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nevergiveup2them ago

I would really like to know what it is the loving evangelical Christians are dong that makes him so mad? Love God and each other? Support Freedom and human rights? Personal accountability? Being happy?

RoBatten ago

Plus no more baby-killing . . .

Revised ago

The primary evil infesting America.

Some leftists have lamented that Trump is out to reverse Roe v. Wade.

I think that may be the keystone to blessings given v. blessings withheld.

redtoe_skipper ago

People saying reversing Roe v Wade, have no idea what they are talking about. The question at law was: is an abortion a personal decision that is protected as a reserved right by the people (10th)? The answer is: YES, unequivocally: YES. According to the ruling, it would not matter whether you claimed that freedom based on any of the other personal freedom amendments, or all together.

Reversing a "yes", then, would then become: No.

Given the extensive investigation into common law underpinning the yes-answer, a NO answer cannot be based on the same reason/ reasoning, but would entail legislating from the bench.

There is legally nothing withholding congress to enact legislation prohibiting abortion. And even to put that as an amendment to the constitution (see prohibition of liquor and the subsequent reversal)

Go read the damn ruling and be amazed!

Freedom, ,or reserved rights, mean: you can choose to do either way. It is your responsibility and don't expect the fed / state .gov to pay for it.

If you are then of the opinion, all abortion is bad, please, pursue your happiness. If you happen to conceive of a baby out of wedlock for whatever reason, keep the baby, you'll pull through with the help of your faith, your family and your community. It has been done before, and so can you.

If you happen to take that abortion, that is your choice. Don't expect the .gov, either fed or state to use taxpayer money to help you out. But people who would take to your position are free to provide funds, so it can be done in a way that is consistent with state interest.

This is the equitable solution in any free society. And I give a huge thumb up to the guy who refused to pay his taxes, lest PP was defunded. Turns out he had the law on his side. Now, he will have to pay, though, since Trump defunded PP ...:-)

Revised ago

States rights at best.

Since states prosecute murderers of pregnant women with two counts of homicide, killing an unborn baby is by legal definition, homicide. Not a choice.

redtoe_skipper ago

But you do not state to have read the ruling. Instead you are appealing to lower law. So, what did you learn from studying the ruling?

When a freedom, a state at best should lay down regulations on howto. If not a freedom, based on what legal theory?

So, step into the shoes of supreme court justices and eviscerate long standing common law, come one man, be the activist Justice you so love when the left has them. :-) And simply saying: it is homocide, does not cut it. I have a suspicion, but we'll see.

Revised ago

Truth is, irregardless of what any court rule it is homicide or not, IT IS.

The downfall of America started with two rulings from SCOTUS. Banning prayer in schools and legalizing abortion.

redtoe_skipper ago

That is an opinion based on religion, not on common law. Property rights, my friend. That is why within the third semester an abortion is considered consistent with freedom reserved by the people. Sometimes a vertilized egg flushes down the uterus without nesting at all. Sometimes it nests, but is naturally aborted, and sometimes, it is a hole-in-one.

I am not berating you for holding that opinion. As I said before, that is within the province of your freedom. The question is: why do you have a problem with other people enjoying their freedom? Because you do not condone it on moral grounds. As doctor Paul said: You cannot legislate morals.

The 10 commandments themselves are by many considered to be laws of moral superior standing. That opinion is largely overstated. Property rights are at the bottom of them all. God BOUGHT Israel from captivity. They were his property. Hence the first 3 laws. A married woman was considered to be owned by her husband. (where do you think the word husband comes from: husbandry: keeping cattle). So adultery is an act of aggression against the property rights of another man. So is lying, false witnessing, stealing, coveting etc.

There is one law that is a bit out of the ordinary: honor your parents. The Jews in Jesus time were so smart as to dedicate their means to the temple. By doing so, they were not obliged to honor their parents at all. See, Doctor Paul was right. Jesus had a superior law: Love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself. This is the ultimate condensation of The Law. To which John wrote: You cannot love God, whom you have not seen, while hating your neighbor whom you have seen. The onus of living a moral life in harmony with Gods Law or Natural Law is on you. It is an individual responsibility to which we all render an account to God himself.

And the seeds for the downfall of America, as you described it, were sown at the very beginning. Read the federal and anti federalist papers. It is a form of government by virtue of an informed and engaged populace who is very cognizant of what freedom of conscience actually is, and dare to stand up for it. You can blame anybody. All who came before you, who acquiesced to any contributing factor. In the final analysis, if you really belief in a government that retains itself within the limits of protecting the individual rights of its citizens, you will have to confront the facts of what freedom really means, irrespective of your religious persuasion (art 1.). Arguing abortion is homicide because of it being your understanding is against the establishment clause. And you would have to show non religious historic custom.

Apart from that, those arguing from that point of view, at best, have to be very biased.

"Tamar thy daughter in law hath played the harlot; and also, behold, she is with child by whoredom. And Judah said, Bring her forth, and let her be burnt."

Yeah, burn the fucking bitch and that son of a whore in her belly.....

"But that as before the Law!" Oke, I get that.

Hosea 9:16: Ephraim is smitten, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit: yea, though they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb.

Right ..... .......

No, no, no. but that was because they were unfaithful!

Oke. let's see. I am going to massage this in a bit. Genesis 3. What was the curse for Eve for being unfaithful(eating from the fruit carried a deathpenalty, remember?)? Birthpangs enhancement!

You would like verse 14 of Hosea 9 then, because his righteous indignation says:Give them, O LORD: what wilt thou give? give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts.

For unfaithfulness? Don't you see? You consider abortion homocide, against gods law, unfaithfulness. And you consider abortion to be the reason for the downfall of the US. That is placing the horse behind the carriage. But please notice: abortion is called upon as a curse for unfaithfulness. So what is your problem with abortion, apart from not liking it yourself (just I I btw)

To finish things off, let's consider Gods Law:

Exodus 21:22-23 "If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman's husband demands and the court allows.

Oke .... so .... a premature birth, but no harm to the woman .... then it is up to the husband to state a demand in equity and the elders should say if the demand in equity is fair. hmmmm ... not a big deal then. Except when the woman comes to harm, perhaps even dies. Then life for a life.

Sounds very much like property rights to me.

With this in mind, read the damn ruling! It will amaze you.