ArtistiqueJewelry ago

As you will recall this involved the Special Procedures Group approved by Truman in 1947. Now being cancelled out by what is in the NSC 10/2

Effectively by 1948, this directive allowed Truman's approval of the Office of Special Projects involving

George Kennan, who was considered the key figure behind this Office of Special Projects. Remember that within just a short time from June to September of that year, it was renamed Office of Policy Coordination, due to anticipated public speculation. Why would they be concerned about this?

It is important to note that though he was an advocate of a policy of containment of Soviet expansion during the Cold War on which he later reversed himself.

In the 1940's, Truman through his writings had inspired the Truman Doctrine and US foreign policy of containment concerning the Soviet Union.

According to Wikipedia,

His "Long Telegram" from Moscow during 1946 and the subsequent 1947 article "The Sources of Soviet Conduct" argued that the Soviet regime was inherently expansionist and that its influence had to be "contained" in areas of vital strategic importance to the United States. These texts provided justification for the Truman administration's new anti-Soviet policy. Kennan played a major role in the development of definitive Cold War programs and institutions, notably the Marshall Plan.

Then, after his ideas and concepts became US policy and began to criticize those very same policies.

Keenan never gave up criticizing those policies which the government under these "Special Projects went ahead and carried out, though he criticized them from 1948 until the year he died in 2005.

prior to the end of 1948, Kennan became confident that positive dialogue could commence with the Soviet government. His proposals were discounted by the Truman administration and Kennan's influence was marginalized, particularly after Dean Acheson was appointed Secretary of State in 1949. Soon thereafter, U.S. Cold War strategy assumed a more assertive and militaristic quality, causing Kennan to lament about what he believed was an abrogation of his previous assessments.

In 1950, Kennan left the Department of State—except for two brief ambassadorial stints in Moscow and Yugoslavia—and became a realist critic of U.S. foreign policy. He continued to analyze international affairs as a faculty member of the Institute for Advanced Study from 1956 until his death in 2005 at age 101.

With someone so willing to make such criticisms of his own ideas, why do you suppose Truman, the CIA and other government officials doggedly carried out even more aggressive plans? What could be the purpose if the Soviet Union was indeed up for negotiation?

Interesting the Cold War agenda was pushed after viewing the following document

Notice the wording from Office of Reports and Estimations

Doc pg1 Soviet tactics Internal Affairs

Doc page 2 Here

Doc page 3 Here

Doc page 4 Here

Doc page 5 Here

Interesting that a more aggressive approach was taken anyhow. Also interesting to note that the United Nations was founded in 1945 and their hostility and agenda to cause Nations to view the Soviet as aggressors seeking to expand appeared to begin with a certain Rothschild being ratted out at the Congress of Vienna.

This sums some of it up from Operation Disclosure,

The Rothschilds also use their control of the Bank of England to replace the method of shipping gold from country to country and instead used their five banks spread across Europe to set up a system of paper debits and credits, the banking system of today.

By the end of this century, a period of time that was known as the, “Age of the Rothschilds,” it is estimated that the Rothschild family controlled half the wealth of the world.

However something that did not go well for the Rothschilds this year was the Congress of Vienna, which started in September, 1814 and concluded in June of this year. The reason for this Congress of Vienna, was for the Rothschilds to create a form of world government, to give them complete political control over much of the civilized world.

Many of the European governments were in debt to the Rothschilds, so they figured they could use that as a bargaining tool. However the Tsar Alexander I of Russia, who had not succumbed to a Rothschild central bank, would not go along with the plan, so the Rothschild world government plan failed.

Enraged by this, Nathan Mayer Rothschild swore that some day he or his descendants would destroy the Tsar Alexander I’s entire family and descendants. Unfortunately he was true to his word and 102 years later Rothschild funded Bolsheviks would act upon that promise.

To see more about the Rothschilds you can go here

I'm working on another story which gives the layout of the last Czar's take down. The family executed took away the structure of the Russians government all because of Rothschild seeking to carry out his vengeance. This upsetting of governments seems to be a far sweeping agenda which continued into the Obama years.

