Banned4Truth ago

Well, that explains why I just had two posts about pizzagate on CL deleted promptly. Curious, I went through some us cities rants and raves and pizzagate wasn't in any of them. There's just one in DC.

snr2snt2000 ago

I didn't think Craig Newmark was involved in CL anymore.

G_Gordon_Linguini ago

No we need to get direct with this.

RICO is a way to do this. Civil Rico is a tool to use to compensate the victims.

Just because the victims aren't known now doesn't mean that they can't sue using a trust concept. The lawyers here will know what I'm talking about but basically victims have a right to have their claims represented by a trustee who would then place funds won at trial into an account for them once they are identified.

Since Craig is willing to spend so much money to deflect this, I'm sure there's plenty of evidence of criminal abuse, rape, torture, pedophilia, kidnapping, trafficking and on and on that transacts on craigslist with their full knowledge and support.

It's time to act and get lawyers involved by suing these wealthy criminals and facilitators.

Clinker ago

I am not comfortable hanging the blame on Craig Newmark for what child traffickers did. Unless Craig is in on the pedo ring, then this to me seems like CTR misdirection. Focus on the people who actually drug, rape and murder children, folks.

Infopractical ago

If you can find a way to create full world employment (so that it's possible that nobody would need to prostitute themselves in order to earn a living), you'll be the first person in history and possibly save the world from starvation, poverty, and war.

In the meantime, I hope everyone will back down from making accusative language. We can debate this topic in a civil way. I am thankful for those who have done so.

Baconmon ago

“I just want some news I can trust.”

How ironic then that you are donating 1000000 dollars to help attack and subjugate the REAL news on the internet.. What a cuck..

kneo24 ago

it's not a profession, it's a result of opportunities available relative to someone's specific situation

We could apply that line of thinking to any job someone works. Cool, you made a non point.

Job satisfaction does not equate to public safety. your job does not absolve of your responsibility to others. so those that do dangerous jobs are often surrounded by trustworthy people who work very hard to provide someone with confidence while they work. you haven't addressed my points, only said they don't matter.

Your point was that people shouldn't do these jobs because they're dangerous and unskilled. My point was that people do these dangerous jobs regardless because they feel satisfied doing the work. You can ignore job satisfaction all you want, but it's a thing, and it's a perfectly valid reason to do something. At the end of the day, saying being a prostitute should be illegal because it's dangerous, is a shit fucking reason. As you stated, there's a safe way to do dangerous things, but you refuse to mentally bridge that gap over to prostitution because it's already illegal. Nevada has legal brothels and people are generally safe. If you want to ignore reality, then yes, your points do no matter.

the aristocrat in you has spoken, clearly. clean your own fucking toilets, it's not that hard. everything you've mentioned has no relative association to sex work. those are safe, and generally carefree environments. you're on a tangent, come back and play with me.

Try reading that again. One of your points is that you snub your nose at jobs due to the lack of education required to do them. You made that point implicatively. Insisting otherwise is disingenuous. The point here is that if everyone had an education, we'd still need people to do the other jobs we don't think about. It's not wrong, morally, ethically, or otherwise, to not want to clean the bathroom for hundreds of people in a building when you also have other tasks that are your main tasks for the day to handle. Fuck you for insisting otherwise, and fuck you for ignoring the comment about needing people to take trash to the dump.

You have not given any valid reasons to your stance on why you feel the way you do which is my initial point. Not a single valid reason.

ejd4500 ago

Here's the bigger story and the tie-ins into Tampa Bay Times, Scrubbed news, etc:

If you can, you should reference this post to make sure the larger picture is known. Thanks for your hard work.

kneo24 ago

You don't need to come out and say that you don't view the profession highly. Everything you've written gives a strong implication towards a statement of that nature and insisting otherwise is disingenuous.

Your points of contention lack merit because you ultimately ignore one large defining factor when it comes to any profession - job satisfaction. There are many dangerous jobs out there both to the people who do them, and to the community that surrounds them, and they are quite legal, yet enough people still do them.

