hang_em_high ago

Boy, it sure seems like a lot of ((( people ))) were running late or miraculously out that day. How many times have I heard the same story. Really lucky people!

RandomAnecdote ago

Seth McFarlane missed his plane as did Jackie Chan.

survey_girl ago

And "Marky" Mark Wahlberg

Reapreap ago

and the people who "ran out as it fell."

RaptorJesus ago

yandex dancing Israelis

lord_nougat ago

Zyklon dancing israelis

RaptorJesus ago

Yes of course, we have to do everything to prevent another bed bug infestation.

obvoiusly ago

All in the club, don't cha think?

corrbrick ago

She forgot, "The royals told me to take the day off."

Backoftheqanon ago

Bearing in mind Fergies age and the fact she's fuckin ugly, you would a thought Prince Andrew would've wanted her up there when it happened

madhatter67 ago

underrated comment

USAMatters ago

apparently - many, many people were aware of the planned bombing. i suspect she was told not to go to the world trade centers. she may not have been told why.

nyc traffic is almost always heavy, but once the first tower was "hit" (and then blown up by already placed bombs) - traffick did come to a stand-still. i had a friend who was going to go to the world trade center for a 10 am meeting and all trains, subways, car traffic stopped and he luckily did not get to the towers. it took him about 8 hours to just get out of manhattan and to get to queens.

as "Ifckstcy" noted in this post - anyone over 35 knows exactly where they were on 9/11 and i suspect anyone over 12 would also remember.

Reapreap ago

anyone who was 5 and above remembers. basically EVERYONE remembers.

Backoftheqanon ago

The dancing Israelis were pre warned because they said they were there to "document" the event.

And BBC knew WTC7 was toast beforehand because they reported its "collapse" 20 minutes early.

Secus ago

I was 11, remember exactly where I was when I was told.

Ifckstacy ago

Anybody over 35 remembers EXACTLY where they were and what they were doing on that morning. Just saying.

demoschatous ago

You can go younger. I'm 33 and remember I was being teased in the hallway by my friends when we heard about the first plane and still thought it was an accident. I remember where I was when we found out it was an attack and the towers had fallen. I remember the teacher and the literal seat I sat in. I was in 11th grade and I am almost 34. I would imagine even middle schoolers and the time would remember 9/11.

undertheshills ago

For sure, and imagine how well you would remember if you were supposed to be in the god damn building that day.

Marked2476 ago

Under 35 here and I remember.. I was in 8th grade in class on a beautiful fucking tuesday morning.. and my principal came in and said that something serious had happened and they were releasing everyone to go home early(very small private christian school).. and I got home from school and watched the news all day..

sig94 ago

I also was in the 8th grade when we were told to go home. It was JFK's assassination. I remember everything that day. People were freaking out. Also remember Lee Oswald, live on TV, getting shot.

Backoftheqanon ago

I was too young for school when JFK was assassinated (5 y/o) but I remember the day very well. My mum & dad were so upset I knew it was really serious, so I wrote out a note on a piece of paper saying "JFK SHOT" and taped it to the front window. Early 60's version of FakeBook I guess.

sig94 ago

The newspapers came out with a special edition that evening. I helped my friend to deliver them on his paper route. A lady stopped her car and started screaming at us for being out in the dark. Tears were streaming down her face - she was so upset at the assassination.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

yes we all know exactly where we were on 9/11. i am going to assume Sarah knew beforehand what was goin down. Pro baseball players knew too, were told not to go there.

why did they let others go to work and die. sick

DonPeterson ago

They are just pure evil.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

maybe the cabal is the reason Sarah Ferguson (and Diana tried) got out of the Royal family??

USAMatters ago

that is what i don't understand. how can you know something terrible is about to happen and not set off the alarm to everyone.

Reapreap ago

how did the electricians happen to leave? only the UNION JEW ELECTRICAL WORKERS survived.

Fuck you Chris.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

that was a great link. horrible but true thanks

Nosfewratsjews ago

I also remember the proles around me excitedly chittering "we're going to war!".