Fast forward to modern times where Putin disdains the NWO and is outspoken about the pedophile problem in the US so the Russians do not adopt their children out to America and now all you hear about once again is how horrible Putin is and blaming Russia for all the globalists feel has gone awry. Very reminiscent of Exactly what was going on during the period of the Cold War and those trying to further tensions and orchestrate fear, doubt and uncertainty.

Who always makes money on FUD? Who has padded their pockets some for centuries and others for decades off of this?

Now back to Meyer. During the Cold War, with Soviet Union and United States were using media companies to influence public opinion on global scale.

Reporter/author Deborah Davis wrote a biography of Katharine Graham in which she linked the CIA being able to run Project Mockingbird through the Washington Post, which was owned by Katharine.

Short run down of Katharine Graham. Came from a wealthy family. Her father was a financier, ( is that another name for orchestrator) who bought the Washington Post in 1933 at a Bankruptcy auction. Likely more could be gained by digging into who owned it prior, and what forced them into this opportunity for Katharine's father.

Her mother was a reporter at a time when women were considered not generally involved in journalism. Parents owned affluent homes in both New York and Washington D.C. They socialized with leaders like the Roosevelts, scientists like Einstein, Marie Curie and were involved with said influencers socializing and working so much, Katharine was raised mainly by governesses and nannies.

Katharine married Philip Graham who went to Harvard Law School and clerked for a Supreme Court Justice named Felix Frankfurter who was originally from Vienna, Austria (part of Austria-Hungary back then).

It is important to note this influential justice enjoyed while growing up, attending political lectures, usually on subjects such as trade unionism, socialism and communism.

He attended Harvard Law and impressed the faculty so much, they used a donation from financier (these people are everywhere) to create a position for him there where he taught administrative and some criminal law. Isn't it nice to have connections, or is it?

As you will recall, Jacob Schiff was integral with the Rothschilds. In my steemit article link a referred to earlier is this piece of research.

In 1785, Mayer moved his entire family to a five story dwelling he shared with the Schiff family. The Schiff house was known as the Green Shield. In 1865 The Schiffs' not-yet-born grandson Jacob would move to New York and in 1917 become the mastermind behind the funding of the Bolshevik Revolution. This action would successfully instate communism as a major world movement, which was, (and still is), a basic tenet of the Illuminati and their collectivist agenda, (but more Jacob Schiff and the Illuminati agenda later). From this point on the Rothschilds and the Schiffs would play a central role in the rest of European financial history, and subsequently that of the United States and the world.

Back to Supreme Court Justice Frankfurter, whom Philip Graham clerked for. Frankfurter along with fellow professor James M. Landis, advocated judicial restraint in dealing with government misdeeds, including greater freedom for administrative agencies from judicial oversight.

His activities led the public to view him as a radical lawyer and supporter of radical principles. Former President Theodore Roosevelt accused him of being "engaged in excusing men precisely like the Bolsheviki in Russia."

Frankfurter helped found the American Civil Liberties Union. Perhaps I should have started with that to give the picture of his ideology. Frankfurter successfully recommended many bright young lawyers toward public service with the New Deal administration; they became known as "Felix's Happy Hot Dogs." My summary of this group is. . .a great deal of progressives bent on radicalism in places of power, prestige and influence.

Back to Philip Graham. He helped turned the Washington Post, which back then was under the news media conglomerate the Washington Post Company, now known as Graham Holdings. An interesting concept as he set the foundation and a far reaching platform for Operation Mockingbird. Cont. comments

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

  1. He did time in the Army Air Corp and by 1945 was an Intelligence Officer of the Far East Air Force. So you are getting the idea of all the cross over of those in places of influence. Philip's family had long been involved in government. Father was a senator and half brother both a governor and senator.

I give you this history because it is Very Important.

The history of Graham Holdings Company dates back to 1877, when the Post was first published. The Washington Post Company was incorporated in the District of Columbia in 1889, and remained a District of Columbia corporation until it changed its place of incorporation to Delaware in 2003. It is a public company and its Class B common stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol GHC; it went public in 1971.