The other large factor you're ignoring is that education isn't everything, though according to your initial comment in this chain you make it appear that way. We still need people working in the service industry at at the lowest levels, and having an education there doesn't matter. If everyone was educated greatly where they felt they were better than those jobs, much in the same way that you snub your nose at prostitution, we'd have no one working those jobs. That bathroom in the large office building people work in? Now you have to clean that and do whatever other work you do. The garbage for the building needs taken out? Depending on the building, have fun figuring out the logistics of that train wreck where suddenly everyone is responsible for their own trash. But it gets even better. You don't need education to drive a garbage truck, so we don't need people doing that. Who then takes the trash to the dump?

Your stance is entirely fucking retarded. It has all the signs of someone being on their high horse and not actually thinking about their stance. But you continue to do you and snub your nose at people who work these in these uneducated positions who might either use the job as a means to an end, be self employed and make their own hours perhaps, or people who enjoy what they do.

Celticgirlonamission ago

The owner of is guilty of letting this go on as well....Im sure he's got his hands into something as well

KingKongisCTR ago

Says the white knight of pedophiles. I'm guessing you are either a paid shill or a pedophile yourself. Possibly both.

AlSwearinjun ago

Just to offer some perspective on how common this sort of thing really is-

I knew a woman who sat jury duty on a case where they had set up a sting operation through Craigslist. The officers pretentno be a desparate mother offering time alone with her kids for money. In this case the guy only wanted the little boy; but she had a girl too. They ask them to bring something that shows intent so they prosecute, like condoms. This guy brought a dog collar.

Apparently these cops do this round the clock they are fully dedicated to these stings and get multiple replies for every post. That's how many people are using that site for prostitution of kids.

echo-sierra ago

The issue here is that the cops are kept busy catching the low hanging fruit, whilst the elites have been caught in plain sight on social media (Alefantis and his cabal of degenerate "fans"). It's glamorized in film and TV, the kingpins are the ones living in mansions and are often too well connected to be taken down by cops doing Craigslist stings.

It's only when the elites' cover is blown by things such as PG that we now can see how high up the tree of society this kind of perversion gets.

We just get snippets of news of the elites involved in Epstein's operation, but we never got any follow-up reports of any of those being hauled over the coals as a result of his conviction. The Marx-stream media appear to deliberately lose interest in reporting said scandal, and it's obvious that was due to their collusion with the elites.

silvertoof ago

I've known for a long time that craigslist is massive NSA honeypot and data collection effort, or at the very least work with the NSA and other intelligence agencies...

this is from 2 years ago:

Are Craigslist Discussion Forum Trolls Part of a Wider NSA Program To Control Debate Online? "Liberal" Craig Newmark & "Libertarian/Anarchist" Jim Buckmaster, founder and CEO of craigslist direct staff to routinely censor discussions which are anti-establishment.

sore_ass_losers ago

It could be a way for intelligence agencies to keep track of cheating spouses, down low gays and hidden perversions, to know a person's weaknesses or perhaps to use against them for blackmail purposes. For example, Hoover's FBI was known to keep track of such info on prominent individuals (which was ironic given Hoover's own secret life),

Ronnilynn31 ago

You spend an awful lot of time here saying the same thing over & over. What are you hiding?

Im_with_her ago

Some of you are making threats. Once le gets involved you tin foil hatters will have to scurry to some other dark corner...just like cockroaches. Pizza gate is fake news.

MAGABoomer ago

LOL yes it's just so damn scary. An anonymous person on the Internet who may or not be a 90 year old granny is gonna drive/fly to SanFranPedo and Uber to his house and punch him in the nose. LOL 3.50. I reckon the cops gonna get right on that.

KingKongisCTR ago

Make more accounts protecting pedos please.

