OhRutherfordBehave ago

Damn he's got a picture of a baby with its head chopped off.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

My God there has to be away to stop these freaking Evil Pedos from raising money and donating money to anything with children! Freeze All their assets and send them to an isolated island. Make sure they have no way of escaping! Let them fend for themselves! Evil Bastards!

shoosh ago

And send them no food, just provide them with Abramovic to teach them cannibalism desensitisation skills. That ought to clear the problem up real quick, since the global politicians and their helpers appear to be doing almost nothing to check this situation.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Hell Yeah! Let them kill each other off!

Don-Keyhote ago

I was just following a potential lead and encountered Covenant House, which was founded by a priest who took in homeless boys and then banged them and resigned when it all came out.

This was from looking at Maria Otero as POI, to whom Hillary recommended a Mr. Whitehead https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_C._Whitehead Since his bio includes high positions at Goldman Sachs, bilderberg, state dept 80s, the Fed, NYSE, the UN, and the Rockefeller group, I searched his name on voat and found a recent thread from a few days ago about a pedo called kloman who was defended in a signed letter by MARGARET WHITEHEAD who I subsequent confirmed to be his sister. Sorry can't link cuz phone

Edit: LOL the connection is john whitehead founded another covenant house with a huge grant

anolegion ago

Nice connection, thanks for that.

Found a connection with another lead too: Levine School of Music's Peter Jablow got his initial capital from the Eugene and Agnes Meyer Foundation which also jump-started Judith Sandalow.

Bit disappointed this post received no attention/got slid by>50 upvoats shitposts that are flagged potential leads. I believe this is a huge real estate project that ties a lot together.

Don-Keyhote ago

That's voat. I suggest more private collaboration between legit researchers

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Great post...!

I'd upvote this if I could, but I had to restart a new account (forgot password). Charity upvotes welcome.

In any case, keeping track of all of these connections is very important. I don't trust our DOJ to do their job. Somebody has to keep their feet to the fire.

jml1201 ago

When did you last post on your other account?

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Late last night or early today was my last post (as DisgustedLurker).

Both my devices logged me out for some reason (I didn't make any changes...was odd).

I'm just whining...will get this account back up to speed soon enough....

jml1201 ago

Ok looks like you're telling the truth. I checked you account and went through all your comments. Upvoted.

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Lol....thanks. Shill policeman extraordinaire... :)

jml1201 ago

Lol just don't like liars so I had to make sure you weren't bullshitting me.

Tanngrisnir ago

Great post! Thank you for the information.

zlomsocz ago

The webres stink like shit

derram ago

https://archive.is/Z0dyy :

Washington Ballet’s Septime Webre turned company into a big tent - The Washington Post

https://archive.is/JKQfr :

The least shall be first: In Washington Ballet’s ‘Nutcracker,’ kids are the stars - The Washington Post

This has been an automated message.

privatepizza ago

Spicy spicy! Excellent research and potential new lead. Well done OP, hopefully others will come in and dig with you further.