Descendants of the late Eugene Meyer (including Chairman and CEO Donald E. Graham, his sister Lally Weymouth, and the beneficiaries of various family trusts) collectively control the company through their ownership of the unlisted Class A common stock that selects 70% of the company's board of directors. As of 2014, it forms more than 90% of the family's assets. Prior to 2014, Berkshire Hathaway was a substantial holder of the public Class B common stock that selects 30% of the company's board of directors, but exchanged most of that stock for WPLG-TV, one of Graham Holdings' television stations, and other assets, in 2014.

On August 5, 2013 it was announced that the Washington Post Company would sell the flagship newspaper for $250 million to Jeff Bezos, founder and chief executive of The Washington Post Company agreed to adopt a new corporate name once the sale was finalized. It adopted Graham Holdings Company as the new name effective November 29, 2013. was not involved in the sale. Nash Holdings LLC, a company owned by Bezos, closed the purchase of the newspaper and affiliated publications on October 1, 2013. Graham Holdings Company retained ownership of WaPo Labs, its technology innovation group, since rebranded as Trove.

Nash Holdings LLC is Jeff Bezos private investment firm which was set up in 2013, the same year he bought Wapo for $250 million.

Since 1950, the company had been based in the Washington Post building in Washington, D.C., which was sold off separately in 2014. Its new headquarters are at 1300 North 17th Street in Arlington, Virginia.

Why do I go down this rabbit hole? As my critics always say. . .why can't I stay on topic? Watch closely and keep searching, even beyond my rabbit holes and you will see This Is on Topic, the topic certain people don't want You to know about.

In 2014, Tim O'Shaughnessy joined GHC as president, the founder of LivingSocial and a son-in-law of CEO Don Graham. Tim O'Shaughnessy became CEO in November 2015. Tim O'Shaughnessy also the Laura O'Shaughnessy listed as CEO of Social Code LLC Social Code states this on their site,

Social Code LLC provides media services. The Company offers advertising analytics, data science and research, marketing, and communication services. Social Code serves customers in the United States.

And this on a newly acquired site, Social Code decodes human needs to deliver actionable insights from consumer data on advertising platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat. SocialCode is the only major social marketing platform that combines automation with a strategic solutions group. That’s why marketers like Heineken®, Nestle, Capital One, Reckitt Benckiser, and Visa trust SocialCode to know what to do now and what to do next. Visit to learn more.

The bigger take away Is President and CEO of GHC are also Advisors of Social Code LLC Donald Graham once held a position at Facebook as the lead independent director of Facebook's board of directors. And of course with keeping it in the family, the Graham Holdings WaPo, Bezos type of family Laura, Tim O'Shaughnessy's wife is CEO of Social Code LLC who just acquired an Amazon Sales Acceleration Sales Agency

Collusion anyone? I would say this is why they have collusion on the brain. Master manipulators and orchestrators sure do seem to keep it in the family!

Another crossover was in 2012 where

SocialCode, the leading social marketing solutions provider, today announced that Bill Masterson, formerly a Sales Director at Facebook, has been named Chief Revenue Officer to generate new growth following the company’s strongest performance to date in 2012 with an 88 percent increase in yearly gross revenue.

As CRO, Masterson will continue the growth of SocialCode’s social ad buying & intelligence technology platform. SocialCode provides best-in-class social marketing services and analytics across Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and other leading social media platforms for a growing number of top digital advertisers nationwide. Masterson brings to SocialCode over 15 years of experience in sales management, team building and partner development. At Facebook, he led a top-performing sales team working with Fortune 100 brands to create custom social experiences. Previously, Masterson built and ran the sales organization at Clickable as VP of Sales and oversaw the direct sales efforts for Google’s Commerce and Analytics team.

This is what is stated on their site,

SocialCode is a Facebook Marketing Partner and Twitter Marketing Platform Partner that provides social advertising technology and managed service.