Im_with_her ago

I have been reading these replies. You pizzagaters need professional help. I am archiving the threats and lies too. Pizzagate is fake news.

kneo24 ago

That's not really a damning opinion of why prostitution should be illegal. It's just you saying, "because I don't view it highly".

samhara ago

I thought I blocked this freak. Isn't it like on Facebook where if you block them you don't have to see their idiocy?

gopluckyourself ago

There are 2 of them. this and im_with_her

2impendingdoom ago

Please put Chelsea on the ticket in 2020, Trump will use her like a doormat.

samhara ago

"Chelsea in 2020" Pathetic.

srayzie ago

Wow. Don't you just love how the people doing evil can give money, in the name of research or a charity, and act like they are doing it for something good? Many times the charity descriptions sound great but it's written in a way to where you don't understand what the heck it all really means unless you dig. It's been known for a long time that Craigslist has prostitution advertised. That is what should be shut down!! This man sickens me.

remedy4reality ago

The Bush's and the Clinton's both refer to their life of crime as ' PUBLIC SERVICE '.

srayzie ago

I know! These people make everything sound good! It's sickening.


The good ship lollipop has hit a rock.All hands off dick ...I mean all hands on deck.We are taking in truth by the bucket load. Pirates are boarding the ship.Abandon ship...abandon ship.

VieBleu ago

I have to ask, not meant as derail, I just don't understand - how do these women and CHILDREN physically survive that much sex? Don't they have to see physicians at some point? I mean 10 hours a night for weeks, months even years? I do not doubt their testimony. I just don't understand how the human body can do this repeatedly. I know there are victims of "mondo" style porn that have to have internal surgery. Is there a medical angle here? Is there an underground of doctors that patch pedo victims up and don't say a word, nurses? clinics? There is so much testimony like this out there.

AgainstPedos ago

There's evidence that some but definitely not all of the Planned Parenthood facilities have given abortions to young teens they know are prostitutes. They've been accused of not trying to do more to get the victims away from their pimps. Then again exactly what can they actually do? What resources are really available for these young women?

The prostitutes learn how to get the men off very quickly. If a customer is drunk and starts beating the the girl sometimes but not always has a way of calling her pimp to handle the john.

Most sex workers use alcohol and mind numbing drugs to deal with the physical pain of the job. They also die when they're relatively young.

VieBleu ago

thanks for trying to answer this very uncomfortable question.

srayzie ago

Well I would guess it just makes them sore unless they are doing it in ways or places they shouldn't be. A vagina can withstand birth so...

VieBleu ago

well maybe the pimp tells them to go easy on the merchandise...ugh ok enough discussion, though the medical angle may be worth digging into somehow. A guy coming into a pharmacy repeatedly for all kinds of STD treatment stuff (the underage kids certainly can't go get it) surely raises some eyebrows somewhere....

bikergang_accountant ago

This is how human trafficking gets political advocacy. This is how abortion law just happens to meet pimps every need. Some portion of today's policy is tailored to them.

derram ago

It separates my posts from the posts by the bot I have running on my account.

The random images are a way to get around Voat's similar comment throttling and act as a declaration of bias.

Mooka_Molaka ago

Fwiw, I have seen & saved a few Vivian pictures that I somehow haven't seen before, so thanks for that ^_^

srayzie ago

I get the automatic messages too. I don't understand what you mean tho

JastheMace ago

Seems about right, just like reddit, protect the pedophiles while persecuting those who try to expose it. Just shows how far ranging the satanic pedo cult really is.

Mooka_Molaka ago
Don't forget about Twitter being absolutely fine with cp being openly posted & shared on their site but anyone who reports it gets an account ban or suspension!

The cadre/community/cabal of SJW degenerate judgmental #CryBullies who use as well as founded, own, & manage Twitter are FAR more worried about the "wrong" words & opinions & hashtags in use than they are about ACTUAL HUMAN BEINGS BEING TORTURED, RAPED & MURDERED.

I hope they don't crack their fucking skulls open when they fall off of their high horses while lording over their "Moral High Ground".

And if they ARE aware of the evil they're allowing on their sites or are complicit, I hope they fall off that high horse into a pile of flaming demon shit, mouth first & receive a curse of immortality. BUT, they will live forever, sprawled out in that same flaming pile, unable to move, unable to utter a sound, & with a permanent mouth full of fiery molten shit. 🔥💩🔥The End.💥💩💥


The whole world's analogy is that every one is standing with shit up to their bottom lip and they are saying"don't make any waves."

