Enaashby ago

Last night, I watched a documentary/movie by Putin critic and Russian documentary maker, Andrei Nekrasov titled The Magnitsky Act. It ties in exactly with this. Nekrasov had access to Bill Browder while he was working on his documentary. However, he began to question the veracity of the entire story surrounding Sergei Maknitsky and Browder. His documentary was banned once he had it finished. Browder was and is being protected by the higher-ups. You can watch the entire documentary using the link below. I began to wonder if the Magnitsky Act passed in 2012 by the BHO regime is an effort to prevent certain people from getting visas to the US in order to prevent their giving evidence against the DS, BHO, HRC et al. It has been expanded now to anyone from around the world. A very interesting and thought-provoking documentary which will make you question what is really going on with the SDNY, Browder, and the BHO/HRC cabals. I can't remember if someone on here originally posted this video or if it were someone on 8Chan.


thebearfromstartrack ago

What does the Russian Mafia think about niggers?

Dovecote ago

At the Trump-Putin summit Putin pointed the finger at Browder. That tells me we need to pay close attention to this jumbled up mess.