Acquired MarketPlace, a Cleveland-based leading Amazon sales acceleration agency. With a proven capability on most of the major social platforms, including Facebook, Google and YouTube, SocialCode is accelerating its Amazon offering with this acquisition.

Really cozy as they can relate to the ideals and political views as seen in their statement,

MPS will operate as a business unit within SocialCode for customers that want to run Amazon and other marketplaces (Walmart/ alongside social. The two companies will also integrate campaign reporting so customers can have a true cross platform view of their campaigns.

SocialCode is involved virtually everywhere. Headquartered in D.C., but offices in integral places like, New York, Chicago, Texas, California just to name a few. An officer contact is listed for an Arlington, VA location named Veronica Dillon and the company listed as

a California Foreign Limited-Liability Company filed on November 21, 2014 address Registered agent on file is C T Corporation System Mailing address is mailing address is 1133 15th Street Nw 9th Fl, Washington, DC 20005

Social Code LLC involved in many sectors. Media buying, social platforms, Digital Advertising, hands in Super Bowl advertisers, Shopping platforms.

Good thing they had LivingSocial back in the day aggressively acquire all of those companies listed in this article prior to dumping everything. And surprise, there was a hack prior to unloading and going downhill! Yikes!

As you will recall, I mention Tim O'Shaughnessy was one of the creators of LivingSocial. So that works out for the Graham family fingers in virtually every sector of the pie. What influence they must have. . .er, have had all along!

Donald Graham also served in Vietnam "he worked as an information specialist with the 1st Cavalry Division in Vietnam from 1967 to 1968." From January 1969 to June 1970, Graham joined the Washington Metropolitan Police Department as a patrolman and was sent to the Ninth Precinct in Northeast Washington.

Donald is on the board of the District of Columbia College Access Program and a trustee of the Federal City Council in Washington, D.C. ( a501c3 so that's helpful in promoting elitist wealth) Graham was also formerly a member of the board of directors of the Summit Fund of Washington.

The Summit Fund of Washington states this under it's description,


Co-founder Victoria Sant listed under this Co-Founder at The Summit Charitable Foundation, Inc.

VICTORIA P. SANT is the cofounder and president of The Summit Foundation. The foundation provides support for international empowerment of girls and reproductive health initiatives, the conservation of the Mesoamerican Reef ecosystem, and Sustainable Cities. From 1993 to March 2015, Sant was the cofounder and president of the former Summit Fund of Washington, which focused its efforts on improving the health and sustainability of the Anacostia River and preventing teen pregnancy in the District of Columbia. Sant has been a member of the board of trustees of the National Gallery of Art since 2000

Sant is also an Advisory Council member for Stanford Center on Longevity

M. Charito Kruvant Co-Founder at Creative Associates International, Inc. which is clearly a "global connections hub."

Max N. Berry Co-Founder at Nantucket Preservation Trust

This gives you an idea of who they hob nob with and support. This from a newswire on their page.

PR Newswire April 22, 2015 American Academy of Arts and Sciences Elects National and International Scholars, Artists, Philanthropists, and Business and Civic Leaders: The 2015 class includes Pulitzer Prize-winner Holland Cotter, singer-songwriter Judy Collins, Nike co-founder Philip Knight, Nobel Prize-winner Brian Kobilka, Tony Award-winner Audra McDonald, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, and novelist Tom Wolfe.

PR Newswire April 22, 2015 American Academy of Arts and Sciences Elects National and International Scholars, Artists, Philanthropists, and Business and Civic Leaders: The 2015 class includes Pulitzer Prize-winner Holland Cotter, singer-songwriter Judy Collins, Nike co-founder Philip Knight, Nobel Prize-winner Brian Kobilka, Tony Award-winner Audra McDonald, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, and novelist Tom Wolfe.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

  1. This seems to be the mother of all foundations, well at least for the capital area. . .in D.C. The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region is the largest funder of nonprofit organizations in the Washington region. We house and manage more than 800 charitable giving funds, each one unique in its focus and impact. We also work to make our community a place where equity, access and opportunity are available to all.

