WOW! Mainstream Media had this article up tonight.
Mueller Reveals Russia Investigation Just Elaborate Sting To Nail Clinton Child Sex-Slavery Ring
‘President Trump Played His Role To Perfection,’ Special Counsel Discloses
WASHINGTON—Lauding President Trump for his invaluable role in the operation, Special Counsel Robert Mueller informed the public Wednesday that his so-called Russia investigation was in fact merely a cover for an elaborate sting to bring down the Clinton family’s child sex-slavery ring. “The Justice Department has finally been able to track down and arrest everyone associated with the Clinton Foundation’s unconscionable crimes, and it’s all thanks to President Trump agreeing to work undercover and play along with our fabricated accusations of Russian interference in the 2016 election,” said Mueller, explaining that after its agent Seth Rich was killed by the Clintons, the department recruited Trump to distract high-ranking Democrats with social media stunts, continuous denials of Russian involvement in U.S. politics, and glowing praise for Vladimir Putin. “Without the president’s help, we never would have been able to keep the guise of the ‘Russia investigation’ going long enough to launch our successful raids of Comet Ping Pong and secret locations in Haiti—efforts that ultimately brought the Clintons’ human-trafficking crimes to light. Thanks to the heroic actions of Donald Trump, we can all sleep a little more soundly tonight, knowing the world’s children are safe.” Mueller went on to thank the numerous media personalities and Republican lawmakers who first pointed out to federal investigators that the real problem lay in Hillary Clinton’s missing emails.
I just watched it and it's freaking awesome!!! You did such a great job. Wouldn't it bad ass if Trump actually began dancing like that at one of his speeches???😂😂😂😂
I had to use the dictionary to figure out what you meant lol. Did you do this on purpose? 🤔 Are you English?
Putting everything together, this is my best guess of what you mean...
“Visually, you are of immeasurable value or worth both long winded and noble woman.”
Am I correct? Do you mean because of my emojis, memes and gifs? LOL.
I have a bubbly expressive personality and laugh a lot. Just words can be boring or can be taken in a completely different way than how the other meant it.
Example... you could ask me a question and I could say “Yes!” That could be taken as me being excited. Or it could be me annoyed thinking “Yes, damn I already told you”. 🙄
Without LOL’s, emoji’s, Gifs, memes, etc.... life online would be much more boring. 😁
I think it’s so hard to show expression online without the use of something visual sometimes.
hehe I'm Australian but with English parents, so im definitely more verbose than average Aussies, who like Americans can tend to view linguistic dexterity with suspicion as a tool of class-war
There's a form of expressive femininity that we humans have only just discovered. A man might tend to use one emoji here or there. Women can throw a sequence of a dozen or so of them in a row and tell an emotive story with them. I think its absolutely delightful. And I love that you bring a kind of all-american-gal cheerleader approach to something as dark as combating human trafficking.
Browder is stuttering and stammering on Martha McCallum right now. Talking about Treason and being a patriot. He's also shaved his head - doesn't look like the Q img enlargement.
Meanwhile a Russian spy is in court today for using the NRA to get close to Republican politicians. She was in bed.....literally.... with a long term Republican Swamp creature
WASHINGTON — A conservative operative trumpeting his close ties to the National Rifle Association and Russia told a Trump campaign adviser last year that he could arrange a back-channel meeting between Donald J. Trump and Vladimir V. Putin, the Russian president, according to an email sent to the Trump campaign.
A May 2016 email to the campaign adviser, Rick Dearborn, bore the subject line “Kremlin Connection.” In it, the N.R.A. member said he wanted the advice of Mr. Dearborn and Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, then a foreign policy adviser to Mr. Trump and Mr. Dearborn’s longtime boss, about how to proceed in connecting the two leaders.
Russia, he wrote, was “quietly but actively seeking a dialogue with the U.S.” and would attempt to use the N.R.A.’s annual convention in Louisville, Ky., to make “ ‘first contact.’ ” The email, which was among a trove of campaign-related documents turned over to investigators on Capitol Hill, was described in detail to The New York Times.
