hunter3 ago

link to other logo?

mattblak ago

Oh, COME ONE GUYS, this sort of thing is crae crae, thats the bloody streets icecream logo, I'd say the pedo societies just steal a logo of stuff that kids like, IE ICECREAM, if this thread is the first thing a newcomer see's they are just gonna laugh, SRSLY!!!!!

oedipusaurus_rex ago

That's probably not a big deal. What makes the pedo logos a big deal for comet, bestas, and whatever the other one is called is the fact that they are all on the same street and they all have these logos. Concentric hearts seems like a harmless symbol. I can easily see many companies using it, or some derivative of it, while being unaware that it's a symbol for pedophilia. However, if three businesses on the same street have 3 different pedophile symbols in their logos, and have a lot of interconnectedness and political power between the business owners, then that's something that's worth looking into.

ki-yoshi ago

Calm down, as far as I know the pedophiles have chosen this logo because it was an ice cream logo. (also it's 2 hearts that's a very simple play on one of the most common symbols in existence) This is a serious investigation. If you want to peddle bullshit there are many other conspiracy theories you can pick.

EarthGleaner ago

I upvoted you but no claims were made. We are still gathering information.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Maybe this is what Uzumaki (Spirals) is secretly about. Invasion of the Body Snatchers is about crypto-communists, after all.

rootdivide ago

my local yoga studio has a similar heart... they're all pedos!? Wait no, stop the hysteria. Graphic designers are lazy and copy shit without thinking. Doesn't have to mean anything insidious!

nimblenav ago

this is bullshit, the same logo is used worldwide,

EDIT: actually it may be an hint. The new logo has been used worldwide since 1998

This is who made, as you can see the early designs featured the butterfly logo

LostandFound ago

Kwality Walls also from Unilever same logo but the hearts don't touch.'s Actually interesting to note this is the only Unilever related brand with a variation in that style.

OpBurnTheCrust ago

And Canada

Minetorpia ago

The name of the CEO of Unilever, Paul Polman, is also present in a mail leaked on WikiLeaks. I don't know if that could be helpful for further research about this, but maybe it could help.

demoTheGorgon ago

It is a list of eminent and important persons. He's a CEO of Unilever and formerly CFO from Nestle (Nestle is HUGE, they are the food pimp). His appearance in a list of VIPs is not that out of the ordinary, nor is there a link between him and the design of the logo as far as I can tell.

The logo thing is creepy especially since it's a beloved child's item. What is the provenance of the pedo symbol? Does it come after or before the Unilever thing. Could be another tongue in cheek pedo thing (e: as in "let's use the ice cream symbol hahaha").

My 0.02.

EDIT: Upon looking at the creator's other designs, I'd say it's creepier and less coincidental

Tekno-monk ago

Name of logo Hearthbrand, created in 1998, Creator: carter wongdesign this is his drawing, see the other logo he was trying as well....

So had this person artistic freedom?, for a company like Unilever that is unlikely. My guess it was commissioned

Other question,how old are the those fbi pedo logos, before or after 1998?

nimblenav ago

I just posted the same thing, once I noticed the butterfly variation.

Ctrl-Left ago

Oh shit, it even has a variation of the "butterfly" symbol on it. Quite a coincidence (its not)

bleachmymind ago

Can anybody say "confirmation bias!"

TheAtlantean ago

In the UK, the same ice cream distributor is called Wall's. Same logo.

Reversible ago

I'm glad you brought this up. I am having to go into all the posts that cover the Walls Ice cream link.

Please look back at my post history and you will find Walls is linked to the Hesketh family (the Lever Brothers were Heskeths, and Lever merged with a Dutch firm later to form Unilever) and by extension the Guinness family.

Incredibly, Violet Hesketh and Lucy Guinness have been openly communicating on Instagram with suspected US child trafficker Ray Chandler (a young woman who was hanging around with rappers and the Clintons as a child...and a follower of Comet Pizza on Instagram, you guessed it).

There are very real links here to the English aristocracy. People don't want to believe it. But it's out in the open. Personally, I think they want us to know. They want to provoke us into violence so they can clamp down.

randomizedusername ago

Company is owned by Unilever.

Unilever stock info Board of Directors

Major Shareholders