal corruption. The control corrupt city and county attorneys, district attorneys, attorney generals, FBI offices, and heads of these organizations including Jim Comey and Loretta Lynch, so even when investigations go all the way to the top, they have them under control. This happened with RICO investigations in Racine that escalated to Comey and Lynch's offices that were tied to the Clinton Foundation and many other groups involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

They also murder people without hesitation, and attorneys and judges end up dead, like Judge Dennis Barry was found in the Root River of Racine, Wisconsin with no autopsy or investigation as they cover it up locally and then name golf outings after him for the people involved to celebrate.

Jem777 ago

You gave names to actual people and cases like a murdered judge. This is what will get people digging into Rancine, Wi. putting real information for others to research. Thanks.

ben_matlock ago

this is nuts. great find @11-11. we definitely needs more eyes on Arcus.

and naturally this 'non-profit' is directly across from a preschool..

11-11 ago

re Arcus Foundation

This group also backs / funds an organization named Prevention-Works

Prevention-Works sends people into schools to educate kids on the dangers of drugs.

Looks like most of their programs target the 9yr -11 yr old age group

Interestingly enough, they hire convicted pedofiles

See these people with their work address ilsted as the same address as Prevention-Works



They all work at this small building - ?,+Inc/@42.2611271,-85.5919149,123m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xcc5ce865370db4a4!8m2!3d42.2611271!4d-85.5913677?hl=en


Arcus F also funds the Global Religions Program. This program supports pro-LGBT, faith-based organizing and advocacy that invests strategically in religious communities, including historic black churches, evangelical communities, Roman Catholic churches, and others. USAID and AusAID (DFAT) are sponsors of Arcus.’-global-religions-program


Great find!

DarkMath ago

I've learned how to speak the Fraud language over the past 9 months. Allow me to translate, here's the original:

Global Witness is an international NGO established in 1993 that works to break the links between natural resource exploitation, conflict, poverty, corruption, and human rights abuses worldwide.

Translation: Global Witness works to break the links between the 3rd World and their ownership of their natural resources through the crucibles of:

1) conflict

2) enforced poverty

3) corruption

4) human rights abuses

It's also known as Disaster Capitalism and it usually begins by bombing brown people.


fartyshorts ago

Ever read "Confessions of an economic hitman"? :)

Jem777 ago

Excellent explanation @DarkMath

Rest assured if you see the word "Global" in front of anything it is not a good thing.

The absolute worst is Global Citizen. That is what they really want. For all of us of course not them. They want the remaining 99% of us to be equal in poor education & health kind of like cattle easier to control. Then they sit in their steel castles and give each other humanitarian of the year awards and donate to each other's foundations from their off shore bank accounts.

Commoner ago
