Intlrnt2 ago

Outstanding summary!!

Top-tier Q/MAGA contributor taking the time to aggregate, explain, link to sources, and format the entire piece for ready eyes.

Props to you!!

ghost_of_aswartz ago

Thank you :) Patriots like yourself make it worth the effort

FatLadySings ago

Crowd strike probably begged for this article and all these lies. Trying to get ahead of the curve!! This is so much fun!!! They will fall so flat!!!!!

Sosacms ago

Biden - " That raw non-interrupted footage of me talking is a conspiracy theory."

cowbey ago

Bump - thanks for compiling this dig.

ghost_of_aswartz ago


thebearfromstartrack ago

I wonder if that shitskin "founder" got his MONEY from the TAXPAYERS???

DawnPendraig ago

Great info and reminders, and thanks for the link to Webb's tweet too. I shared it and some of the good responses.

ghost_of_aswartz ago


BitChuteArchive ago - ( Indictment Of Wassermann Schulz IT Aide ) - ( Nuland-Pyatt leaked phone conversation _COMPLE... )

derram ago :

What Is CrowdStrike and Why Is Donald Trump Blabbering About It to Ukraine - VICE :

TruthLeaks on Twitter: "Trump confirms my reporting on Crowdstrike, Alperovich, Pinchuk’s, DNC servers, DNC Blackberries, Deep Blackberry Informant saying DNC used Alperovich Blackberries. Trump will confirm Chalupa bringing in the 68 “journalists” from Ukraine to American U. Thank you @realDonaldTrump…"

This has been an automated message.

Pollycracker ago

George Webb to the rescue, once again. At some point this guy has got to get the Medal of Freedom. Bravo, George Webb.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

I like Webb too. Because of him, I learned all sorts of stuff, like the Awan story nearly 2 years ago! And all the rat line stories were good too. He even told us that the two MS-13 guys who killed Seth Rich were themselves killed a day or so later. He's solid, at least in terms of novel info!

fartyshorts ago

The guy who defends Alefantis and says "a little" child trafficking is ok?

ghost_of_aswartz ago

Nope, that's a mischaracterization of what he said. If you want, go to and search for george webb transcripts to get the statements IN CONTEXT

Also, he's NOT mossad. That's another misquote. Very easy to grab snippets like that time you said you were gay when I maliciously cut the part where you were quoting someone else saying that...out