Fateswebb ago

Yeah isn't it also owned by someone pizzagate related if I do recall properly

sunshine702 ago

The Saudi holding company owns the whole block. The Manager is a Dem female.

Fateswebb ago

It's owned by Washington posts writer/editor Bradley Graham.. and hillary Clinton speech writer Lissa muscatine... Who also worked at Washington Post.

sunshine702 ago

Pizzagate had the whole block owned by the saudis. Leased maybe.

Fateswebb ago

The company is owned by Graham and muscatine. But you're right the Saudis own the block or at least did the last time we looked into it a couple years ago..

Blacksmith21 ago

Gotta link?

sunshine702 ago

You don't think it's interesting the Pizzagate connections?

LacyLiberty ago

I believe the bookstore's actual name is Politics and Prose. In case anyone wants to search on it, y'know...

MissleCopterStoped ago

When I saw the name of business, I immediately thought of CPP, so you are not alone.

Blacksmith21 ago

It was the misspelling Politics vs. Poetry. Not 5000 block Conn NW history.

Was v/pizzagate from the start. I'm a local, so I've checked the places up close. Took a whizz on the toilet paper in CPP a couple years back even LOL.

You should read the v/pizzagate history. WE worked hard to keep the submissions to a bare "academic standard". Not spelling, but sourcing and citations.

There has been some pretty crazy shit covered over the years. When r/qanon (or whatever it was) got shut down, the volume increased here on Voat significantly. v/PG, for me at least, was somewhat drowned out in the Q noise. For good reason.

We documented enough qualified criminal leads to open a thousand indictments.

Backup everything.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Ah-Ha! Now I get it! They must have misidentified Trump for you in regards to pee-pee tape. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

I archive PizzaGateโ€™s archive offline and fully aware of PG. ๐Ÿ‘

Blacksmith21 ago

Thank you!

I've tried for 2 years to rally people to come up with a backup position if we ever were shut down here. The last I heard was @jesus on Twitter. Not that I'm religious at all, but because it had so many followers that it could withstand any ban except a Twitter shutdown.

Hopefully there are hidden mirrors for Voat backup. I backup what I can, but I'm pretty sure files backed up on a major cloud provider aren't immune to "sudden corruption".

Blacksmith21 ago

It's a known Commie hotspot.

sunshine702 ago

Woops. Yes correct.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I believe she got charged with human trafficking in Columbus, Ohio while doing some dance pole work.

eronburr ago

She has connections to NXIVM and tweeted about being initiated into a cult. It's been known she wasn't innocent.

iamthecircus ago

Birds of a satanic pedophile std cult flock together

EyeOfHorus ago

Madeleine Albright posed with Hillary and a "girl lover" symbol there. Check out Albright's connection to Rice and Brzezinski. Who's who of secret (((org))). https://www.bitchute.com/video/mjkdIInEI6zg/

derram ago

https://archive.fo/htKoa :

Stormy Daniels won't let a state funeral get in her way as she comes to DC for a book-signing, shows | Daily Mail Online

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