WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Rep. Gus Bilirakis is very involved here too. His daddy was in the US House for 35 YEARS before him! Links here with the researching docs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/84edi5joje0g9jd/AAC0tAd1tBvKp64jjN9Qw0Wba?dl=0

carmencita ago

Then, as we discussed years ago, the Shriners conspired to get my work censored off Newsvine by abusing the “!” icon that reports abusive or offensive articles. Today, my work remains unchallenged because my findings are documented. As readers read, they can click through to the actual document being discussed. This is especially important as I investigate the PermaDerm ™ situation. I won’t say too much about this because I’m still digging into things but from what I’ve found, this story makes the Jester human trafficking/prostitution scandal look like a parking ticket. Who knew that doctors at a Shriner hospital used little burned kids in a clinical study so bad the FDA shut it down? Two years after $32 million in DoD dollars went to drug manufacturer Lonza, the protocols have yet to be developed for a new clinical study that will use our burned service members as human guinea pigs to further “develop” this failed product for military applications.>And it gets worse. They are complicit. Every time I see their ads on TV with those poor children begging for money it makes my skin crawl. There are horrible things going on in those hospitals. We should really go as deep down as we can in this rabbit hole.

HighLevelInsider ago

ATTENTION VOAT: There is an actual, live, experienced investigator trying to go after solid leads on human trafficking! Your help is needed!

carmencita ago

I have been trying to warn people. Please spread this far and wide. It is happening on all subjects, imo.

carmencita ago

Yes and there is an Army on here trying to change all kind of narratives, especially that of Seth Rich's murder and death.

Pizzalawyer ago

Why only 3 comments this far? We have here solid leads from a high level.insider about pedophile activity amongst members of a secret society in Washington DC and Atlanta which is part of the Shriners Freemasons which in turn does great things for children by way of the Shriners Hospitals. This is something we can sink our teeth into and hopefully get real results. We need at least 10 researchers on this. And I'm willing to be one of 10. Lets dig!

SterlingJB ago

Tough cuz I don't live in DC. Did find a spot owned by certain corp searching through the area. But respect the OP's wishes. Those dudes really are the compartmentalized of the compartmentalized of US freemason though.

carmencita ago

I will tell you something you are right about. While I was researching with @Wolftrail7272 on St. Louis I had touched on Shriner's Hospital and am almost positive they are complicit. There is serious organ harvesting going on in St. Louis and if the Freemasons are involved you can bet that the Shriner's Hosp. are doing their share, and it will get pretty sick since they are heavily involved with children. @Jem777

Jem777 ago

On it ;)

anonOpenPress ago

HighLevelInsider ago

See my other post where I give explicit info on a site that they own in DC. The Jesters are a very important masonic lodge, and they are behind a lot of pedophile blackmail that has not been exposed.

This is the type of thing that can break pedogate wide open, but we need solid investigations, including surveillance in the real world. I'm leaking you sensitive info here, whether or not that continues depends on the users' responses to that sensitive info.

TimesUp ago

Thanks for the info Do you know if the Jester order has any connection to the creepy clown sightings featured in the news awhile ago? Or if there are lodges throughout the US or in Europe?

It looks like The Royal Order of Jesters has a museum in Indiana -- highly secretive with very limited membership: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Order_of_Jesters

HighLevelInsider ago

Do you know if the Jester order has any connection to the creepy clown sightings featured in the news awhile ago?

No specific knowledge, but that's a possibility. I'd lean more toward Juggalos. Jesters are more interested in having "wild parties" with a hidden camera to catch people in positions of influence.

It looks like The Royal Order of Jesters has a museum in Indiana -- highly secretive with very limited membership:

They lost their tax exemption awhile back, and the documents are telling (PDF)

Probably the same ones that were bringing prostitutes to that casino in Indiana awhile back. It was their exact MO: bring in prostitutes for a "party" with wealthy and powerful people.

Or if there are lodges throughout the US or in Europe?

I believe there are about 200 ROJ lodges in the US. No knowledge of them being in Europe, but it's a near certainty that some appendant body is doing similar things over there.

There are other masonic groups doing things here, we're just sharing info on the Jesters because we have a lead we are comfortable sharing, and we want to see if you're worthy/capable of handling further leads.

These types of activities are usually done through masonic appendant bodies, so that the guys at the blue lodge think it's just a fraternal organization. Some, even who have completed the Scottish or York Rite, have no idea what they're involved in.

equineluvr ago

They're not in England. England doesn't recognize the Shriners or the Jesters.