Jem777 ago

Kevin Jennings was Obamas appointee for a high ranking education department role. He also wrote the forward to a book about "Queering the Elementary Education" The book was also signed by William Bill Ayers, the ex-domestic terrorist from the Weather Underground that Obama hung out with in Chicago.

You would think when the NAMBLA connection came out in 2009 & the book as well there would have been an uproar with this guy teaching children for Obama whitehouse. Press suppression. No one said a thing.

River_Otter ago

Here's his mugshot, in a LGBT article:

And, guess what...He went to Berkeley...shocker, that.

What's this Greenleaf Trust, a private bank he founded in Kalamazoo, MI?

Private money laundering, anyone?

11-11 ago

I don't think Greenleaf is his. His sister(I think it is his sister), Rhonda Stryker, married a former school principle named Bill Johnston. Bill runs Greenleaf. The Stryker money is all inherited. It came from the company - stryker. They make hospital beds. The Stryker's, Upjohns (was Upjohn Co. / now Pfizer), Parfets intermarried and are now pool of elites.
Rhonda donated to Obama as well and went to one of his inauguration parties. Both Rhonda and Jon are in Forbes top billionaires list issue. Don't quote me on any of this. It is all from memory.

Dressage2 ago

The elites love to keep their bloodlines pure. So they keep up that intermarrying.

Dressage2 ago

Maybe another reason Amanda Klein is Majestic Ape. Great post

DarkMath ago

The other thing about the great apes is they are genetically very close to humans. That would fit into the organ harvesting thing at Homan Square, Haiti etc.

Somali Organ Donors

Anybody care to guess the common ethnicity and skin color between Homan Square in Chicago, Haiti and Sub-Saharan Africa?

That's right. Caucasian. Or as I like to call them: Aboriginal Northern Europeans.


Sorry for that last bit of sarcasm, I couldn't help it. If I wasn't laughing I'd be crying.

Dressage2 ago

Melanin is bountiful big time.

fogdryer ago

so are diamonds

it was Orion Oil putting money up. The Orion Group is into logging, diamonds, gold, and oil in the Congolese region. Also, there is the actual document the Clinton people sent to the State Department... It gives me the distinct impression that $650k wasn't enough. The Clintons were, aware it was a crappy venue.

equineluvr ago

Majestic Ape. Heavy Breathing was originally called The Apes.