GhostOfSwartz ago

I remember reading that article too awhile back. I think I even questioned their motives on Facebook. New rabbit hole to explore. Pretty sure it was on drudge or Infowars. Does anyone else ever get the feeling that drudge or Assange leaves little clues by posting these stories knowing someone will connect the dots?

BerksResident ago

I'm an expert in skincare / cosmetic industry which hitherto has been no use to PG investigation. 1. I looked at Clarista website didn't see anything about DNA collection or anything that would make this perform better than anything else that I produce for example. 2. So why would CIA invest -- not to obvious 3. I do know of a US company (may have their biz card) that have proved some genes types perform better in clinical trials than others and this company offers consumer panels to brands with these selected gene type consumers to give 100% results.
I would imagine that the test subjects would be adult women though. If u want to explore further happy to share my knowledge.

1223344556677888 ago

Congenital Anomaly Register and Information Service (CARIS) Is he tagging children with congenital anomalies??? They have the coloboma eyes.

DMT and the circadian rhythms (PAX6) impact on ageing.

PAX6 is related to the eyes along with PAX2. PAX6 is significant because it is the connecting pineal/occular piece.

PAX2 is related to cellular death.

PAX3 I imagine is the PHI gene in that case, the form of the objects, whereas PAX6 is functional.

Yes he is tagging those children with that condition. The reason Mads eye keeps changing, is because she was possibly cloned and the public sympathy garnered subconsciously ushers in acceptance for the practice.

Yes indeed they are looking for particular genetics to clone. They want Aryan and not in the sense of blonde hair/blue eyed. It has more to do with Neoteny and also a particular bloodline which harbours congenital mutations within the pax genes, such as ouroboros eye. Hence, the pick children with this distinction.

The Genetic Quirk Of PizzaGate

The genetic trait in they prize children

Ok in another pizzagate thread on reddit/voat someone confirmed the cult use images in their videos (neutered noel by the apes features an eye with a coloboma), many of the children on James Alefantis Instagram were said to feature the same eye distinguishing mark. here:



This mark is known as being indicative of a very particular genetic mutation.

"Snake-in-the-eye" as part of Sigurd's name denoted a physical characteristics. He was born with a mark in his left eye, described as the image of the Ouroboros (a snake biting its own tail) encircling the pupil of his eye. The snake mark had been prophesied by his mother Aslaug, the daughter of the Valkyrie Brynhildr. Source:

In modern times, it has been suggested that the mark in Sigurd's eye was a result of a congenital mutation of the PAX6 gene. Source:

Ok, so now we an occult reference to the genetic eye mutation, the snake which eats it's tail Ouroborus

Also we know SOROS and MCCANN share this common trait.

As PAX6 is known to affect the pineal gland, as referenced above through academically citable sources, it is interesting to know rationalwiki cites that 50% of the population's pineal glands will have calcified by age 12 source:

I hypothesis (no source needed mods) that this may well be another genetic quirk and relevant to the consciousness and capacity of the individual.

DMT and the pineal gland

Can't reply to comments at the moment, sorry voat wont let me.

For this to manifest in an individual both parents would have to be genetic carriers of the congenital Pax6 Mutation. Both the Scandinavian Ring Dynasty/Rosomani, and the Pictish Agathyrsi had their origins in the Albian/Black sea region and migrated North and West through the Baltic, across the Swyddian Soleyar (Scandinavian Peninsula) to Alba Scotia (Scotland). It is likely that both tribes were carriers of the same Pax6 Genetic mutation that was responsible for cases of Anaridia among the Khazarian population from which the Judean family of Herodias (also carriers of the Pax6 mutation) originated. source:

EDIT - extension

Now it gets a little weirder. I googled Caris and Waardenburg. Guess what came up as the first result:

Congenital Anomaly Register and Information Service (CARIS) Is he tagging children with congenital anomalies??? They have the coloboma eyes.

Blacksmith21 ago

I guess that means you made the connection?

1223344556677888 ago

I made them all.

Blacksmith21 ago about an executive summary?

1223344556677888 ago

Yes, it is commonly found as a visual indicator of a deeper genetic quirk within the Pax6 transcriptor. It's also largely involved in our sense of smell, the olfactory bulb is responsible for neurogenesis, the production of stemcells, which are critical to organ and clone engineering.

Blacksmith21 ago

So how does this relate to Pizzagate, 122...? Skip the plate spinning shit. Bottom line up front, please. No weaponized autism. V/R

1223344556677888 ago

Congenital Anomaly Register and Information Service (CARIS) Is he tagging children with congenital anomalies??? They have the coloboma eyes.

DMT and the circadian rhythms (PAX6) impact on ageing.

PAX6 is related to the eyes along with PAX2. PAX6 is significant because it is the connecting pineal/occular piece.

PAX2 is related to cellular death.

PAX3 I imagine is the PHI gene in that case, the form of the objects, whereas PAX6 is functional.

Yes he is tagging those children with that condition. The reason Mads eye keeps changing, is because she was possibly cloned and the public sympathy garnered subconsciously ushers in acceptance for the practice.

Yes indeed they are looking for particular genetics to clone. They want Aryan and not in the sense of blonde hair/blue eyed. It has more to do with Neoteny and also a particular bloodline which harbours congenital mutations within the pax genes, such as ouroboros eye. Hence, the pick children with this distinction.

The Genetic Quirk Of PizzaGate

The genetic trait in they prize children

Ok in another pizzagate thread on reddit/voat someone confirmed the cult use images in their videos (neutered noel by the apes features an eye with a coloboma), many of the children on James Alefantis Instagram were said to feature the same eye distinguishing mark. here:



This mark is known as being indicative of a very particular genetic mutation.

