Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

There would be proof if people were investigated, caught, and tried. They never are. And they kill their victims so kinda makes it hard for anyone to step forward.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

I see, you're one of those people who think child sex trafficking and satanic rituals are some kind of joke. They're not.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Shut up shill

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

A guy who posts pictures of a small child with her hands taped down, and the same child in a shirt that says "Pizza Slut," yeah he must be a great guy right. Just a wonderful gay man who happens to love children. That's YOUR version. Do YOU hear YOURSELF? How can you see that there is not something strange going on here?

MostPostersAreShills ago

Proof of what?

MostPostersAreShills ago

This guy is a shill dont waste your energy.

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

Sorry, I thought you guys were looking for exploited children. Seems to me like you're pitchfork-mobbing against art. This is really stupid.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Everybody ignore this guy hes a known shill

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

Good lord another one of these "its just art" people. Just because you, or anyone else, says "its art," that doesn't make it true. The idea that "anything can be art" is BULLSHIT. Marina Abramovic carved a pentagram into her stomach, and during one performance she jumped on top of a flaming metal pentagram until she passed out. HOW IS THAT ART?

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

It's just art.

madhatter67 ago

What is art? A way to communicate deep human emotions....So yes....It's art....A sick anti life art....

Look at yourself....Are you happy? What compels you to waste so much time denigrating people who are just asking questions?

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

You aren't "just asking questions". You're systematically encouraging the targeting of specific people and specific kinds of people.

dmthirdeye ago

Oh man what an enlightening description of what abs how to have artistic license. For my next art show I'm gonna cut the heads off all these pedos fucks and make a pyramid out of their dead bodies, because it's art that's my art is dead pedos

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

Except that would be illegal. Leaping over a pentagram until you pass out isn't.

It's funny that you think accusations of pedophilia is a good enough reason to justify killing someone. You're the reason we have laws.

dmthirdeye ago

You're the reason you need 100 contribution points before you can truly participate in the forums.

lude ago

Would you disagree that many art pieces are used for money laundering?If not then go one more step to consider that this is in a sense just blood and organ laundering.

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

So basically make an unjustified leap in logic for no reason.

dmthirdeye ago

So basically make a fake account because you know your a paid shill and a liar, nice! You have more downvotes than you have minutes that your account has been open that is an embarrassment.

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

Oh, no, not the shill card! Being called a shill totally makes my arguments come crumbling down!

MostPostersAreShills ago

That confirms your a shill you did the shill reaction. Everybody please ignore this guy hes a shill.

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

That's exactly what a shill would say.

dmthirdeye ago

If the shoe fits... besides you never had any argument to begin with, nothing to crumble.

TheSeer ago

One day you will learn that the nature of the universe is such that EVERYTHING is connected. So when you don't see how two things are related to each other, its not actually a fault within the person pointing it out, the fault is within you!

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

Yes, the universe is fundamentally interconnected. This is exactly why if you exhaustively research two or more distinct entities, your search will inevitably yield seemingly meaningful coincidences.

Once you start letting those coincidences convince you of "something" (especially if that "something" is indefinable, AKA "I just KNOW something must be going on here even if I don't know WHAT"), then you've fallen victim to apophenia.

TheSeer ago

"Seemingly meaningful coincidences". And who decides what is a meaningful coincidence, and what is a 'seemingly meaningful coincidence'?

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

Dude you strike me as the kind of person who wouldn't even give a shit if the main CNN headline was "Wealthy Politicians caught in Pedophile Ring." You really don't care about any of the victims, do you? Piece of horse shit.

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

The headline here says "Tony Podesta transports blood, organs, and body parts around the world." Remind me... which part of that is actually true?

The only thing that's true is that you people are scared of weirdo artists and their weirdo art shows.

If a CNN headline was "Wealthy Politicians Caught in Pedophile Ring" and then I read the article only to find out that no politicians were caught in any pedophile rings...

You really don't care about any of the victims, do you?

No, because they're hypothetical. Pizzagate has yet to save even one child.

Touchdown50 ago

How much they paying you?

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

Why would you pay someone to argue against people who can't be reasoned with?

I think you need to brush up on the kinds of tactics an actual shill would use.

A paid shill would troll you with intellectual dishonesty. I'm pointing out the holes in your arguments by thinking critically. See the difference?

Touchdown50 ago

Of course not. Im going on a hunch, Intuition , a gut feeling.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

Only stupid pieces of dogshit like yourself think that these people are harmless "weirdo artists and their weirdo art shows." You fucking idiot. Are you not aware of the concept of front businesses? Front organizations? They sell an "art piece" for $50,000, but what they're really selling is a kid that's been kidnapped and trafficked in. You really think none of this goes on? Stick your head back in the sand, ostrich boy.

satansapedophile ago

Nice try, it's called intuition, something our education works hard to take away from us.

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

I guess you learned to read through intuition. Did you learn math through intuition? What about driving a car, or cooking your meals? Intuition?

Intuition is for improv comedians and people posing as psychics.

Touchdown50 ago

Scorpio sign people achieve intuitive powers through their keen sense of observation. And it is that scorpios are born natural psychics.

Touchdown50 ago

You must have so much time on your hands.

PizzaGateFullRetard ago

Probably less than you.

Touchdown50 ago

Well thats a relief.

dmthirdeye ago

Dude you never go full retard

spez_dispenser ago

Re: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/48897

Search Simone Bemporad

Bethesda, MD — Director for Europ Assistance USA, Inc.


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Ihatepizza2 ago

Tip top! Great work

cantsleepawink ago

Nice post. Heather Podesta also served as assistant general counsel at the Air Transport Association and general counsel at the Airlines Clearing House.
