SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @letsdothis3.

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new4now ago

Diane Douglas and Barbara and Bert Guggenheim are I Epsteins black book

Looking up others, will edit I if I find more

kestrel9 ago

Excellent find, thank you for your help!

new4now ago

Those popped first, others might be related

When I get a chance, will see if any more

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @GodsAngell.

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PGLiterati ago

Excellent post. Thank you.

RainDrops ago

"In 1999, President Bill Clinton awarded Edgar Bronfman Sr. the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honour. In the citation, Bronfman was heralded for working "to ensure basic rights for Jews around the world."

Bill clinton attended Andrea Bronfman's funeral in 2006.

"The son of billionaire Edgar Bronfman Sr., Matthew...famously split with second wife Lisa Belzberg after she had a reported 2002 liaison with Bill Clinton."

Deborah Norville & Karl Wellner and Edgar Bronfman & Clarissa Alcott Bronfman run in the same philanthropic circles.

"Karl Wellner, whose Papamarkou Wellner Asset Management Inc. has been attracting clients and bankers from many of the largest wealth firms. more than half of Papamarkou’s clients are from outside the United States, a mix of Old World royalty and newly rich entrepreneurs. Papamarkou was famous for showering his super-rich clients with luxury gifts."

ditzee ago

Summarizing the article: Diandra grew up in Majorca. She worked with the Red Cross as a teenager after her father, an Austrian diplomat and an ex-ambassador to the US, sent her to boarding school there. Diandra met scumbag, Michael Douglas, at Jimmy Carter's inauguration and ended up marrying him. She got 45 million in the divorce settlement.

mom2nine ago

Notice the similarities in her necklace and the one in the photo of Gloria Vandebilt with her boys...

kestrel9 ago

Clarissa Bronfman was pictured with NYSPCC President Karl Wellner, CEO of Papamarkou was hosted by his wife, broadcaster Deborah Norville. ..."they arrived with publishing heiress Anne Hearst and her husband, author Jay "Bright Lights, Big City" McInerney".