"We also had a very important summit today between Presidents Medvedev and Obama. Mike McFaul from the National Security Council is here. And Mike, as you know, is a very longtime supporter of a vibrant civil society in Russia. And, as President Obama said when he met with many of you in Moscow last summer, we recognize the critical nature of civil society to a vibrant democracy ...As part of the Bilateral Presidential Commission that the two presidents established that Foreign Minister Lavrov and I are coordinating, we launched a Working Group on Civil Society. (...Spaso House Oct.)
following the U.S.-Russian Innovation Dialogue last February, Russian and American NGOs signed an MOU to promote the Text4Baby model, which uses mobile service technology to provide health information to pregnant women and new mothers.
We have a dedicated group inside the State Department focused on how to use technology in the 21st century. We call it 21st Century Statecraft. I saw Jared Cohen when I came in. I don’t know if Alec Ross is here or not. But who else is – anybody else here from your team, Jared? We have a great team of really dedicated young people – primarily young people – who care deeply about connecting people up. And I’m very proud of the work they’re doing. They have been everywhere from Mexico to the Democratic Republic of Congo to Syria to Russia, and every place in between. And we want to be a facilitator to help empower you in this area.
In one of my early discussions with Minister Lavrov, he said, well, you know, we don’t like it when you have so many NGOs coming to Russia. And I said, well, send Russian NGOs to the United States. (Laughter.) We’ll be happy to have them. And I really mean that. I think the more exchange and the more – (applause) – cross-fertilization the better.
"President Obama was right to identify the U.S.-Russia relationship as an early
priority of his administration’s foreign policy. The potential benefits of reduced
tensions and enhanced cooperation between Moscow and Washington are im-
It's kind of amazing how Russia pulled off the feat of having Americans who call themselves patriotic support Russian subversion of America/democracy/rule of law.
It's going to be something when they write the history books.
Remeber cabal wants one world goverment. Disarmed peasantry and only one cabal based religion. Their will be major purges of useless democrat bottom feeders and right wing non conformists. Unless antifa proves it self totally compliant and useful they will be purged with us.
My point is Putin and trump are no boy scouts but their worst sins will be mere dust in the air compared to the wildfire cabal and their army of social scientists have planned for us.
Fucking hilarious. Lovin this. I can't wait till every last fucking nay sayer and their arrogant smug cliques get owned watching Obama, Killary, and all their corrupt cronies go down.
QisforQuakery ago
WOW! Mainstream Media had this article up tonight.
Mueller Reveals Russia Investigation Just Elaborate Sting To Nail Clinton Child Sex-Slavery Ring
‘President Trump Played His Role To Perfection,’ Special Counsel Discloses
WASHINGTON—Lauding President Trump for his invaluable role in the operation, Special Counsel Robert Mueller informed the public Wednesday that his so-called Russia investigation was in fact merely a cover for an elaborate sting to bring down the Clinton family’s child sex-slavery ring. “The Justice Department has finally been able to track down and arrest everyone associated with the Clinton Foundation’s unconscionable crimes, and it’s all thanks to President Trump agreeing to work undercover and play along with our fabricated accusations of Russian interference in the 2016 election,” said Mueller, explaining that after its agent Seth Rich was killed by the Clintons, the department recruited Trump to distract high-ranking Democrats with social media stunts, continuous denials of Russian involvement in U.S. politics, and glowing praise for Vladimir Putin. “Without the president’s help, we never would have been able to keep the guise of the ‘Russia investigation’ going long enough to launch our successful raids of Comet Ping Pong and secret locations in Haiti—efforts that ultimately brought the Clintons’ human-trafficking crimes to light. Thanks to the heroic actions of Donald Trump, we can all sleep a little more soundly tonight, knowing the world’s children are safe.” Mueller went on to thank the numerous media personalities and Republican lawmakers who first pointed out to federal investigators that the real problem lay in Hillary Clinton’s missing emails.
srayzie ago
It’s fake. It’s feommThe Onion. A satire news site.
srayzie ago
Oh wow! 😮 I need to go find that.