SChalice ago

Its not legal because it is too hard to tax.

Cbradio ago

Ah, Craigslist, where daily every scam in every category and every crime in the book; as any reports to them are never even answered, once you finally find their email in the maze.

Where daily the private parts are posted, and ones do ads for every age, every sexual deviation in the book, including beastiality.

Yah, Mr. Craigslist is the epitomy of upstanding citizen and safety awards.

And, there are billions of every topic of false news, bully, gossip, fights filmed and body parts and all, over the web; yet this one topic has so much ATTN on it to stop. Never knew pizza, hotdogs or govt corruption were only allowed allowed to be discussed by the elite. What next, icecream, Pringles, cheetohs, water, head start?

Wait, Hillary always stated it takes a village to save a child. All over the govt entities is report fraud and suspicion, if you see something, say something; even posted on public buses and transit rails/subways.

All over, look at even Office of Inspector General Reports for any state, and public laws is the rights for citizens to do reports, gather information, have access.

Yet, because it makes some have similar affects of CRANKMETH upcoming withdrawals, panic/anxiety; suddenly all public involvement or discussion on general topics is to be overmonitired, bullied, harrased, the big no no, shame and guilt the citizens of USA and world for having a chat, discussing, and having ethics and normal concern for children?

Perhaps, we are just really into the art of cuisine of making pizzas? Hey, the elite are into sugar art, #skeemart, are we guilt shaming then like sugar ho withdrawal addicts?

How many judges, courts, attorneys, senators having done legal moves and Foia requests?/ Is that just a false reality?

How much of our tax dollars, pay them, med and life insurance them, pay for all Dept's to run and supplies? Its our money, not theirs.

Now, isn't that aggraduzed bullying, stalking, harrasment to be anal retentive riding backs and peering into our right to speak to each other from A,-z? So, whom need to get a life, and perhaps sit on vibrators as therapy, till they rid this anal retentive, crankmeth ho withdrawal anal mentalities away??

We are supposed to bow down and stop exercising our mind and speech, because "they," say so? You mean they that always RATMAZE us on their phones, ride, demeaningly with mind games and never get a heck what we say, as paid on our tax dollars?

Where is liberty, consutition, privacy, collective rights? Are we in USA, or are they saying its Putin for think we are all in their warped reality and its Stalin times?

Are we to just sit and paint, pedo holocaust scenes to be left alone or get an opp to make the American dream and be accepted?

Have they hjacked even comedy, too? Maybe we are just cresting the next qualitative leap in comedy as awareness. Maybe, we are all just researching and chatting, creating the next movie.

Who are they to assume and generalize by giving us labels that discriminate and over generalize? I don't fit not one of those labels, and as I have spent ample time in, "know the self," who are they to describe me or others in such FALSE fraud labels of news.

There are billions in this world, but suddenly we are supposed to bow down, be shut up, harrased and tyrannized by some ugly, rich, phat, regressed adults?/

Mr. Craig will pay a million bucks to shut up one piece of conversation in trillions, but not clean.up his site or donate to the poor, homeless, etc?

Is not a society judged by how the most vulnerable are treated, but now your a bad boy and girl to even think to discuss the children, our future, ones who can't speak up for themselves.

Hey, MADD, mothers Ag drink driving got presidential awards.

Well, let me go and keep planning my Pizza ship, paint gory crime scenes for I want my American Dream and my self confidence and rights are so low, I must, must please the sado maso and have my ego constantly stroked to give me any sort of fake fraud worth!!

Am I having a program glitch?? Will we all have some hotard regressed adult, bopping in our paths, "NO, DONT scrub your toilet that way, how dare you scrub like a kkk extremist , bible thumper, basement dweller! Rub a dub, rub a dub, rub on rub off, rub that cock, do as your told!!"

Oops gotta go, pizza delivery guy is here and it does go well with the chicken!

srayzie ago

Well said!!

