DonKeyhote ago

Weeks ago I looked into UCLA Medical Center/school since it's named after queer Zionist media tycoon David Geffen.

"The Terasaki Life Sciences Building includes 33 laboratories, where hundreds of scientists will conduct state-of-the-science research integrating such fields as cell biology, neuroscience, genomics and stem cell research. It is scheduled to open in October."

33 you say?

The head of transplantation there, Dr. Busuttil, who gave the Yakuza boss a transplant and even followed up in Japan in exchange for a donation, is quite famous and quite enthusaistic about partnering with Chinese surgeons known to confiscate organs from poor bastards detained for thought crimes:

anonOpenPress ago

Could you share a link connecting Geffen to Zionism, please? Worth checking into, if you have one

DonKeyhote ago

No but rich and gay outweighs Jewish and even zionist. And I've examined hundreds of PG related individuals.

equineluvr ago

^ Superb post.

"Many negative reviews of them complain that they could at least offer monetary compensation to organ donors/their families, as they make a profit."

They can't pay donors or their families. Buying organs is a violation of the National Organ Transplant Act of 1984.

As we have all seen, organ "donation" is a HUGE RACKET!! Plus it's likely to get you killed before you otherwise would go.

When I go, I'm taking all my parts with me.

Pizzalawyer ago

Great post and I didn't even notice your typo.

uuuuuuuuuus ago

Add to that, what do you think is the preferable option for possible nefarious characters who have your life in their hands: A) Save your life, or B) Profit hugely off of your body parts.

uuuuuuuuuus ago

If a mod could edit the typo in the title I'd appreciate it.