MolochHunter ago
wow, Putin sure is acting fast - the ink isnt even dry on the Mutual Swamp Draining agreement he & Trump signed
srayzie ago
I know! 😂🤣
MolochHunter ago
you drain my swamp, baby, I'll drain yours
srayzie ago
Oh my 😉
MolochHunter ago
lol ur such a gif ninja
srayzie ago
Did you see who I got to dance with? 😮
Shizy ago
Shake it don't break it girlfriend 🤣
srayzie ago
LOL. Did you see the sexy Trump music video I made??
Shizy ago
I just watched it and it's freaking awesome!!! You did such a great job. Wouldn't it bad ass if Trump actually began dancing like that at one of his speeches???😂😂😂😂
srayzie ago
I would die 🤣😂 The feminists would FLIP!
Shizy ago
Yet secretly they would be lusting after the sexy hunk😍
srayzie ago
Haha yep!
srayzie ago
I can say a lot more visually than I can with words.
MolochHunter ago
visually, you are inestimably both verbose and eloquent milady
srayzie ago
I had to use the dictionary to figure out what you meant lol. Did you do this on purpose? 🤔 Are you English?
Putting everything together, this is my best guess of what you mean...
“Visually, you are of immeasurable value or worth both long winded and noble woman.”
Am I correct? Do you mean because of my emojis, memes and gifs? LOL.
I have a bubbly expressive personality and laugh a lot. Just words can be boring or can be taken in a completely different way than how the other meant it.
Example... you could ask me a question and I could say “Yes!” That could be taken as me being excited. Or it could be me annoyed thinking “Yes, damn I already told you”. 🙄
Without LOL’s, emoji’s, Gifs, memes, etc.... life online would be much more boring. 😁
I think it’s so hard to show expression online without the use of something visual sometimes.
Does it annoy you?
MolochHunter ago
hehe I'm Australian but with English parents, so im definitely more verbose than average Aussies, who like Americans can tend to view linguistic dexterity with suspicion as a tool of class-war
There's a form of expressive femininity that we humans have only just discovered. A man might tend to use one emoji here or there. Women can throw a sequence of a dozen or so of them in a row and tell an emotive story with them. I think its absolutely delightful. And I love that you bring a kind of all-american-gal cheerleader approach to something as dark as combating human trafficking.
What can I say? Yer a peach.
srayzie ago
Well thank you! 🍑
think- ago
@MolochHunter, are you flirting? LOL
@srayzie @Shizy @bopper
MolochHunter ago
srayzie ago
Why did you tell on us? 😂
MolochHunter ago
oh no @Shizy @bopper
bopper ago
think- ago
MolochHunter ago
yer me n Srayzie been sweet on each other for a bit now
she has gifs she only lets me see ;)
think- ago
I knew it... ;-) :-)
@srayzie @bopper
srayzie ago
He doesn’t mean privately lol. Everything is public and all in fun.
srayzie ago
I have very nice gifs too :)
MolochHunter ago
you certainly do
theyve led my imagination to produce some pretty hard memes
think- ago
Gosh, @srayzie, you should maybe label this thread NSFW, LOL. ;-)
@bopper @srayzie
srayzie ago
Those are the best kinds. I love hard memes.
MolochHunter ago
lol i told u we need to find a darker, quieter sub 4 this, now the lads r onto us
srayzie ago
Shizy ago
Yes, please, get a room you two 😂😂😂 @MolochHunter
srayzie ago
MolochHunter ago
@Shizy you wouldnt be OP blocking me wouldja ?
