Omnicopy ago

What about the women that has all the pictures of the young girls on her webpage????

rickman ago

If anyone feels the need to investigate this further I understand. This is the sort of thing we want though. Explanations. Not to be accused of making things up or being lied to. Thanks Jack Edma for taking the time to explain things.

Honeybee_ ago

t's probably best to keep the conversation on the original post, he is still responding to questions over there NOT HERE, seems like a shit talk fest over here when we actually have someone we can talk to willingly responding.

YingYangMom ago

Giving out his address, his coordinates, his family history and marital and social status like that only means he's trying to look transparent and probably is an honest person with nothing to hide.

Omnicopy ago

Are you a member of a Baptist church Jack? If not? What church? Just curious!

lordoftheonionrings ago

I don't know if this whole thing is giving me trust issue but I don't buy it.

Also his trucking buddy Marc-Arthur Aristilde, isn't his last name a little too close to Aristotlel these guys love their Greeks you know.

NeedPolyGF ago

Aristilde is a lot closer to Aristide than Aristotle. Aristide was the president of Haiti.

remedy4reality ago

I agree.. my BS detector spiked on this one. Anyone trying to 'help' in Haiti is immediately suspect. Liberty University is a CIA installation.

Jakestr ago

I hope this is true but for some reason it reminds me of one of those Nigerian prince letters. Too much detail, especially knowing what this is about why would you advertise that you have a new born?

featheredmasks ago

It's supposed to show why he doesn't have a baby fucking business.

mooteensy ago

Nailed it. Is this the first direct response to pizzagate accusations?

VieBleu ago

No, faekitty trawled through someone's Instagram and found that the guy took a bunch of his daughter's friends to American Girl restaurant in NYC, and fingerpointed at every star, swirl or picture with a kid he had and said that his interest in restaurant reviews and children clearly showed he was a flesh eating ped. He was a friend or cousin of somebody on the original instagams of PG. Alefantis was rumored to be on this board at that time, and the guy popped up, said "someone" had Facebooked him about the post and he blasted faekitty and the entire effort as a bunch of nuts, with birdseyeview looking on and laughing.

Faekitty finally deleted her own stupid post in embarrassment. I never trusted that entire faekitty contingent because of these kind of irresponsible, nil research accusatory posts that the mods btw had no problem leaving up for days with no "accuracy in question" flairs anywhere in sight. We are lucky it didn't turn into a bigger incident.

Needless to say, it was not the finest chapter around here.

mooteensy ago

That's exactly what these sick people want us to do, and when we have UNRELIABLE or UNVERIFIED evidence, it will continue to happen. It's a shame.

VieBleu ago

and the mods seem to revel in it - they certainly leave that stuff up and then act like victims "we get blamed for censoring, so we can't take anything down now ever at all boo hoo"

sleepingbeautycan ago

I can't tell if the letter-writer is the OP. Anyway, a thank you to Jack Edma for clearing things up.

remedy4reality ago

clearing it up ? lol

that's not how I read it !

iamthepizzanow ago

Hopefully he doesn't regret posting that information. Sounds legit though.

Echo_Truths ago

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I have sent you an email.