Truthseeker3000 ago

I don't think he has brain cells in his head, let alone Coloboma... 😂

janedoemadashell ago

OMFG! I cannot believe the brazen audacity of those who put these symbols right out there for all to see, and it has been this way for years and years.I guess whoever got the mind control shit right. I know I'm not the only one that is wondering how my eyes could have indeed been so blinded for so long. In that ridiculous 'mission statement' in the report talking about the organization can be described in three words. And those words must be along the lines of 'kid diddling club'/

ansipizza ago

Trying to see it but can't. . Which eye and what direction?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Justin Trudeaus real biological father is FIDEL CASTRO. His step father is Pierre Trudeau. 100% true, they just don't want you to know. Why do you think he spent so much time at Castros funeral.

keepthefaith ago

Pierre Trudeau was 48 when he met and married 18 year old Margaret (one can construe she was probably a lot younger when he first set eyes on her.)

Lowbatt34 ago

Great work finding this. Holy crap. Page 3 of the annual report "Learn Share Change" and below is a GIANT boy lover triangle symbol. No mistaking it - a blatant pedophile symbol in plain site. Makes me very suspicious of the board, staff, volunteers, everybody! How many donors have been hoodwinked into making contributions with the sole intent to protect children and if they only knew... What a sad state of affairs that we live in a time when organizations deemed to protect children do the exact opposite. We are fighting pure evil.

Mooncutter ago

Yea, and the symbol is HUGE. Like rly. Not smug at all. And it is a perfect match, literally. Only good thing is, now EVERY person involved in any of these orgs is suspect, and will be scrutinized. It will take many years to unravel this thing, most likely decades.

strix-varia ago

Justine, following in his fake fathers footsteps

MostPostersAreShills ago

I don't think matching images is evidence anymore. It's starting to feel like somebody trying to misinform us by making us look stupid for grasping at straws.

ansipizza ago

Well sure, but the symbol means something. It's like the podesta emails. Maybe pizza doesn't mean what we think it means. But it's certainly a code, because taking it literally it makes no sense. So what else is it a code for? ... same deal with the triangle spiral thingy. It doesn't have to mean "boy love" but it means something and it was put there, and in lots of other places, very much on purpose. So... we keep an open mind and investigate.

kazza64 ago

i would tend to go with kathy obriens testimonies .... i saw a weird video where justin spoke at his fathers funeral. he was dissociated and clearly incapable of normal human emotion. he told a quite bizarre story about his father took him to antarctica as a child. people make the mistake of attributing only positive qualities to good looking people which he is but he is also an mk ultra mind control victim

sugarskull ago

I was just thinking Kathy O'Briens testimony has more credit to me so there ya go.

pbvrocks ago

Well..if history holds true..both Pierre and Justin were "broken" and diss-associated at an early age...pretty blatant as to the foundation and most certainly would not contain that horrible triangle if not dirty...

Mooncutter ago

Yes, that's probably the case. Read that Pierre hired some shady satanist to instruct him in how to raise sin son = programming.

Clinker ago

Here is the link to the pdf. The pedo symbol is huge and and exact match. It is interesting how they always feel compelled to identify themselves.

cantsleepawink ago

Good article. Keep going.

Don-Keyhote ago

Comment from the blog post:

I like your blogs but Prime Minister Justin is NO PEDOPHILE!!! I would look into Trump as well and disturbing comments about his daughter

This is the problem. Joo York media has brainwashed gullible cunts, that is to say, women, to the point that an offhand joke by trump exceeds the PG evidence. In fact it's comical if anyone here does not realize that as breitbart said "politics is downstream from culture" Joo media created trump is predator and bigot and thus potential incestuous rapist.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Trump​ was never in politics, though he really wanted to be. TPTB wouldn't let him in. Ever wonder why?

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, this is a huuge problem. People view reality through the lens of propaganda and partisanship. Forget hard facts and critical thinking.