dem6nic ago

Dominos Pizza founder also Knight of Malta.

foxxywoxxy ago

article on Knights of Malta and child abuse, Le Cercle etc

Jem777 ago

I just wanted to add my post below. There is urgency in our collective voices because this has been suppressed for so long. My hope we can collaborate as we have been for months and in each of our lives for years.

Wolftrail7272 I have read your posts as all posts and when I talk about the Vatican I do not say it flippantly. You have information I can tell. Many people do. Just trying to say everyone open your eyes as these things are revealed. I hope people realize this is not about God. It is about really evil men using God as a mask to hide behind. Exactly what some of these charities have done.

Astrodreamer ago

This is great -- finally getting a picture of the KOM. So the Pope is trying to control, or at least tame them? He objected to their axing a member who had allowed condoms to be distributed in 3rd world countries. Linking Haiti to CPP -- has anyone gone further into the shooter's father's child protection work in Haiti?

JrSlimss ago

Great work! Follow up with additional research on these names: Raffaello Follieri, Vincent Ponte, Angelo Ponte (also a Knight of Malta and Mafia member), Andrea Sodano, his uncle Cardinal Angelo Sodano, and Marcial Maciel. Heavy ties between mafia, the Vatican, pedophile priests and the Clinton Cabal.

cantsleepawink ago

Btw, I meant to say thank you ;)

cantsleepawink ago

Good grief. Is there no end to this ?

allconnected ago


Great work. I can't remember what day it was but George Webb talks about knights of malta and how diplomatic passports are given as cover to all kinds of perverts. I think podesta even talks about it in some wikileaks emails. Will check.

DustyRadio ago

As I commented below, the Knight of Malta are a Freemason group, the Order of Malta is a Catholic group. There is a huge difference. I am interested in seeing the emails if they exist, do they specify which group is being referenced?

cantsleepawink ago

It would be helpful if you could provide links or references. Thanks.

DustyRadio ago

Are you serious? You can't use a search engine with the words Freemason Knights of Malta?

cantsleepawink ago

OK. I see where this is going. The End.

DustyRadio ago

Lol, you provide faulty info that wasn't researched and when clarified, refuse to search. Wow.

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you. I think I need to start trying to map the vast amount of information we now have on this forum. It's really starting to come together.

Jem777 ago

Deleted former posts. Too complicated and heartbreaking. Knights of Malta are the most elite of all have their own diplomatic status, passports, banking etc. The most powerful in the world is the Vatican at the Holy See. They are trying to get under Francis/Vatican papal protection to prevent investigation. Pope Francis is not helping he is consolidating power protecting the elite. This is what the Vatican has always done. Research Pope Francis history real name if you can find it anymore.

The Knights of Malta have been protected and hidden for 900 years. For all of this evil to be exposed right now in this way and this group Soros, Rothschild, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Rothschild..CIA of past to be folded into the Vatican at the same time is astonishing.

What should lift our hopes is the only one that took them all on is now the POTUS. Pope Francis himself spoke out against Trump during election..unheard of. Trump spoke back him openly. People were stunned. Now makes total sense. Pope Francis again has spoken out against him recently as this evil is being exposed. Where is his voice right now calling out to these despicable acts? Silence. He instead assails Trumps character as if he is not moral enough. All the while bringing the Knights under his power/protection.

DustyRadio ago

You are referring to the Freemason Knights of Malta, which is an entirely different org than the lay Catholic Order of Malta.

The people you mention are probably indeed members of the Masonic sect knights.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, we live in astonishing times. I completely agree. I appreciated your previous contributions, btw, you needn't have deleted them.

carmencita ago

Please read all of the posts by Wolftrail7272. He is trying to connect the Archdiocese of St. Louis which Archbishop Raymond Burke ruled over. There is something sick going on there and I believe the Bishops and Cardinals of St. Louis have been involved. I think these things are connected for there are 3 Retreat Centers that abusive priests keep being sent to from all over the country. Perhaps, Francis is trying to end the pipeline of sex abuse that is going on. This is monumental.That list of Members is loaded with elite pedophiles and MK Ultra.

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you. Will do. There are many people scurrying around at the moment. Keep your eyes on the news.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Thank you. One thing I did not mention is that Michael Aquino was also stationed in St. Louis as the deputy of reserve personnel during the time much of what I wrote about occured. There is some info I'm holding back as well. The Church is at the heart of all of this, and I mean that in more ways than one. It gets very dark very fast.

carmencita ago

I am reading everything I possibly can with open eyes and mind.

DustyRadio ago

The current Malta thing is about the internal crisis with Pope Francis, liberals trying to destroy the Church, defying Catholic Church teachings regarding divorce and contraception... there is no pizzagate stuff here that I know of and I follow Catholic things very closely, from a conservative standpoint.

Here is an article that breaks down pretty well the entire debacle.

Edward Pentin also has a good article regarding it at the Register.

The Jesuit order should be suppressed again, but that's just my opinion. There are maybe 5 Jesuits alive who are decent, good priests. The rest are liberal whackos and creeps.

Don-Keyhote ago

Consider a post on this topic as most of us are fairly ignorant beyond the shuffling of pedo priests

DustyRadio ago

Thanks for being civil. A lot of people hate the Church. There are some terrible men in the priesthood who have done the worst things imaginable, there is no question or denying that and I have been outspoken my adult life regarding those awful people. I also try to clarify the rampant lies and misinfo I see when I am aware of it. I will put something cogent together and post it soon, though I am doubtful it will go very well. I appreciate your comment.

AHuman ago

A post on this would be interesting.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, I know about the inner wranglings. That's included in the first article. Did you miss the bit about the Haitian orphanage ? Pizzagate is not only about a pizza parlour..

EDIT : I note that some of the commenters on your article also think that there's more to the story than is being reported.

DustyRadio ago

I don't endorse the Freemason site, I just figured it was the only source that would be accepted. I don't doubt there are people commenting on there that think there is more to it, and I am sure there are things not being said, I just don't think it has to do with trafficking, though anything is possible.