pbvrocks ago

Also..we might dig around this family..as many have said, my gut is a Rothschild blood tie...just to much weirdness..here is another. Alefantis also went by L'enfant (baby lover). L'enfant was also the name of the architect who designed DC, was a master mason, and brought in personally from France by Washington (George)...it is a strange tail on its own...further JA like to call all his companies L'enfant...just to much serendipity, history, and smoke for JA not to be deeply (blood) related to all of this...

pbvrocks ago

All these folks are all members of these weird organizations..in her obit note - "Daughter of Penelope"...typical type of organization..dedicated to "ending human suffering..." (is that like euthanasia for us to these folks?)..interesting they are focused on human trafficking in Greece..what a shocker that is.. http://www.daughtersofpenelope.org/pdfs/FactSheetDomesticViolenceinGreece.pdf

GeorgeT ago

WHO - World Death Organisation actually. Vaccines - eugenics are tied. Alex Jones used to do amazing videos on that topic before he went all out MSM. This link betwen JA and Tim - certainly changes the big pucture. Eugenics is a huge part of this Satanic Cabal and they makr their intentions public - check out Georgia Guide Stones

HeaCel ago

dear mother of George (Joanne) and Achilles "Lee" (Susan) Alefantis

George was previously named Joanne, and Achilles previously named Susan, or am I misunderstanding something?

UndEr_DistrEss ago

Those are their wife's names in parentheses lol. Considering the topic though, your misunderstanding wasn't too farfetched!

quantokitty ago

Fantastic. And remember that we should pay special attention to JA's mom. He's super sensitive about her so anything we find, we should post.

Dig, dig, dig.

cakeoflightylight ago

Her maiden name was Rappas which sounds like Rapers.

kestrel9 ago

It's probably somewhere but here is the link to the archive: http://archive.is/ctW3E Thanks for posting, I recall the Tim A. connection caused the powers that be to get extra combative, since he at some point was a participant in the WHO (World Health Organization) and all (sorry no link at the moment).

The paranoia has nothing to do with his work on flu vaccines I'm sure: "Sanofi Pasteur releases early results from next-gen flu vax tech". http://archive.is/lS1EY#selection-1525.0-1518.3

Not that vaccines are necessarily a bad thing. But considering the BIG money, BIG Pharma, BIG Insurance, as related to insider trading which is legal for our elected officials, combined with the sketchy picture of the vaccine testing racket laid out by George Webb, along with how that relationship alone jettisons James A. profile out from the fake MSM narrative of "He's just a regular joe who happens to own a persecuted pizza joint", the reaction indicated the story hitting a major globalist nerve.

redditsuckz ago

One of James Alefantis friends works for a company that experiments on humans...

mhollamby who says "overtime" on the James Alefantis digging pic...


He might have been one of James Alefantis boyfriends as he was traveling around the world with him and was heavily featured in his instagram.


Dont know what he does exactly but he is connected in Washington D.C.

mhollamby AKA Matt J Hollamby






Matt hollamby works for a foundation run by people who experiment on humans;



But Hansjörg Wyss has never been one to be pigeonholed by one type of philanthropy. The foundation also gives regular grants to liberal think tank the Center for American Progress. And the Wyss Foundation is just one of his philanthropic endeavors. He also runs the HJW Foundation, which is more concerned with progressive and social justice issues including health care and reproductive rights.



Liberal groups refuse to talk about links to funder with tainted history of illegal human experiments

A code of silence is apparently in force among Democratic and liberal activists groups funded by Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss, whose former company conducted illegal human experiments where three elderly patients died.

None of the 10 organizations contacted by the Washington Examiner would discuss any aspect of their relationship with Wyss.

Between them, the 10 groups have received more than $44 million since 2008 from the HJW Foundation, the billionaire's private foundation

The Examiner reported July 23 that John Podesta received $87,000 as a paid consultant to a Wyss-controlled foundation before joining President Obama's inner circle of White House advisers.

Podesta has also benefited from the more than $4 million Wyss has given to the Center for American Progress since 2008.

Podesta was the founding president of CAP and remains as chairman of its board of directors, which also includes Wyss, former Secretary of State Madeline Albright; former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D; and former Obama White House energy czar Carol Browner.



HJW Foundation





11-11 ago

here is the biggest clue about the planned flu pandemic straight from the horse mouth

                Is ZIKA not scaring the sheeples enough?

                We'll drop Flu from the sky 
        bill gates  march 18  2017


We can't say they didn't warn us

11-11 ago

I am sure that vaccines are related. (I'm not an insider. I've just studied it)

Did you see this John podesta retweeted this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bill-gates-climate-change-venture-fund_us_584e9119e4b04c8e2bb07424

The big planned flu outbreak depends on the chemtrail planes. They will spray it from the air and say it "spread"

And this Bill Gates tweet which is especially creepy


They sprayed lithium over Iraq during the war to make one of the communities more docile prior to going in. It works well

Some people say they are doing that here. Of course, we know they are already screwing up people's basic sleep rhythm with Chemtrails.

