new4now ago

Pirated versions of the software were sold by US intelligence worldwide to 88 foreign intelligence agencies, and other organizations such as banks, which included a "backdoor" for US intelligence to hack into.

Hillary Clinton was the intellectual property lawyer for a company that obtained and marketed copies of the stolen PROMIS software.

That company was Systematics Inc, of Little Rock Arkansas, now known as Alltel. Systematics was founded by Jackson Stephens of Stephens Inc., owners of Worthen Banking Corporation which bankrolled Bill Clinton's 1992 Presidential election campaign.

Stephen's was also co-owner, along with the Lippo Group (the Riady family) of the American branch of BCCI which laundered drugs and arms sales in the Iran-Contra scandal.

Systematics had an interest in further developing and marketing the stolen PROMIS software worldwide, with its hidden "backdoor" for US intelligence hackers, to monitor in real time financial transactions and money laundering at banks throughout the world.

That backdoor can also be used by intelligence hackers to launder money themselves.

The original contract between the US Justice Department and Inslaw Inc was to develop a program for use by all 93 US Attorneys in the 50 states and territories.

PROMIS stands for Prosecutors Management Information System.

When Bill Clinton was elected, one of his first actions was the unprecedented step of firing all 93 US Attorneys and replacing them with his own hand picked successors.

PROMIS has the ability to tap into the computers of services such as phone companies, water, electric and gas utilities, credit card companies, etc. PROMIS can search for specific information. For example, if a person suddenly started using more water, electricity, and phone service than usual, it might be suspected he had guests staying with him. PROMIS would then start searching for the records of his friends and associates, etc

This was of immense interest to US intelligence, who marketed the software worldwide to other intelligence agencies, complete with the hidden backdoor, to gather information from those intelligence agencies who were foolish enough to buy the software.

US intelligence used Systematics as the front group to market the banking component of the software worldwide and get US and foreign banks to use it. By the late 1980s, 70% of all domestic banks were using it

But first the US Justice Department wanted to wrest control of the property rights to PROMIS from Inslaw.

They did this by withholding payment and driving them into bankruptcy.

The CIA procured a copy from the Department of Justice, and built in the added backdoor in total secrecy.

Numerous unsolved homocides are connected with the government and subcontractor's actions as far back as 1981.

Larry Guerrin - February 1987. Investigator. Killed investigating the INSLAW case.

Alan Standorf - January 31, 1991. Employee of National Security Agency in electronic intelligence. Standorf was a source of information for Danny Casalaro who was investigating INSLAW, BCCI, etc. Standorf's dead body was found in the backseat of a car at Washington National Airport.

Dennis Eisman - April 5, 1991. Attorney with information on INSLAW. Eisman was found shot to death. Ian Spiro - November 1992. Informant. Spiro had supporting documentation for grand jury proceedings on the INSLAW case. His wife and three children were found murdered on November 1, 1992 in their home. They all died of gunshot wounds to the head. Ian's body was found several days later in a parked car in the Borego Desert. Cyanide poisoning.

John Crawford - April 1993. Attorney with information on INSLAW. Reportedly died from a heart attack in Tacoma.


kestrel9 ago

Connections going back to Obama's uncle working for Systematics and then blowing up into a historical mushroom cloud of treachery

Mueller was involved in BCCI and periphery cases.

new4now ago


Promis is the reason Bill didn't text

So many deaths

I pinged ya lol

I glued myself

kestrel9 ago

Thanks for the ping and covering the subject, the subject is like the train wreck of all train wrecks. Tracks from hither and yon converging into a mass pile up. So many deaths, so many people involved

Including Attorney General Reno in this little gem of a quote

In response to Attorney General Reno’s request for INSLAW’s views as to the steps necessary to bring the INSLAW affair to a conclusion, my recommendations dealt, inter alia , with the need to assure present and former Justice Department employees who have information relevant to the INSLAW affair that they will have nothing to fear if they come forward...

SearchVoatBot ago

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GodsAngell ago

Very interesting. Thanks for posting.

new4now ago

Question is, did he die or was it faked

Qdini ago

Maxell owned the NY Daily News, which is more anti-Trump that the NYT and WaPo.