He is also an invitee of the Bilderberg Group and attended conference meetings in Greece 2009, and Spain 2010.

Isn't it a small world?

LivingSocial also has a connection with Facebook and co-founded by Tim O'Shaughnessy. LivingSocial was founded as Hungry Machine in 2007 by four employees from Revolution Health Group.[9] The company's first major application was their Visual Bookshelf application on Facebook which allowed users to catalog and share their favorite books with friends.

In 2012, the Government of the District of Columbia offered the company a number of tax breaks and incentives to open offices and hire workers in Washington, DC. However, a year later the company did not reach the size it needed to be for the tax breaks to kick in, as it had begun laying off workers and subleased offices it purchased earlier.[16] It also announced it was changing its focus from daily deals to a website and mobile app.

In 2013 it was announced that LivingSocial's database had been hacked, affecting 50 million registered users. The announcement stated that credit card information was stored in a separate database and was not compromised, but that user information including passwords, previously encrypted by LivingSocial as a precaution, had been exposed.

In November 2013, LivingSocial's website went down for nearly 48 hours after a database error.

Interesting as by 2014 it laid off 400 employees and in 2015, laid off 200 putting it at about 800 employees, down from a peak of 4,500 in 2011. In 2016, it laid off half of its remaining workforce.

The Washington Post reported that its growth and subsequent decline was similar to AOL's, and that many laid off or departed workers formed new tech companies in LivingSocial's home city of Washington, DC.

November 2010, LivingSocial bought $5 million controlling stake in Australian social shopping site Jump On It. In March 2012, LivingSocial purchased Jump On it for $40 million.

In January 2011, LivingSocial acquired a majority stake in LetsBonus, which now operates in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia and Mexico.

Launched in September 2009 in Barcelona, LetsBonus was an early operator of a collective buying service in Europe, particularly in the Spanish market. It sold LetsBonus in 2015.

In March 2011, LivingSocial acquired InfoEther, a Ruby/Rails consultancy. Ruby on Rails is the framework upon which LivingSocial runs.

In June 2011, Dubai Based GoNabit, an Arabic website for daily deals, was acquired by LivingSocial. GoNabit operates in the UAE, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan, and claims to have saved consumers more than $5m in 2010-2011.

June 2011, LivingSocial acquired DealKeren, which offers daily deals in Indonesia, and its parent company Ensogo, which offer daily deals in Thailand and the Philippines. Officially launched in June 2010, Ensogo currently has more than 800,000 members. Ensogo is backed by Rebate Networks, an international venture capital group specializing in social commerce.

In August 2011, LivingSocial acquired TicketMonster for $350 million. TicketMonster is one of the largest daily deal sites in South Korea and has an annualized run rate of $800 million in billings. In November 2013, LivingSocial sold TicketMonster to Groupon for $260 million.

In April 2012, ONOSYS, a mobile and online ordering provider, was acquired by LivingSocial. ONOSYS operates in Cleveland, Ohio, and services over 75 restaurant chains including Papa John's Pizza International Inc., Panera Bread, and Applebee's International Inc.

Many of these acquisitions have since been sold of course as they have run the course in setting the foundation for bigger fish to fry.

In October 2016, Groupon Inc. purchased LivingSocial for an undisclosed amount.[39] The Washington Post later reported this amount was $0. Groupon began laying off all remaining employees and closed the LivingSocial D.C. office.

Do you find this interesting? From researching, Amazon had at least a 30% stake in LivingSocial

Once again Graham, Philip that is who helped the Washington Post grow from a struggling local paper to a national publication and the Post Company expand to own other newspapers as well as radio and television stations.

That is until he "committed suicide" and they were quick to claim he had bipolar disease. Good thing he led them All to victory well before his suicidal tendencies! Sadly, their son was claimed to have been taken by suicide also years later. He worked as an attorney for a D.C. firm.

It is also interesting to note that in 1962 on Christmas Eve of that year, Katharine found out her husband was having an affair with Robin Webb, an Australian stringer for Newsweek. Philip declared that he would divorce Katharine for Robin, and he made motions to divide up the couple's assets.

