numina18 ago

Hill is a transgender female, or is it a transgender male? He's a guy.

yellowrose ago

The whole lot of them appear fishy to me. The coup is wide & deep.

Bigneckedmanjr ago

Take a serious dive into Poroshenko’s coup.

Chantebo52 ago

The FUCKING DEMONS think they have a handle on the only source of info in the world!! NOT SO COCK SUCKERS-WE'VE GOT YOUR NUMBER AND WE'RE GOING TO ASS FUCK YOU TO THE DOORS OF HELL IN 2020!!! MAGA!!!

Pollycracker ago

Was she born in Russia or Ukraine like like Yovanovich and Vindman? If so, any body spotting a pattern here. Were we infiltrated decades ago by the NWO with Eastern European plants?

stormymonday ago

She is bad news, you could see the venom ooze out the sides of her/his? mouth

fireantsinyourpants ago

I think Trump was also talking about our government when he said, "They are not bringing their best."

MACSOG68 ago

Anyone else find her blinking her eyes appears to be in code?? also she looks like a man. Look at her facial structure.

inspiretk ago

Yeh, looks like a man indeed.

You should check the hand ... see the band aid? Guess who else had the band aid? Check the Yonobitch.

MACSOG68 ago

OH YA.........any idea why??

inspiretk ago

Its code for something. They sending messages to each other.

I think she's saying she's one of those doctors that's doing all the evil stuff.

Perhaps Rogue doctors in Ukraine adoption scheme.

CIA used to create sites before wars happen. Set it all up. Then when wars come, they smuggle, kidnap, take kids and then put them in these sites and then send them out.

c.ia is created by the nazi.

I found this decode: from post

bunnysupreme ago

I Watched the bitch Fiona Hill on BBC News today. Fiona Hill is MI6.

Fiona Hill has fingers in many pies. She has seen the inside of MI6's Fort Monckton.

If you see her on the street , keep your kids away from that cunt.

nomoss ago

Thank you for your input.

We all need a place to put information on the players.

I'm looking for the link where I was reading about Mr. Holmes and that his name (David Holmes is actually named Igor Koval, another Ukrainian)

QBoomBoom ago

How are these people allowed to lie about their identity? oh that's right..

nomoss ago

Oh the light when on...

Remember " She will be implicated in the conspiracy, along with Vindman and Holmes. All of Schitt's "fact witnesses" are complicit in the crimes."

TSE ago

She talks too much. All just BS to look important. Just another DS slave who will go down.

nomoss ago

Just not fast enough.

JJS1 ago

No dual citizenship should be allowed at any level of go government local state or federal and no illegals on school boards period

JJS1 ago

Q is right these people are stupid and they never thought with all the election rigging in 2016 she would lose. I guess when killary screamed why aren't I 50 points ahead it was a legitimate question lol

verboten ago

And because they were so surprised, they had to use the same teams that did all the crimes before to take down Trump now. They hadn't time to build new teams and that will cause their downfall.

PGLiterati ago

How does that not make her a foreign agent? Also, why are people with dual citizenship working in our government? Talk about conflict of interest. Now technically I don't know her citizenship status--but that sounds like a British accent and I believe Vindman also has dual citizenship.

nomoss ago

Yes they afe and its time to stop it.

TraditionalCode0 ago

I told both my girlfriends they were my one true love, wasn't that big o' me?

Cyberslueth-007 ago

If I remember right she was born in England. She worked for former Prime

Minister Theresa May (British Intell connect), and also knew, worked with Christopher Steele.

PGLiterati ago

Jesus, what a POS. Just saw her given a great dressing down by Mike Turner.

1Sorry_SOB ago

This whole thing is a shit show.

Vascodegecko ago

It should be nearly impossible for Brits to get citizenship.

fireantsinyourpants ago

I could have sworn that we fought some war with them at one point in our history.

Tanngrisnir ago

Great post, Cybersleuth-007!

Cyberslueth-007 ago


Qdini ago

Agree. She also worked for Soros' Open Society Foundation for 6 years

Cyberslueth-007 ago

She just cant make this stuff up. It's all pretty surreal.

SubhumanDeplorable ago

Our fucking govt sucks worse than I thought

nomoss ago

The Best Money can buy!

Marcus Cicero 43 A.D.