Maxwell's death was also rumored to have been staged, to allow for his escape....

new4now ago

That could very well be

He's probaly in Israel

new4now ago

PROMIS scandal, once labelled ‘the scandal that wouldn’t die,’ lives on according to a recent FBI FOIA response. The affair centered around the government’s theft of the PROMIS software, a forerunner to the infamous PRISM, and the far-reaching fallout which allegedly included everything from fraud, to covert operations and surveillance, to Danny Casolaro’s mysterious death, and remains the subject of an investigation decades after the Department of Justice declared the matter officially closed.

The FBI’s response also reveals that the Congressional investigation was compromised, and additional files on the subject have been alternatively lost or destroyed. Most significantly, the file reveals that the Bureau’s sources indicated the allegations about PROMIS were true.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

I highly recommend the book The Strange Death of Danny Casolaro.

new4now ago

Had to look him up

Thank You, this differently needs looking into more

kestrel9 ago

I realize this is information overlord, but good info to look at when time permits.

Is INSLAW the elephant in the room? Lady Ghislaine, Danny Casolaro & Khashoggi

Promis, Systematics, Alltel, Little Rock Arkansas, Clintons and Obamas, and the Stephens Family, Worthen Bank (now B of A)

Robert Maxwell, Israels Superspy: The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul

The PROMIS of 9/11 and Beyond

As whistleblower Richard Grove points out, SilverStream (the software company he worked for at the time of 9/11), served not only AIG (American Insurance Group), it also built trading applications for Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank, Banker’s Trust, Alex Brown, Morgan Stanley, and Marsh McLennan. With this impressive list, according to Grove, “you pretty much had the major players involved in the financial aspect of the 9/11 fraudulent trading activity.” I might add that fraudulent activity extended from finance to our government as well. In the weeks preceding 9/11, many elves on Wall Street were working into the night to make Marsh and others’ SilverStream fully operable. The software, as Grove pointed out to me, “was an internet portal framework. Panacya is AI (Artificial Intelligence). PROMIS and P-Tech are the grandparents if you will.” So let’s consider the grandparents to fully understand the power of the grandchildren. Sort of like Prescott Bush in relation to George W., Jeb, Neil and Marvin Bush...

America’s Spy Software Scandal, Courtesy of the U.S. DOJ

In June 2001, Jerry Seper of the Washington Times reported that former FBI agent and convicted spy Robert Hanssen sold an enhanced version of PROMIS for $2 million to Russian crime figures, who in turn are suspected of selling a black-market version of it to Osama bin Laden.

More recently, the International Currency Review, a London-based financial newsletter , reportedly obtained Iraqi intelligence documents alleging that PROMIS came into Saddam Hussein’s possission under the Bush I administrations. The publication’s editor says the documents were owned by Hussein’s half-brother, Barzan al Takritil

And last week, British news outlets suggested that the resignation of top Bush terrorism intelligence official Paul Redmond was tied to his investigation of Hanssen and the PROMIS theft. The Department of Homeland Security claims that Redmond, a legendary spy catcher who came out off retirement to take the Bush administration position and had served only three months, left for “health reason.”

The odor of a cover-up is unmistakable. To this day, the Justice Department, FBI and other government agencies continue to insist that they have never possessed or used any pirated version of PROMIS. Career Justice officials who oversaw the theft of the Hamilton’s software program in the 1980’s remain in place today. And according to my sources, the 9-11 Commission created by President Bush had declined to investigate this spy software fiasco and its possible role in facilitating the terrorist attacks on America.

"U.S. journalist Mike Ruppert, a former Los Angeles police officer who now runs a Web site that seeks to expose CIA covert operations, said he met with RCMP investigator McDade on Aug. 3 in L.A. Ruppert said the RCMP officer was anxious to see documents he received three years ago from a shadowy Green Beret named Bill Tyre [sic] detailing the sale of rigged Promis software to Canada." - The Toronto Star, September 4, 2000.

THE LAST CIRCLE by Cheri Seymour,1994 draft re Danny Casolaro's Investigation into The Octopus and the PROMIS Software Scandal

@think- @Arrvee

think- ago

Thanks, @kestrel9.

new4now ago

Oh this is getting good

Going to first look for old posts, should have done that before I posted

Think we can find more?