At a newspaper conference in Phoenix, Arizona, Philip was to have had a nervous breakdown. They "put him under sedation" and flew him back to Washington. Philip was placed in the Chestnut Lodge psychiatric facility in nearby Rockville. Then the situation was taken care of, as by August 3, 1963, he committed suicide with a shotgun at the couple's "Glen Welby" estate near Marshall in the Virginia horse country. (One of their sons met a similar fate.)

So Katharine took over as de facto publisher. Prior to this, she and Philip had been socialists in the D.C. social scene much in the same way as her parents. The Grahams were known friends of LBJ and the President Kennedy.

Interestingly enough, the said to be liaison between the CIA and WaPo, Cord Meyer also knew the Kennedy's. It was known that Cord Meyer's wife, Mary had an affair with President John F. Kennedy.

Mary was murdered along the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. After the murder, an executive editor of WaPo caught Angleton (the counter intelligence chief Cord was friends with) breaking into Mary's then residence (Cord and Mary were already divorced.).

Meyer was also CIA station chief in London from 1973-1976.

Important notations concerning Katharine,

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

4) Ran WaPo when they unveiled the Watergate Conspiracy that led to Nixon resigning. In November 1988, in the middle of the Iran–Contra affair, Graham said in a speech to the senior CIA employees: "We live in a dirty and dangerous world. There are some things the general public does not need to know, and shouldn't. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows.

Interesting and I would say apt if you understand some of the elitists she was close to like the Rockefeller family. She served both as a member of the Rockefeller University council and as a close friend of the Museum of Modern Art, where she was honored as a recipient of the David Rockefeller Award for enlightened generosity and advocacy of cultural and civic endeavor.

In 2002, Katharine Graham was presented, posthumously, with the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President George W. Bush.

And of course she is a hero and stalwart among Hollywood elites and idols such as Meryl Streep in the Steven Spielberg film The Post. Streep was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress (among other awards) for her work.

Isn't it quite cozy how they pay homage to one another as they All Work towards the Very Same Goal and even Tell us what they are up to!

Just as when she said once again, "There are some things the general public does not need to know, and shouldn't. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows."

Do you like this self appointed attitude of a media company deciding whether You get to hear information or not? Why do They Appoint Themselves as the Gatekeepers of Our information?

Didn't they imply they had a duty to the public? They have made a mockery and sideshow of that duty!

As President Trump has said, the will "Lie, lie, lie then Do Whatever it takes. . ."* . Have we not seen this fulfilled even in modern times day after day, event upon event? They twist, they lie, the rephrase to suite their own selfish political agenda. No More!

Turn the All Off! Enough is enough!

Let's go back to the ideology that helped usher in their justification of Operation Mockingbird

Point 5 of the NSC 10/2 defined the scope of "covert operations", which would be overseen by the OPC:

As used in this directive, “covert operations” are understood to be all activities (except as noted herein) which are conducted or sponsored by this Government against hostile foreign states or groups or in support of friendly foreign states or groups but which are so planned and executed that any US Government responsibility for them is not evident to unauthorized persons and that if uncovered the US Government can plausibly disclaim any responsibility for them. Specifically, such operations shall include any covert activities related to: propaganda, economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrillas and refugee liberation groups, and support of indigenous anti-communist elements in threatened countries of the free world. Such operations shall not include armed conflict by recognized military forces, espionage, counter-espionage, and cover and deception for military operations. See more in this directive here

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

5) The OPC grew rapidly during the Korean War. In April 1951, President Truman established the Psychological Strategy Board in order to coordinate all US psychological warfare strategy.

Amongst the propaganda mission the psywar staff carried out was the funding of the 1954 Hollywood production of George Orwell's "Animal Farm", which should portray communist domination in an allegorical way.

