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CrackerJacks ago

Edit: Part 2

Since last month’s arrest of two Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members in Montreal Canada during their preparations for a child sacrifice, the ICLCJ Court has been considering Child Sacrifice links to the Vatican, CIA and American global corporations Sinclair Oil, HSBC, Gargill and Cameco Uranium.

According to the ITCCS website over sixty eyewitnesses have identified members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult as Anglican, United Church of Canada and Catholic Church officials including Popes Francis, John Paul II and Joseph Ratzinger; Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon, a Dutch Cardinal, other Catholic Cardinals; the UK’s Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Phillip; Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, UK High Court Justice Judge Fulford; in the Netherlands the consort to Queen Wilhelmina of Holland, former Dutch ministers, the top man of the Dutch Army Force, head of the Dutch Parliament Geert Wilers, Belgian royals King Hendrick, Netherlands Bilderberger Founder Dutch Crown Prince Alfrink Bernhard, his daughter Belgium Queen Beatrix, her son Prince Johan Friso, Friso’s wife Mabel Wisse Smit, Friso’s psychiatrist Guus Pareau Dumont, Dumont’s wife and President of the Court in Amsterdam Carla Eradus, the present under secretary of the Raad Van State in the Netherlands, Vice-Roy next to Queen Beatrix, former minister of the Netherlands law department Herr Donner, former Minister of Justice Ernst Hirsch Ballin, head of Netherlands judges Van den Emster, former head of the Netherlands military department Dick Berlijn, a prominent Netherlands journalist, a prominent Netherlands judge, head of the Netherlands PVV political party and President of the Netherlands Mark Rutte; officials of the Canadian, Dutch, Australian, UK and US military and governments including the USA’s CIA, plus prominent government ministers, judges, politicians, businessmen and celebrities in the US, UK, Belgium, Holland, Canada, Australia, France and Ireland.

This article is dedicated to victims of the Vatican and mafia-run global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult, along with the memory of over 50,800 missing children, some of whom rest in 34 mainly Catholic-owned unmarked mass grave sites across Canada, Ireland and Spain. Their perpetrators continue to live lives free of responsibility for their ongoing crimes. Our prayers are with these innocents, and should be for ourselves if we allow this Child Holocaust by our global leaders to continue.\

Edit: Camerco to Cameco

micha_ ago

Since last month’s arrest of two Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members in Montreal Canada during their preparations for a child sacrifice, the ICLCJ Court has been considering Child Sacrifice links to the Vatican, CIA and American global corporations Sinclair Oil, HSBC, Gargill and Camerco Uranium.

Uranium company? - Wasn't there something with Giustra? Googled and look what I found:

After Mining Deal, Financier Donated to Clinton

Camerco seems to be a typo, correct: CAMECO URANIUM

So we have (again): Giustra/Elpida (pedo-logo)/Clinton Foundation

EDIT: Problem: the source for claiming a connection to Cameco and others are not court filings, but is an article on the same homepage!

Yesterday blood from a Montreal stone altar and video statements from Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members who were arrested while preparing for a possible child sacrifice, were filed in the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. Evidence collected included metallic torture devices, ceremonial swords and sophisticated film equipment containing child pornography. The ICLCJ Court was considering Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult connections to Pope Francis, food giant Cargill, Sinclair Oil, Europe’s convicted mafia money-laundering bank HSBC, Cameco Uranium corporation and the criminal syndicate known as Ndrangheta.

So this claim is not supported by the slightest evidence or any verifiable sources!

Do not use it and treat it as false, until that claim can be verified by a reliable and verifiable source!!!

Htaed ago

By verifiable sources you mean the MSM? Or the cia? Or the fbi? Or LEO? What to you is a verifiable source?

micha_ ago

Sorry, but if you don't know what verifiable source means and if you can't differentiate an unbsubstantiated claim from a verifiable fact, then you have a problem...

Htaed ago

Is that what you say when you're at wits end? works every time, almost?

Give me an example of credible sources in your opinion. You can't. Don't even think about linking cnn.

micha_ ago

There are several classes of sources. Highest are primary sources. I can't take anyone serious who does not know about the importance of sources.

Htaed ago

Name one primary source.

micha_ ago


CrackerJacks ago

You think it's all fake/false?

Sui_Juris ago

Maybe not all false, but the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels looks to be only a website set up to raise awareness(?) posing (poorly) as a government site, it is not a state-run organization.

This site has a certificate error, my browser says to not go there, this looks to be the same article posted elsewhere

Haven't time to dig more on this, but it's looking kinda sketchy. Could be disinfo, could be clickbait, maybe both - might be some legit sprinkled in there, can't tell at the moment.

micha_ ago

I think it's interesting but we must strictly separate facts from claims without verifiable facts.

Did you read about Norway and the pedophile ring with 150 terabytes? That's facts! And the MSM like the NYT were deleting the articles about it! That's verifiable! Nobody will understand, why they are doing that.

Pizzagate may not be the best name, but this hole obviously is incredibly deep and IMO they are forced to begin to show their cards. Therefore no claims based on nothing! They will do all they can, to discredit the civil investigators. Theories are good, but always be honest (also to oneself), ask for verifiable facts to differentiate from claims and if it is so, then say it!

CrackerJacks ago