"Snake-in-the-eye" as part of Sigurd's name denoted a physical characteristics. He was born with a mark in his left eye, described as the image of the Ouroboros (a snake biting its own tail) encircling the pupil of his eye. The snake mark had been prophesied by his mother Aslaug, the daughter of the Valkyrie Brynhildr. Source:

In modern times, it has been suggested that the mark in Sigurd's eye was a result of a congenital mutation of the PAX6 gene. Source:

Ok, so now we an occult reference to the genetic eye mutation, the snake which eats it's tail Ouroborus

Also we know SOROS and MCCANN share this common trait.

As PAX6 is known to affect the pineal gland, as referenced above through academically citable sources, it is interesting to know rationalwiki cites that 50% of the population's pineal glands will have calcified by age 12 source:

I hypothesis (no source needed mods) that this may well be another genetic quirk and relevant to the consciousness and capacity of the individual.

DMT and the pineal gland

Can't reply to comments at the moment, sorry voat wont let me.

For this to manifest in an individual both parents would have to be genetic carriers of the congenital Pax6 Mutation. Both the Scandinavian Ring Dynasty/Rosomani, and the Pictish Agathyrsi had their origins in the Albian/Black sea region and migrated North and West through the Baltic, across the Swyddian Soleyar (Scandinavian Peninsula) to Alba Scotia (Scotland). It is likely that both tribes were carriers of the same Pax6 Genetic mutation that was responsible for cases of Anaridia among the Khazarian population from which the Judean family of Herodias (also carriers of the Pax6 mutation) originated. source:

EDIT - extension

Now it gets a little weirder. I googled Caris and Waardenburg. Guess what came up as the first result:

Congenital Anomaly Register and Information Service (CARIS)

eyeVoated ago

Excellent work. Do you know whether there are cognitive differences associated with these genotypes/mutations?

1223344556677888 ago

The eyes of Autism which are sometimes found to slope at the outer corners downwards, would also be indicative of quirks within the PAX6 transcriptor, which would explain Autists leads on the almost uncanny natural ability as intelligence analysts and certain types of memory.

1223344556677888 ago

Lucid Dreaming which connects us to remote viewing.

eyeVoated ago

Wow! That's fucking huge! You deserve a medal—I hope everyone else realizes the potential of your work. Keep spreading your findings, kind researcher.

1223344556677888 ago

Through a misinformation campaign the official history is that blood type AB is the newest and rarest, emerging 500-1000 years ago, while blood type O is the oldest. It is interesting to note that the Shroud of Turin, the suspected burial cloth of Jesus, has blood type AB negative. (Turn Shroud was Jacques DeMolay)

The Rh blood group system (including the Rh factor) is one of thirty-five current human blood group systems. Once thought to be O bloodtype.....

If we look at the red haired tribes and fair skinned tribes of Afghanistan, it's fair to assume They are related to the being of the Plotemy Dynasty which ended with Iseu (Jesus) and started with Alexander The Great.

They all share the bloodline of "Christ"

UFO researchers, astronomers, and NASA have spent countless years looking towards the heavens for the proof that aliens are amongst us. The strange saga of the Rh negatives, however, suggests strongly that it’s not to the stars that we need to look for proof that extraterrestrials really exist. It’s to us, the Human Race. In a strange, fantastic, and even ironic, fashion we – or, at least some of us, the Rh negatives – are the very aliens that we have for so long sought…

eyeVoated ago

Yes, I get this theory, and wish people would open their minds to the possibility. There are many markers and traits that support the hybrid/intervention theory of human origins. I also believe it's important to consider in the context of pizzagate, because it could explain who/what dark forces are pulling the strings of these insane people.

1223344556677888 ago

I think Lucifer is an alien.

eyeVoated ago

Could be. I was thinking lately about how we have small caliber battle rifles being pushed by the gun manufacturers. I bet the annunaki could be stopped by a 30-06 much easier than a .223 round. Time to stock up on some larger caliber rounds and double check my long range scope, just in case a huge lizard comes chasing after me ;)

1223344556677888 ago

Are you implying the alien blood is evil?

eyeVoated ago

I'm implying that if armageddon comes in the form of 12-foot tall humanoids, I want to be prepared!

1223344556677888 ago

Mutations in the PAX6 transcriptor can result in no pineal gland being produced. It seems DNA is slightly out of sync.

The Rh-Negative Registry - Origin Theories of the Rare Rh-Negative

eyeVoated ago

I was also thinking maybe these could be markers for "universal donors". What are your thoughts on that?

1223344556677888 ago

The most important of these Rh antigens, the D antigen, is quite often missing in Caucasians.

eyeVoated ago

You've given me much homework, and much to contemplate. In light of all the misinformation, I hope your work is honest, and not a dead end, but I'm convinced that a few days of research will be worthwhile. Thanks!

1223344556677888 ago

Yes my work is honest, see my

I also hope your work is honest.

eyeVoated ago

Much love, no fear, kind stranger..

1223344556677888 ago

Yes, the ability to dream.

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh, and it is not a proper noun. The "c" is not capitalized, smartypants.

1223344556677888 ago

Blacksword I presume.

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL...if we make it past midnight, I'll be good.

crazy_eyes ago

What the hell is polomba?

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

What in the hell...

derram ago :

CIA’s Venture Capital Arm Is Funding Skin Care Products That Collect DNA

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