According to Wikipedia,

After the death of former CIA agent and Watergate figure E. Howard Hunt in 2007, Saint John Hunt and David Hunt revealed that their father had recorded several claims about himself and others being involved in a conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy. In the April 5, 2007 issue of Rolling Stone, Saint John Hunt detailed how his father drew a diagram of the conspirators:

E. Howard scribbled the initials "LBJ," standing for Kennedy's ambitious vice president, Lyndon Johnson. Under "LBJ," connected by a line, he wrote the name Cord Meyer. Meyer was a CIA agent whose wife had an affair with JFK; later she was murdered, a case that's never been solved. Next his father connected to Meyer's name the name Bill Harvey, another CIA agent; also connected to Meyer's name was the name David Morales, yet another CIA man and a well-known, particularly vicious black-op specialist. And then his father connected to Morales' name, with a line, the framed words "French Gunman Grassy Knoll."

Many presume the "French gunman grassy knoll" was Lucien Sarti, and William Harvey. The two sons alleged that their father cut the information from his memoirs, "American Spy: My Secret History in the CIA, Watergate and Beyond", to avoid possible perjury charges. According to Hunt's widow and other children, the two sons took advantage of Hunt's loss of lucidity by coaching and exploiting him for financial gain. The Los Angeles Times said they examined the materials offered by the sons to support the story and found them to be "inconclusive."

This information surfaces in other areas,

The Rolling Stone piece fails to go after the roles of Richard Nixon and George Herbert Walker Bush. But the Hunt confession, if accurate, leads directly to them, to their lifelong associates, and all the way to the present George W. Bush administration.

A newly discovered FBI document reveals that George Bush was directly involved in the 1963 murder of President John Kennedy.

The document places **Bush working with the now-famous CIA agent, Felix Rodriguez, recruiting right-wing Cuban exiles for the invasion of Cuba. It was Bush's CIA job to organize the Cuban community in Miami for the invasion. The Cubans were trained as marksmen by the CIA. Bush at that time lived in Texas. Hopping from Houston to Miami weekly, Bush spent 1960 and '61 recruiting Cubans in Miami for the invasion. That is how he met Felix Rodriguez.

Felix Rodriquez was a former CIA Paramilitary Operations Officer. He was part of the Special Activities Division involved in the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the execution of communist revolutionary Che Guevara.

Rodriquez was connected to George H. W. Bush during the Iran–Contra affair. He is a Cuban American.

Rodriguez's family were wealthy land owners in Cuba. His uncle was minister of Public Works during the Fulgencio Batista dictatorship.

Rodriquez clandestinely entered Cuba a few weeks before the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion. Utilizing his familiarity with the country, he was able to gather critical intelligence that was used in the planning and preparation of the invasion.

During his career with the CIA he also went by the name Maximo Gomez. He was awarded the Intelligence Star for Valor by the CIA and nine Crosses for Gallantry by the South Vietnamese government.[ He was codenamed Lazarus after his survival of the Bay of Pigs invasion operation.

Concerning George Bush and the Iran-Contra affair in the 1980's. 1986 General John K. Singlaub wrote Oliver North expressing concern about Félix Rodríguez's daily contact with the Bush office and warned of damage to President Ronald Reagan.

The Walsh Report (Chapter 25) states that M. Charles Hill took notes at a meeting between George Shultz and Elliott Abrams on 16 October 1986, as follows:

Felix Rodriguez [sic] – Bush did know him from CIA days. FR [Rodriguez] is ex-CIA. In El Salv[ador] he goes around to bars saying he is buddy of Bush. A y[ea]r ago Pdx [Poindexter] & Ollie [North] told VP staff stop protecting FR as a friend – we want to get rid of him from his involvnt [sic] w[ith] private ops. Nothing was done so he still is there shooting his mouth off. (brackets are in the original) document.

