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3301 ago

Hi OP. So if I understand all this correctly Harrison G. Dyar first dug a tunnel at 1510/1512 21st St. NW.


Consider that Mr. Dyar’s tunnels were not limited to the area surrounding the property he had owned at 1510 21st Street.


He left behind the scrum-milling at the cave-in near Dupont Circle and headed across town to find the previous owner of 1512 21st St. NW.


Either way if this is correct then this fits in nicely with my recent research on tunnels which led me naturally to the history of Washington DC and Pierre L'Enfant (personally I believe JA is a direct descendant) and the Society of the Cincinnati.

I've written up more of an in depth subverse There is a little back history to begin with but it certainly joins many dots.

The Society of the Cincinnati have their HQ next door to 1510/1512 21st St. NW. I have a sneeking suspicion Harrison G. Dyar was a member of Society of the Cincinnati and knew very well there were tunnels under Washington. I feel more research is needed on Harrison G. Dyar.

They both sit a stones throw from The Pilgrimage (sounds like the're breeding an army of SJWs)

By connecting faith formation to social awareness and action, we are creating people who are invested in making immediate change, as well as young people who will carry a life-long commitment to social justice.

and a place called the Cosmos Club I think the logo speaks for itself.  



There is actually a tunnel that runs from Georgetown Reservoir to McMillan Reservoir. The city water tunnel was planned in 1882 (reference).

It runs directly under Rock Creek and Hillary Clintons House, Whitehaven House.

quantokitty ago

Thanks for the info. I did see your thread and read through it. I don't know about JA and whether he's a descendant, but what I do know is that he's always been close to Chris Lynch. Chris Lynch (along with partner Jim Ball) opened "L'Enfant Cafe". There is a whole story there in regards to them seizing control of another agency giving them problems. It seems to be an MO. As for the Society of Cincinnati residing in the house next door to Dyar, that is super interesting. And I agree. There is no doubt that Dyar had help ... and some of that was information regarding existing tunnels. He may well have dug to connect them into a new pattern. The Rock Creek part again makes my ears perk up and tingle. Definitely think there's a tunnel there. Perhaps Dyar connected everything together. Interesting stuff.