This is the tip of the iceberg as far as their plans for vaccine pandemics

They are already using vaccines to give children neurological damage.

In #WashDC missing kids, the poor / the black kids are targeted

They are most likely fully vaccinated because when people are on state aid (birthing bills, pregnancy care), they are mandated by their docs to have their kids compliant on the full vaccine schedule or they are denied care.

When kids are vaccinated fully, their brains are damaged (unavoidable).

The damage is not studied - so there are no numbers as far as IQ drop or anything like that. However, it does make some of them more docile.

Because I am not writing a scientific paper here, I do not have links & numbers to back up these claims. These are things I figured out by reading hundreds of hours of reports including studies, FDA testimony, etc.

Long time ago, before #pizzagate, I had wondered why CDC / Amer Assoc of Pediatrics was insisting on damaging these kids to such an extent. I had a feeling it had to do with pedophilia. I had NO reason to think that as it has never really been on my radar but it just popped into my head.

racoonbite ago

They may want to kepp people docile, then in the future make some sort of cocktail making their goons more aggressive to counteract the vaccine? or even to generate lost neurons for the desired people via .......who knows?

and yea, makes kidnapping much easier

pure speculation on my part

kestrel9 ago

Here's the HuffPo archive: http://archive.is/msTiV What a great time to be human lab rats! So reassuring that the richest people are not only are running the world, but have the best intentions for their human slaves, in which case lower IQs are ideal for trainable and compliant servants. Plenty of pedo tourism spots for those 'in the know' ;) So why do the deplorable ingrates keep complaing? :(

44NJ9 ago

I have been told Brigham Young College (mormon college) has the largest database of genealogy back to the original settlers. It puts ancestry dot com to shame. It is free to use, that I was aware of but you must visit the actual college to view records. Its not just for mormons, they are vatican of who's who and when/how they came here.

Howmanyarethere ago

I just saw this yesterday. I thought it was weird that they seemed to have nick names contrary to their gender. Also, I was trying to look at the church and the traditions surrounding it but had to leave before I researched very far.

Its great you found this and posted it...

twistedmac11 ago

They're not nicknames, they're the names of their respective spouses.

Howmanyarethere ago

Oh that seems obvious now....I just couldn't work that out before. Thanks

twistedmac11 ago

Lol no problem! We all do it sometimes :)

HillBoulder ago

Nice find wow how do you guys do it?

spidda2 ago

boolean searches on google specifically in this scenario i typed "tim alefantis" "james alefantis" and set the search timeline for anything after 2000 to several months before pizzagate came around.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Now this is a good find! Great detective work digging this one up!

sugarskull ago

Good job!

jangles ago


11-11 ago

Thanks spidda2

I think it is important to go back to this occasionally.

We still do not have a list of names of the 25 kids that Mrs Alefantis "adopted"

Also of note The J Podesta family tree has been posted here https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1696377

" by delicateflower I'm a genealogist with almost 40 years of experience. I did a tree for the Podesta brothers. I found their mother's obit (Mary Kokoris 1918-2007) which only mentions John and Tony Podesta. From that I would assume that they don't have any siblings. Tony was born in 1943 and John in 1949, so neither appear in a public census. The 1950 census won't be public until 2022. " CONTINUES ON THE POST

duhiki ago

Per FindAGrave, John Podesta, Sr is buried in Arlington and served in the army during WW2. https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=Podesta&GSbyrel=all&GSdyrel=all&GSst=48&GScntry=4&GSob=n&GRid=72316357&df=all&

What I want to know is there anything older that verifies Alefantis as more than a potential false name?

I ask because it's not uncommon to get false identities from the deceased. https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=pv&GRid=35161963&PIpi=69612413


11-11 ago

Thanks duhiki

I have some info for you on this tree

Is there any place I can post a .jpg screenshot for you to see?

Maybe on this site somehow but I don't know where

duhiki ago

You can upload to https://imgsafe.org/ and post link here.

fartyshorts ago

https://imgoat.com/ and https://kek.gg/ are also decent options (for future reference). I would also implore you to get the bookmarklets for Archive.org and Archive.is and use those on every link, including the pics you upload. If they get taken down, the link will still work via archive.

spidda2 ago

ALEFANTIS-Helen (Rappas) May 2, 2007, beloved wife of the late Louis G. Alefantis; dear mother of George (Joanne) and Achilles "Lee" (Susan) Alefantis; loving grandmother of Dr. Timothy (Chris), Louis John and James Alefantis