This found on What Really Happened under MOCKINGBIRD: The Subversion Of The Corporate Media By The CIA

Read more: MOCKINGBIRD: The Subversion Of The Corporate Media By The CIA | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

"You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month." - CIA operative discussing with Philip Graham, editor Washington Post, on the availability and prices of journalists willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories. "Katherine The Great," by Deborah Davis (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1991)

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." -- William Colby, former CIA Director, cited by Dave Mcgowan, Derailing Democracy

"There is quite an incredible spread of relationships. You don't need to manipulate Time magazine, for example, because there are [Central Intelligence] Agency people at the management level." -- William B. Bader, former CIA intelligence officer, briefing members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, The CIA and the Media, by Carl Bernstein

"The Agency's relationship with [The New York] Times was by far its most valuable among newspapers, according to CIA officials. [It was] general Times policy ... to provide assistance to the CIA whenever possible." -- The CIA and the Media, by Carl Bernstein


An excellent video around 5 minutes. You won't be sorry you watched this! You're Witnessing the Largest Mass Treason Event in History

Now I ask you those questions from the very beginning.

  • Should Anyone be appointed the Gatekeepers of our information and news?

  • Does the media have the right whether with or without the help of the CIA to control the news?

  • Does the media help themselves and a globalist agenda that pays them, or are they servants to the public?

Please let me know in the comments. Godspeed Fellow Patriots! Stay alert, stay together and keep praying!

Nahkriin ago

A damn long read but worth every word. Great work with this, it must have taken quite some time to put it all together.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Went back made corrections in my original article which is on a platform I receive a lot of hate over. I guess people think I'm buying steemit trinkets with the minute sum steemit pennies. Don't even have a crypto account so wouldn't know how to trade my pittance.

You have to be popular like others are on here who blatantly make money, some of the mods even donate to them. . .but attackers are allowed to run amuck falsely accusing me. Ahh, neither here no there. Was told this would happen so it's the status quo.

All of that nonsense to explain why I just can't go in here to make corrections and add some additional info where pertinent. I have to work like all the Truly Good people on here. I don't sell merch either like some even the mods donate to. I make my own money Independent of Truth Research because this is info MSM should have been providing for Free. So I'll do their job they get paid high salaries for Not Doing. . .I'll do it for Free! All while many on this platform attack.

There are some good out there, so I haven't given up, but have found far more non-haters elsewhere.

I can't go in here to this post because it's so long, but now I have to write another piece which of course directly links ole Barry to these scoundrels. Always involved in the digital scene and media groups. I realize All who are Awake know this, but it's interesting to see the Direct Links and connectors they cannot deny!

Time after time they use their "venture capital firms" to do start-ups, make their money, have hacks, company crumbles just as they send some from their current company over to a new start up. You can trace all the connections of the analytical companies, their platforms to media groups and as one would suspect their 501c3 fronts that simply allow them more funding under we do "philanthropic work" .

Right. . .philanthropy to ultimately serve themselves and their seed!

Sorry, just felt like venting. As Q says. . .these people are sick.

What a tangled web they weave!

Anyhow, will post added info in another post later as this one is insanely long, but can't win with the voat attackers who generally are sheltered. They told me if I dropped the link because there is a limit to characters that I just wanted more votes. Ha, have you seen my score? This voat group doesn't even count all my upvotes, I saw that was a sham at the beginning so certainly not here for votes.

They accused me of what they do. Well, that is one of the Rules for Radicals after all.

Anyhow, thanks for letting me vent. Back to work. Their attacks clearly are for the sake of drama and distractions.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Boy was it long! You are so right. Would have broken it into more articles, but everything belongs together.
I'm only on 75 tweets on along twitter thread. They wouldn't let me add to the initial 25 for the longest time. I figured they didn't like the psychological warfare stuff. Got it go last night and just going to have to create a new thread to finish or get halfway through today.

Keenan was the big one for me.

Poor Philip Graham didn't stand a chance against Katharine's ambitions, probably especially once fed up with him.

Of course they herald her a big hero, I guess she did help them accomplish a Great deal. Katharine the Great indeed!

Xenophobic ago

I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind - JFK

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

That group with all it's different names, self appointments and justifications to literally wreak havoc everywhere! Wish he could have gotten the job done, but look at Who and What he was up against! Every kind of evil and evil villain imaginable!

Xenophobic ago

This is literally EVIL knocking. At least I finally understand where vampires came from.