Godwillwin ago

I'm furious too, Cbradio. I hear ya. It's truly truly mind boggling that this is happening in America. The censoring of the discussion is even more mind boggling. We really are modern day slaves to a bunch of paedophile satanists. 1984 was spot on

OrwellKnew ago


eyeVoated ago

Free your mind, then free society—it goes in that order

2impendingdoom ago

Thank god you are on our side.

Cbradio ago

Bless u too)))

Infopractical ago

Achieving an education that makes good employment simple is easier said than done. Besides, do we want a nanny state telling us which jobs are bad because they don't require much of an education?

Nobody knows the consequences of their job, much less their life on this planet (as our investigation well demonstrates). Everyone takes risks. So long as those risks are freely chosen, there is nothing wrong with taking on risks. Workers do that. Investors do that. Everyone does that to a degree.

This is a good debate to have happen without this topic. Thank you for entering into it as a friendly participant.

Infopractical ago

I would like to lend another perspective to this discussion. I'm one of the pizzagate researchers like most everyone else here, but I believe that prostitution should be legal, or at the very least be decriminalized. And I believe that the push to have craigslist shut down that aspect of its site hurt sex workers and trafficked victims. For this reason, I would like to be careful in formulating a view of Craig Newmark and his motivations. I honestly don't know enough to venture a reasonable guess about them.

But my view on the economic of consensual sex between adults is well summed up by George Carlin: "Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why isn't selling fucking legal?"

To me, this is much like the War on Drugs, which has allowed our CIA to run profitable drug operations and has driven shame and drug abuse underground to the point that it has destroyed people.

The more open and legal prostitution is, the easier it is for clients to find legal (adult) sex workers (making child sex workers less marketable!) and the easier it is to rescue trafficked children. Personally, I've always worried that the end of the craigslist sex market just drove the trade further underground making it harder to distinguish between consenting sex workers and sex slaves (where "slave" is the operate word).

Maybe Newmark's intentions are good, and maybe they aren't. I don't feel like I'm being presented with information that informs me in those regards.

sore_ass_losers ago

The Adult Services section is long gone, but the CL Therapeutic Massage section is the premiere way for Asian Massage Parlors to advertise. It's said AMPs are a front for prostitution and basically involve sex trafficking, since the women are often controlled and coerced.

FR33D0M ago

Infopractical, you are totally right in your assessment. When prostitution is legal and regulated, sex workers have more control over the services they provide and are safer as a result.

For instance, when prostitution is illegal, sex workers typically have brokers (pimps / madams /brothels) between them and their customer. This can create a coercive relationship if the sex worker doesn't want to perform an act, but the broker wants him/her to do it so they get their money. And there's no union to protect them.

Prostitution can be dangerous. Sex workers who are physically harmed, robbed, or forced into sex acts they do not wish to do cannot turn to law enforcement for help. The perpetrator ends up back on the street where they may hurt other sex workers and others.

Consenting adults should be allowed to do whatever what they wish so long as it doesn't cause harm to others. Government should not be regulating consensual sex acts. And we already know that prohibition does not work. Our police have much, much more important crimes to deal with.

Boud8814 ago

Enabling prostitution is very immoral and the ones hurt the most are the women who are told they will make big bucks and end up stuck and in the sewer. No, for the girls being a prostitute is a total dead end and a disgusting life. I don't see why enabling it would be good for society. That being said, it is much easier to sell and traffic children, which is what we are talking about here, online and esp on sites that allow it to pass IN THE NAME OF LIBERTY. See they use liberty to promote degenerate behavior that helps to hide these crimes of underage trafficking.

FritzTheKat ago

I'm with's a whole lot cheaper to buy the milk than to buy the cow..

srayzie ago

Craigslist makes it easier to pimp out the girls or women who are stuck too. Many are afraid to leave and get killed. It makes the pimps job much easier. I totally disagree

Fatsack ago

It's not willing consenting prostitution when they're underage. Underage girls CANNOT CONSENT.

Infopractical ago

I emphatically agree that the underage girls cannot consent!

My point in raising this issue was to try to untangle the moral distinctions between the sex trade and sex slavery, the latter of which is undeniably dehumanizing.