Shizy ago
Hahaha😂😂! No way!!!
srayzie ago
Or maybe @Think- 🤔
think- ago
LOL - my shades are more stylish! ;-P
No, of course I wouldn't block you, @MolochHunter and @srayzie....this would deprive us of the fun watching you two! ;-)
@bopper @Shizy
Blacksmith21 ago
Browder is stuttering and stammering on Martha McCallum right now. Talking about Treason and being a patriot. He's also shaved his head - doesn't look like the Q img enlargement.
o0shad0o ago
US has no extradition agreement with Russia, so unfortunately Russia won't get 'em.
That doesn't mean they can't give the evidence to the US, since it broke US laws as well.
lord_nougat ago
Aw MAN!! It's hyperbole, Putin didn't really drop a bomb on him. I am so disappoint!
Are_we__sure ago
Meanwhile a Russian spy is in court today for using the NRA to get close to Republican politicians. She was in bed.....literally.... with a long term Republican Swamp creature
In 2016 the Swamp Creature told the Trump team he had a back channel to Putin they could use.
o0shad0o ago
Because the NRA is a vital part of the US government and has all sorts of top-secret information.
Are_we__sure ago
You can read my response again and see if your strawman holds any water.
In fact, you should read up about how spies recruit assets. As I said,
and it worked
srayzie ago
How come you keep avoiding my question about your view of Hillary Clinton?
srayzie ago
EricKaliberhall ago
400 миллионов долларов...
Are_we__sure ago
off by a factor of 1,000 and false.
dooob ago
So Mueller wants some Russians and Russia wants some Americans. Perfect position for an exchange.
kestrel9 ago
Blast to the Ghost of Hillary's 2010 Russian Christmas Past:
"We also had a very important summit today between Presidents Medvedev and Obama. Mike McFaul from the National Security Council is here. And Mike, as you know, is a very longtime supporter of a vibrant civil society in Russia. And, as President Obama said when he met with many of you in Moscow last summer, we recognize the critical nature of civil society to a vibrant democracy ...As part of the Bilateral Presidential Commission that the two presidents established that Foreign Minister Lavrov and I are coordinating, we launched a Working Group on Civil Society. (...Spaso House Oct.) INDISPENSABLE INSTITUTIONS The Obama-Medvedev Commission and Five Decades of U.S.-Russia Dialogue
"President Obama was right to identify the U.S.-Russia relationship as an early priority of his administration’s foreign policy. The potential benefits of reduced tensions and enhanced cooperation between Moscow and Washington are im- mense…"
Are_we__sure ago
It's kind of amazing how Russia pulled off the feat of having Americans who call themselves patriotic support Russian subversion of America/democracy/rule of law.
It's going to be something when they write the history books.
Oh_Well_ian ago
HW Bush killed JFK
W Bush killed 3000 Americans on 9/11
tell us more about subversion, Traitor
Are_we_sure ago
You a MIHOP or LIHOP guy?
ProgNaziGator ago
Remeber cabal wants one world goverment. Disarmed peasantry and only one cabal based religion. Their will be major purges of useless democrat bottom feeders and right wing non conformists. Unless antifa proves it self totally compliant and useful they will be purged with us.
My point is Putin and trump are no boy scouts but their worst sins will be mere dust in the air compared to the wildfire cabal and their army of social scientists have planned for us.
Shizy ago
And that's why I support Trump!
And after seeing Putins shirtless horseback riding photos, I couldn't help but want to root for him too 😘
srayzie ago
At least someone is finally trying!
srayzie ago
He’s killing me lol
2 world leaders are trolling the Cabal! 😂🤣😂🙄
anotherdream ago
Fucking hilarious. Lovin this. I can't wait till every last fucking nay sayer and their arrogant smug cliques get owned watching Obama, Killary, and all their corrupt cronies go down.
srayzie ago
Me too! Omg I’m loving it.
srayzie ago
Lol. This needs to be made into some sort of meme...
Any ideas?
TheKid69 ago
you of all people cant have "meme block"
srayzie ago
I’m terrible at coming up with the message! 😂