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Silverlining ago

Count Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo is the top authority in Hollywood through his marriage with the actress Jessica Chastain. The Passi de Preposulo family are a Venetian-Lombardy nobility that still have a palace in Bergamo today. The family were mediators between the Guelph and Ghibelline factions however they were also architects of this division. The name Passi refers to a pass and their location having control over the road to Switzerland. The control over this region made families like the Passi de Preposulo's extremely wealthy. The name Preposulo refers to preparation. Count Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo is overseeing Hollywood and their militant Church of Scientology which is used for gathering intelligence on Americans and for carrying out electronic attacks through the electronic grid and this includes wireless frequencies, modern electronics, smart phones, electrical substations, smart meters, and transformers. They are spraying the skies with nano conductive particles that enhance frequencies designed to hack into the brain and physiology. DARPA and Silicon Valley have weaponized the electronics systems in the United States and use the Church of Scientology to carry out attacks on Americans. Many major Hollywood actors are initiated into various secret societies. Their initiations include blood drinking, pedophilia, human sacrifice, and other criminal activities. It is through these initiations they are allowed to get movie roles and become wealthy. Hollywood is a satanic cult and most of its members are criminals and the greatest crime they are committing is human trafficking and human sacrifice. Their invested interest in targeting Americans who speak out against corruption is them not wanting to go to prison. Another top authority in Hollywood is the adopted German Prince Frederic von Anhalt who lives in Bel Air. Count Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo is the highest authority in the Hollywood cult and works with the wealthy Ferragamo family of Italy who are also nobility of Lombardy. They opened a store in Hollywood in the early 20th century. The Ferragamo family name gamo derives from Ber-gamo. Gamo means marriage. The family specializes in arranging marriages like with Count Gian Passi de Preposulo and Jessica Chastain. Count Preposulo specializes in preparing attacks on people who are speaking out through their intelligence network and connection with members of the Church of Scientology like the actors George Clooney and Will Smith who he is friends with. Hollywood is dangerous religious cult made up of wealthy Satanists who are weaponized and fear their imprisonment if the corruption loses its power.

Silverlining ago

The European Union financed and owns the Human Brain Project which developed neuro brain computer interface technologies and was founded by Henry Markram. Henry Markram is a professor at Ecole Polytechnique Federale in Switzerland and was educated at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. The President of Weizman Institute is the Belgian-Israeli Daniel Zajfman who has been a Director at Max Planck Society the reformed Nazi Kaiser Wilhelm Society and Henry Markram was also a member. The Israeli scientist Daniel Zajfman runs a renamed Nazi founded scientific institute. The electronic grid has been weaponized and programmed with the General Neural Simulation System also called Genesis to enable frequencies to hack into the brain and physiology. Genesis was developed by the Jesuit educated James Mason Bower.

The electronic grid and especially computers and smart phones are programmed with neuro brain interface programs that radiate electromagnetic frequencies designed to hack into the human brain and physiology. Other brain hacking systems include NEURON, NEST (software), and Brian (software). It is like an artificial intelligence radiated out of the electronic grid designed to covertly target the minds and physiologies of people in society. They can target individuals or target groups. Targeting can be subtle or it can be increased and extremely violent and torturous. Targeting consists of invasive and foreign thoughts and targeting of the physiology can cause pain, itching, spasms, pressure, irritation, fatigue and other attacks. The European Union which owns the Human Brain Project is based on the Treaty of Rome and the EU was signed in Rome at Capitoline Hill. The Black Nobility of Rome are leading in this scientific terrorism and have full access to these technologies.

Members of the royal and noble families have the neuro brain interface technologies where they can plug their minds into the electronic grid and target victims with this synthetic telepathy. The Department of Defense and various universities have these brain hacking systems. There is a neuro-brain-computer-interface weapons system in Israel. I believe the Italian Mafia have an advanced brain hacking system probably located in Atlantic City. There is one in Hollywood with the Church of Scientology. They can run existing programs on a target or with the more advanced brain interface technologies can control the frequencies like a form of synthetic telepathy controlled by the brain that is plugged into the system. The group Anonymous and other hackers are also using these electronic weapons on society by hacking computers and smart phones and running these programs. The weaponized electronic grid consists of HAARP, modern electronics, wireless frequencies, electrical substations, smart phones, smart meters, and electrical transformers.

These brain hackers are called harpers. HAARP is named in reference to harps which were used in ancient times for putting minds into a trance along with poems used for mind control programming. Musical instruments resonate vibrations. Some top families with harps on their coat of arms include the Windsor, Hanover, FitzJames, Guinness, and the Pallavicini family which have a statue on their palace in Vienna holding a harp. The Pallavicini family are the primary engineers of this evil. The Freemasonic Royal Institution and the Society of Jesus along with DARPA, Silicon Valley, and neuroscientists have designed electronics to emit algorithmic frequencies intended to target the human brain and physiology. They did this so they can enhance their witchcraft with technology and persecute people covertly as they attempt a full take over of humanity.


GENESIS (short for GEneral NEural SImulation System) is a general purpose simulation platform that was developed to support the simulation of neural systems ranging from subcellular components and biochemical reactions to complex models of single neurons, simulations of large networks, and systems-level models. As such, GENESIS, and its version for parallel and networked computers (PGENESIS) was the first broad scale modeling system in computational biology to encourage modelers to develop and share model features and components. Most current GENESIS applications involve realistic simulations of biological neural systems. Although the software can also model more abstract networks, other simulators are more suitable for backpropagation and similar connectionist modeling.

Since its release for general use in 1988, GENESIS has provided one of the foundations for the ongoing course in Methods in Computational Neuroscience at Woods Hole MA, as well as courses offered in the European Union, Mexico, Brazil, India, and in more than 61 universities around the world, where it has been used both as an instructional tool in realistic modeling of the nervous system, and as a simulation based tool for neurobiological education in general. The most recent release of GENESIS, version 2.3, became available in March 2006, and runs under most UNIX-based systems with the X Window System, including Linux, OS/X and Windows with Cygwin. A major revision GENESIS 3 is currently under development.