Groups like.p.i.e would want to disagree and this is the trap of the socialist appeal. Once these groups like the fabian society get an inch they want a mile. The order is stabilized by the pillars of the society.That is why the "doctrine of total criminalisation"encourages ALL to act in a criminal way thereby being aligned with the industrial,religious and political big wigs. Once the sex industry becomes legal then the debate turns to age.

Stukov ago

You just mean underage right, it doesn't matter what sex?

Infopractical ago

I'm personally not concerned with issues of sexuality in the sense of straight vs. gay. Personally, I'm primarily concerned with consent: voluntary vs. involuntary. Voluntary adult sex is not a scandal, whereas adults have sex with children is (outside of simple border cases of teenage couple) criminal for good reason.

The reason I raise the point is in order to encourage people think about what systems of governance work best in helping people remain safe.

fujin ago

I never bothered to look the guy up but after doing so I realized I'd punch him right in his smug face.

hels ago

algernon4peace ago

Wow, sometimes they make it really easy for us. First we have Pedo-esta, then Achilles heel over at Comet Ping Pong unravelling the pedo-elite but this?!

You know if I was to conjure up an image of what a creepy elitist paedophile would look like..I genuinely could not do any better then Craig Newmark.

JastheMace ago

The founder of Craig's list, San Francisco based....say no more

2impendingdoom ago

Hi, thank you for your comment, but please don't post specific threats, you might get banned or police at your door.

PresudentMcCheese ago

That dude is obviously a coward who won't do shit.

2impendingdoom ago

I know, but suppose someone really does go punch out smugmug, he'll blame pizzagaters for inciting violence & physical assault. its hard enough getting our truth out without trouble like that. And mods have been cranky lately.

Karbuster ago

I see what you're saying but saying you'd punch someone is nothing line saying "I'm going to kill xpersonx" there are a lot of people that I'd punch in the face if I met them and a lot more people that I'd LIKE to punch in the face

One statement implicates intent and one implicates thought, so I get where your intent was with that post


You can only threaten to punch people in the face if your name is Robert Deniro 😂😂😂

rhy ago

I'd punch all these pedos in the face till I found concrete. FUCK 'EM.

2impendingdoom ago

These women need a lawyer who will file a RICO suit.

SIash ago

The RICO act is only established so that government and the most powerful people can get a monopoly on racketeering.

2impendingdoom ago

we (we citizens) need to do better. We need to retake the judiciary and use juries to bend the system to our benefit. Prohibition was ended by jury nullification, we need to remember all of our rights and capabilities and push back on the system as aggressively as it pushes down.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

If only there was a way to make knowledge of jury nullification to go viral..

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

I know what jury nullification is I was saying if only there was a way to make it go viral so EVERYONE knew about it.

2impendingdoom ago

I figured you knew, just spread the link everywhere.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

If there were a good court system to file it in, I agree.

dontletithappen ago

Craig Newmark implicated in history's biggest coverup: The Elite/PedoRing/ChildTrafficking is the biggest story, biggest coverup in history.'s founder's site is the Internet hub for child trafficking.

Freemasonsrus ago

And if there are any good guys who try to actually fight these people they are usually silenced because of the exact benefits you mention. Millions..actually, billions of dollars made each year off of every kind of human trafficking we can imagine.

ejd4500 ago

Here's the bigger story to the donation, Tampa Bay Times, scrubbed news articles, funding, etc.

SIash ago

What better way is there to cover up child trafficking other than taking ownership of all the infrastructure? It doesn't come to surprise any more that many of the leaders in organisations aimed to "stop" human trafficking, facilitate off-the-record trades, housing and recreational facilities for children and underground transport are led by paedophiles. There is a reason why the richest people are spending millions upon millions to stop this story. If there wasn't at least some truth to it they wouldn't care.


All peoples that sit on boards and are in gov't agencies charged with the protection of children should be investigated. They control the gates.

DeckoGecko ago

what a crazy idea,,, doing proper background checks and what not. Madness,, can you not just take their word for it they're not pedo's no? what's the world coming to!


obviously you are being facetous..

derram ago :

Craigslist is hub for child prostitution, allege trafficked women | Technology | The Guardian

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